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Status Replies posted by Flying

  1. Is it just me or has anybody else not been getting status update notifications since the website updated? I can't tell if people are just unusually silent right now or if I'm just not getting notifications 😅

  2. For this Shardversary I wanted to do something different. So, I decided to post a status update during my Hebrew calendar Shardversary instead of the Gregorian one! I had to check it, since I didn't bother noting the day back then, but it's not that hard to keep track of. I would say, though, that it surprised me a little.

    You see, this is my third year here - the amount of time @Tesh was here when I've joined, meaning she just doubled it about a month ago. Anyway, it's not hard to realize this was during the pandemic. But, unlike what you may have thought, it was after quarantine basically ended for me - a month or so after I've returned to my Yeshivah, to studying in capsules. This leads me to a short digression about my Sanderson history, which I probably mentioned in the past.

    My older brother recommended Sanderson to me when I was somewhere in the middle of high school. I honestly don't remember the exact time. I can tell that I've first read Elantris a tad over four years ago, and it led to me reading both Mistborn and Stormlight (I think), but I was done with that quickly. And it actually wasn't my first Sanderson book - but I'm digressing from my digression.

    Anyway, through the year between reading the entire published Cosmere and me signing up to the Shard, I had precisely one person to talk about the Cosmere to. And it became clear pretty quickly that he did not share my enthusiasm. This is nothing all that new; as a matter of fact, my family having trouble dealing with my rambles and rants was an issue for years, and I've been lamenting over the fact no one I know has read exactly the books I have for a long time. The funny part is, during quarantine my sisters bought and read the entire Mistborn trilogy... But they probably didn't have the patience to listen to me either. Now my sister made a presentation about Allomancy for a college assignment and needed my expertise, so ha to that! Anyway, to return to the topic (again), my brother suggested that if I wanted to discuss the Cosmere with people - I should just sign up to the Shard. So I've lurked around for some time, and after some time I decided I want to sign up.

    I'm still not sure if it had the desired effect.

    Anyway, things have changed since; I'm not sure I can say that I integrated into the community or found people who enjoy my rambles and rants (you guys do seem to enjoy at least some of them, but probably not all), but it did drag me to join Discord, and gave me the idea of my reading group, and taught me a few things about the world and people. Like how people can be kind and polite in the Internet, for example.

    That's the point where I list all the people I interacted with and befriended, right? Supposedly. Well...

    I can try. But honestly, after trying to write things about people... Maybe I'll try it during my Gregorian Shardversary, maybe not. I'm not sure I can do it very well right now.

    Some of the people I'd have mentioned if I had the mind for it: @Knight of Iron, @Ixthos, @AonEne, @Ed Venture, @The Bald Brandon, @Amira, @Lego Mistborn, @ash's_eyes, @theTruthshaper and possibly a couple of others.

    Anyway, those previous three years were fun, and I hope for more good times here!

    ... Even if I'm not really active except for random posts about Judaism. I'll get around to writing my next installment in the History of Judaism essays, I just need some more resources!

    Thank you for reading, and have a good day.


    I literally thought about it that morning and then forgot.


    At least I remembered today. :P 

    So... It's been six years now. 

    That's crazy.

    I was in sixth grade then (no one found out, it's fine) and now I'm about to graduate and go to college.

    This community and these books have had such a huge impact on me. I talked quite a bit about that when I posted my Sanderversary so this time I'm going to mention some specific people.

    @The Awakened Salad You are the best half of STAELSAHD, the best leader of The Awakened Salad Co, and the best friend I could ask for. I wish that our time zones and schedules didn't hate each other so much so that we could talk more, but... Despite that, you're amazing. Thank you for introducing me to The Owl House and many books. When I started talking to you it was like I had finally found out what it was like to have a true friend who I genuinely feel comfortable talking to. Befriending you was the first step for me to realize that it was possible for me to actually have real friends. Thank you, thank you, thank you. (And one day I will meet you and we can watch tOH together and it will be awesome.) [insert sanderavalanche gif here]

    @AonEne ENE! The F of the FAB squad, the head of the Bene pantheon, an original member of The Knights of the Cosmere, an original member of TUBA, and now the best 17th Shard mod. (I'm not biased at all.) You're just... You're really cool? It's hard to convey how cool you are. Also you're kind of the mature one out of the three of us which is super weird but I'm also very grateful for that. You're incredibly wise, intelligent, thoughtful, nerdy, and just fun to talk to. I absolutely cannot wait to see more of you next year. Thank you for being my friend, and thank you for being awesome. 

    @Knight of Iron K O I ! You are also super cool. I'm so grateful for your friendship. You're the only reason I ever beat Hollow Knight, you're so thoughtful in your friendships, and you're getting really storming good at thinking about things critically and challenging your assumptions, and it's so cool watching you learn and grow. Life has not been very kind to you, but you keep pushing through, and I'm so so so glad that you're in my life.

    @DramaQueen You, my friend, are just as awesome as everyone else on this list. It's so fun to talk to you, and I'm so glad that we were able to connect and get to know each other better. Honestly, you're not really the kind of person I generally see myself being friends with, but... we are! And it works! And I'm so glad that we are. Hanging out with you has always been so fun, and thank you for introducing me to a bunch of super cool musicals. I can't wait to be roommates next year and to come up with some great cosplays and for you to meet Kaladin and everything else on our list. :) 

    @Ed Venture Vennie, I love you to death. You're such a neat person, even though your sense of humor is mildly disturbing. Thank you for your help with all of my random questions about college, and for just always being there for me. It means so much. I can't wait to see you more next year. (I haven't forgotten about dress shopping.)

    @Vapor You are such an incredible person. I'm amazed every time I talk to you by your resilience and bravery. You're so cool, you have awesome hair, and hanging out with you is always a joy. You're such a kind and delightful human being. 

    @Condensation TELL SPOOK I SAY HI! You are also amazing. I know we don't talk very much, but I always feel comfortable around you and it's so easy to talk with you. You're awesome and you've got this. I really hope to see more of you and Vapor next year as well. 

    @Doomstick I know we're kind of more casual friends, but when I do chat with you it's always great. Thanks for being my first friend on Duolingo, and I hope that we have the chance to ski together again a few more times in the future. (I'll read Bluebear at some point, I promise.)

    Of course there are so many more people, but these eight have probably had the largest influence on who I currently am. To everyone else, you're also awesome and it's a joy and a blessing to know you and have you in my life. The community I've found through this site rivals no other, and I have genuinely made life long friends. And it's so nice knowing that it'll always be incredibly easy to find someone to discuss Sanderson books with. :D 

    Until next year!

  4. Hey nerds, I did a thing B) *fingerguns* 

    I also updated my profile and about me a bit, if anyone's interested lol 


    1. Flying


      Oooh the color is very nice. Very snazzy.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Bet On It from High School Musical 2 is underrated.

    This rock/metal cover of it is really really interesting and I happen to be obsessed with it (along with a lot of other rock covers of songs I like, at the moment). But dang does this one really carry vibes



    1. Flying


      It's a great cover but I personally think it's missing the dramatic/over the top dancing from the original version :P

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. I can officially no longer call myself a teenager. 

    I don't feel 20 years old yet...that's two decades. That's "official adult" in my brain. I'm not that. This is weeeeiiiird, guys. 

  7. Well, well, well, it’s that time of year again. It’s officially been three years since I’ve joined the Shard. I don’t think I ever quite expected that choice to have had such a profoundly positive impact on my life.

     I wasn’t very active my first year, so most of you reading this (with the possible exception of @The Awakened Salad) will only have known me for two years. It doesn’t feel like two years and it certainly doesn’t feel like three.

    I’d like to thank @Tesh for becoming a really good friend of mine. From RPs and writing, to Hollow Knight and Owl House, to long, long chats on Discord, it’s been a blast getting to know you. Kaladin too! Thanks for the octopi!

    I give another thanks to @Chasmgoat for being so great to have discussions with, to generate AI things, and to share Silksong news with. I’m legitimately excited for it to release in just twenty more years, and we‘ll have so much there to share. Cuz even once we’ve 100%-ed it, the end is never the end.

    And a thanks to @DramaQueen. Friendship is an astonishingly wonderful thing. It both confuses me and makes sense to me how we ended up becoming friends, and regardless I’m glad it happened. It’s been delightful to learn about the things you’re passionate about, including music, musicals, and theatre.

     I’d like to thank @The Awakened Salad for graciously granting me a position within their company as the Prime Spinal Fluid Source, @Vapor for rekindling my Dream SMP obsession, @Scarletfox for her support and for countless Minecraft fun times,@Ed Venture for their friendship with a touch of D&D advice, and so many more of you that I don’t have time to type out due to my financial obligation to keep myself alive (aka “gotta get ready for work”).

    Unfortunately, I can’t thank everyone in a single post, and I certainly can’t thank any one person enough. All of y’all have changed my life for the better, and I think I’m the luckiest knight in the world to have ended up with you all as my friends.

  8. Hey friends

    3 years now

    4 Water Siblings (love y'all) @Condensation @Vapor @Fog

    1 amazing real friend who got me on here @Serce Forts (wish I could see you more, but that's life, unfortunately) 

    2 Sharders who I am now a lot closer to @DramaQueen @Ed Venture and one who I will most likely be getting closer to @Channelknight Fadran

    And a few other awesome peeps (I am definitely missing some people here, sorry) @Chasmgoat @revelryintheart @Scarletfox @Spock @Tesh


    Anyways, thanks for being amazing

  9. Well it's 9:57 in the evening and I want to go to bed.

    But it's also May 16th.



    And, somewhat unfortunately, this takes precedent over sleeping a reasonable amount.

    First and foremost.


    I've been on here for five years.

    I uh... technically joined when I was 12, but we don't talk about that. Or any of my early posts. 

    A whole hecking lot has changed over those five years, and a lot of it in no small part thanks to this site and the amazing people I've come into contact with. You all got me through a really rough patch (AKA middle school) and then about two years ago I got onto Discord and just got to know some people even better.

    You all are amazing.

    Time to start the list. 

    @The Awakened Salad SALAD. Thank you for being the other half of STAELSAHD, for putting up with me despite all of my many erm... moments of being a crummy friend, and for forgiving me. Every time I look at the moon I think of you and your 42 elbow-ed arms reaching down to pat me on the head. You're one of my best friends and I don't know what I'd do without you. And I know that I most certainly wouldn't be where I am without you at this point. And thanks, of course, for watching Barbie movies with me in the ungodly hours of the morning. Honestly, those are some of my fondest memories. Dragons!!!

    @AonEne Eeeeeeeeeeeeene. I can't even put into words how awesome you are. Like dude. You ROCK. You're one of my closest friends, and the FAB squad just wouldn't be the same without you. I mean, then we'd just be the AB squad, and that'd be weird... But you're just so kind and amazing and funny and I love you so much. Hanging out with you in person is always a joy, and VCs are always an adventure. Thank you so much for coming to the anthology release, and putting up with my weird ramblings about stuff. You're amazing. Avi!!! Also I've been on the Shard longer than you so HAH. :P

    @Knight of Iron Koi. I gave you your nickname and I'll be forever proud of that fact. You're such an amazing, kind, considerate, and thoughtful friend. I love talking with you so much, and just... You're amazing. Thanks for the help figuring out Hollow Knight, and for talking about random stuff. You're one of the best people to talk to about Random Stuff. Honestly, you're just a really cool person and I really really value our friendship. 

    @Ed Venture Vennie! I LOVE YOU. I love talking about musicals with you, and often times the more serious aspects of life and stuff. You're honestly just one of the kindest people I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with. I can't wait for the day when we'll be able to watch a musical together. It will happen some day, and it'll be so much fun when it does. 

    @Channelknight Fadran Fadrinooooooo. THANK YOU for going to all those awesome writing things with me. You're so much fun to hang out with at them, and your chaotic energy is infectious. Thanks for yelling at everyone to play Hollow Knight. I suck at it, but it's fun, and I wouldn't be playing it if you didn't talk about it all the time. 

    @DramaQueen Have I ever told you that you're just a really really cool person? You're such an amazing friend and I just love talking with you. You and Fadran are adorable and I can't wait to be your basement gremlin. We'll go see musicals all the time and drag Fadran to all of them so that he will actually have to listen to them. :P Tell Petri I say hi! 

    It's not letting me tag people anymore for some reason so I might just have to do that in comments. 

    @Condensation I love talking to you and hanging out with you and just... you're cool. It was so much fun to hang out with you that night in March. I don't have much that's very specific to say, just I love you and you're such a good friend.

    @Vapor VASPIE. You are the bestest bowl. And, once again, hanging out with you that night in March was one of the best nights ever. It was just a blast. I love you so much. Tell Chowder I say hi. :) 

    @Mist I haven't really talked with you much lately, but you're such a cool person. Meeting was really cool, and I hope we can see each other again before too long. 

    @Doomstick Shortie. Thanks for coming and visiting me this winter! That was such a fun day and I'm really glad I had that opportunity to hang out with you. You're a huge fricking nerd and just an all-around cool person. DFTBA!

    @Hentient ALSO DFTBA. Thank you for being the cameraman at Fadran's birthday party! I really hope I can meet you in person some time soon. (Wait I just realized that you'll be at the same school as one of my IRL friends from where I live.) You're also a super cool person. Tell Toto I say hi! And DFTBA!

    @S4S You're one of my oldest friends from here. You've been there since the beginning. And I'm so sorry you were there at the beginning. :ph34r: You're also a super cool person (is it just me, or am I friends with a lot of really cool people? Maybe I have a knack for finding you all.) and a super talented writer. Talking to you again after two years was amazing. I can't even tell you how cool that was. All I can really say is thank you. 

    @Firerust You've also been around for quite a while! Thank you for carrying on KotC for so long. You're also a very talented writer, and a very good friend. And, like with S4S, talking to you again after those two years was an incredible experience. Thanks for hanging around. :) 

    @King Aragorn of Gondor You're also super cool!!! Talking to you is always so much fun and I always tend to stay up later than I mean to when I do. :ph34r: Thanks for being awesome. Tell Bucky I say hi! He's such a good birb.

    This is by no means everyone. I'm missing a ton. However, if I did miss you, this is for you: YOU'RE SO COOL AND SUCH AN AMAZING HUMAN AND THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE. 

    The Shard has honestly been a huge part of my life, and generally for the better. Thank you all for being here with me for it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

    It's now 10:36.


    "I think two of the fundamental facts of being a person are 1. We must go on, and 2. None of us ever walks alone."

    Thank you for walking with me.

    1. Flying


      My username was never anything close to King Aragon of Gondor, but I'll accept it. It's a cool title.

      Also. HAPPY SHARDIVERSARY, TESH!! You are super cool and I always enjoy talking to you. 

      Bucky is also wishing you a happy shardiversary. I'm at school, so I'm not near him right now, but... He's definitely sitting there like "Happy Shardiversary, Tesh!" Probably :P

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  10. Y'alls gotta go watch Multiverse of Madness ASAP

    It's absolutely lit

    1. Flying


      It is indeed absolutely lit.

      I'd probably have to watch it again to gather my thoughts better, but I really liked it. The horror stuff made it feel very different compared to a lot of MCU movies, and I think I liked it because of how unique it felt. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hahahahaha guess who's having urges to reread the entire Cosmere literally two weeks before AP tests hahahahaha definitely not me.


    DANG IT.


    1. Flying


      I have so much stuff to study for the AP Lit test. My teacher assigned all these study guides, and I should probably reread books that I can use for the test.

      But no.

      Instead, I have somehow decided that it's the perfect time to reread Era 2. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. time for the long rambling post. yay! *sigh*

    this has been an awesome year everyone! This has been amazing. I may have been inactive around summer, but I made it up around winter right? Right? I made TLT soooo much better, right? anyways, I have loved all these friendships, it has been so awesome to do ridiculous stuff with y'all, trying new things and such.

    now, for the large LIST OF DOOOM! actually not doom, but... the drama, am I right?

    anyhow, first up we have @Random Bystander, I just feel like you were one of the first people I met and joined my terrible first rps lol. it was fun when you were active.

    @Chinkoln you were one of my first friends you awesome otter! beating you was so fun for those like four days. :P

    @Szeth's Facepalm that stormin' facepalm! lol. you are just so great! I love messing around with you all around the community forum heh. you are so fun to be around.

    @Elf you are really awesome! though my first response to you, well, may have been a bit cheeky, I've grown to value you as a really great friend! (same with the rest of you btw)

    @Doomslug The Destroyer you awesome person! we were friends from the very moment we met on TPBM. so many similarities. you are an awesome friend and pal! (minecraft is fun too)

    @Karamathi'ani'telliteki'un hallo minecraft friend! the second person on minecraft I met who liked Brando Sando! you are so fun to be around even if you aren't really active on either platform anymore.

    @Channelknight Fadran you are awesome, what else is there to say?

    @Nameless it is fun to try (and fail) to frustrate you on TLT lol. it has been soooo fun to play it with you. thank you for that really awesome storyline with Someone Else talkign to his grandchildren a week or two ago.

    was I going to add more? I really should have, a lot more people deserver to be on here for enduring my faults and very weird traits.

    another day will dawn,


  13. You guys. I think I missed something really important last week. So, I went an read my super old journal entries, and I found a paragraph saying this, “I just finished reading The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay! It is my favorite book! I just started reading a book called Skyward by an Author named Brandon Sanderson. It’s the first book I’ve read by him. I’ve only heard good things, so hopefully I like it! I’m about two-ish chapters in!” -April 4, 2019.

    So, to sometime that, I started reading Brandon Sanderson just over three years ago. Which seems like a long time, but not really to some people lol.

    I think it’s just kinda wild though. I had started reading TWoK a few months before RoW came out. ( 2-3 months) Then I started reading The Final Empire two years ago? I think? And W&W about a year ago (then forgot about it) and finished it a few weeks ago lol. I finished Warbreaker like a month or two ago. (Honestly I’m surprised I remember all of this.

    I just think it’s crazy. Like willld! I’ve been a fan since the beginning ish of 2019! 

    1. Flying


      I started reading Mistborn in 2016 

      It doesn't feel like it was that long ago, to be honest

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. If you ever want to feel like a god, put on headphones and blast this:




    1. Flying


      The show being both serious and ridiculous is exactly what makes it amazing

      Giorno's theme is so good

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. I've been on this wild roller coaster of a fansite for four years and I ain't about to get off anytime soon. Here until we crash and burn, baby. ...Let's not, though. 

    This time I'm going to save musings for after the Compliments Section. This is so I can put the staff right at the top, as they tend to have limited time, so certain people don't have to ask for a TL;DR anymore. :P I intentionally won't try to mention everyone, or anywhere close actually, but I love every single one of you. 

    First up: @Chaos, as intimidated as I used to be by you, I now think you're wonderful and kind and I really admire you. I enjoy talking with you even when we're both tired and really should be sleeping. Can't wait to read your book someday. 

    @Argent, your humor and measuredness make the world a better place to be in. I'm very glad I get to know you. 

    @LewsTherinTelescope, you're cool and things. Words are hard but talking with you is always Good. You know what I mean. 

    @Otto Didact, one day I am going to meet and hug you and the world will probably be at peace or something. I need to talk to you more because you're amazing and your Dad Vibes are healing. Also, you have possibly the best hair in staff chat. Don't tell Evgeni. ;) 

    @Kaymyth, speaking of parent vibes, you are really cool like so cool and also so loving and also like can I have your autograph someday?? Literally, I mean, I'm gonna be buying your books eventually :D 

    @Paleo, your wizardry is fantastic, but your creations aren't the only thing making you awesome. I appreciate you and your help very much. 

    @Voidus, you and your care and thoughtfulness have never ceased to be there, and I hope I get to talk to you, read your RP, and hear about your campaigns and kiddos being cute forever. 

    @firstRainbowRose and @little wilson, meeting you two at the last Dragonsteel Minicon was so fun and you're both so nice! I'm excited to see you both again. Mi'ch, you are incredible and don't forget it. Kendra, sometimes I just think of you and your offers to talk about stuff and it's...steadying. <3 

    Working with all of you continues to be an honor and a joy, and hanging out with you more so. On to non-staff! 

    IT'S TIME FOR ME TO TALK ABOUT THE BENES. @The Awakened Salad @Tesh ARE YOU GUYS READY TO BE DELUGED IN LOVE? I hope so because you're my best friends and more important to me than all the world. Specific compliments elude me when everything applies, so...reread our platonic wedding vows, kiss your pet, and know that you are the beaniest FAB Squad ever and I will never, ever forget you and our conversations and hangouts. 

    You are skilled, you are loved, you are interesting, and I will always listen to you. May dragons, avi. :wub: 

    To the many people I've met in-person at various times over the past year - I absolutely loved it, for the record, and you are as awesome as sour Skittles. 

    To those I've talked with after absences, I'm overjoyed to speak to you again. Special shoutout to @Ashspren - chatting with you on Discord has been great, Ash! 

    @Robin Sedai, I don't know you super well yet but you're really kind and I hope your life is going well. I always look forward to singing Hamilton with you :P 

    @Wyndlerunner beep. *boops your nose* 

    @#1 Taln Fan, you are awesome and amazing and funny and don't you ever let yourself forget it! 

    All of you reading this deserve individual statements, but I'm too tired to do something more elaborate - totally lost track of the days and wasn't writing this one in advance. No way I could keep up the giant lists forever, anyway. You all take care of yourselves, you do deserve it - and I know it's hard sometimes, or most of the time, but it will get better, I promise. No matter what. Keep hanging on. 

    I haven't been very active on the forums this past year. I mean, I've been on, but only about ~500 posts outside the games is telling. Still, despite that, I've had a grand time both here and on the server. I've graduated, gotten a job, and become a different person in many ways this year. I'm fairly happy with who I am now, which is nice, lol. 

    I won't apologize for this not being more ornate, I'm too tired. Knowing the lot of you is an adventure, and I never want to give that up. 

    *toasts you all with a glass of eggnog* Love ya. May this next year be better than this one, and with less hardships for those we love. 

  16. I've been on fire recently as far as writing goes.

    I'm working on this one short story (surrounding a character in my ever-expanding fanfiction multiverse) that I've been struggling to get written for a long time. I would write "Chapter One," then lose interest, then come back to it and say "I need to rewrite Chapter One." This repeated a couple times until I finally wrote it good enough for me to look at it with satisfaction and call it perfect.

    ...then I realized that I'd forgotten it needed to be a short story, and not first-book-of-a-trilogy-epic-fantasy prose. So I promised myself, alright, this is going to be the last rewrite.

    So basically the last three days I've been writing 1500+ words each day, and if I do so tomorrow, I might have the story done! I might give it another day or so for edits, but then I'll make a thread + status update here on the Shard so y'all can read my fanfiction short stories, if you would so desire.

    The one I'm working on is set in the cosmere universe and is probably the only one where preliminary knowledge of the books is needed (but that'll be less of a problem here on the Shard then on Discord :P). Just stuff like basic Era 1 and Era 2 knowledge, Warbreaker knowledge, and Stormlight (up to Words of Radiance, preferably) knowledge .

    Okay now I'm just rambling and I don't know how to end this, but I think you get whatever point I'm trying to make. Sorry. It's past midnight for me. Have a goodknight, whoever you are that mysteriously read my status updates, and also, "my life to yours my Breath become yours" to anyone who's actually read this far, mwahaha.

    1. Flying


      1500+ words a day is actually really impressive.  I can't wait to read the stories when you post them

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Y'alls-

    Turning Red is amazing

    That is all

    1. Flying


      I... Umm.


      I kind of hated Turning Red. And I feel really bad about it because everyone around me is loving it. 

      But also. Apparently Mei's voice actor is homeschooled and sometimes goes to classes at my school??? And multiple people at my school knows who she is?? I'm still confused about it, but I was talking about the movie today, and my friends started talking about how they knew her. And then they were laughing at me like "You better not tell her you didn't like her movie." I was kind of shocked. 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  18. Look at the adowable toofy boiii

    Toothy dannnex 4 lyfe

    1. Flying


      Awww. It's adorable :D


      For real though, I'm terrified. This is going to haunt my dreams





    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  19. I originally wrote this as a response to @Dannnex's status update, which can be found here, but a friend recommended that I post this as a SU myself so that more people will see it than just those who originally commented on Dannex's SU. This is just to share my point of view, not to attack those of you who have no issues with the kickstarter. Your positions on this are valid, too. 

    And to be clear, I'm still getting the books myself. 

    Okay, so, for me, I'm not thrilled about the kickstarter, and here's why:

    1. This is a very large expense that was thrown on a lot of people with no warning whatsoever, and it's a limited time thing. A lot of people who aren't in a great financial situation are still going to get these books and boxes even though it isn't the best idea in terms of money. With more notice, it would have given the people in this situation more time to set aside some money to lessen the financial blow. For me, in order to get the hardcovers, I'm having to return a couple dnd books I got a few weeks ago so that I can afford them. If I had known about this in advance, though, I wouldn't have bought them in the first place. I'm a high school student, I don't have a job, and this is the last of my birthday money, so this isn't a huge deal for me, but I can't even imagine springing this huge expense onto, say, a college student, or a struggling family, with no warning. And I can't blame these people for, say, taking money out of their food budget to pay for this. Because I love Brandon's books too, and I also don't want to wait an extra year, or even more, to read these books.

    2. Storms this stuff is expensive. Dragonsteel is asking people to pay $600 for these swag boxes that they aren't telling us what is in them. And that's okay to a certain extent. Surprise is fun. However, they're so expensive that they should be giving us some idea of what's in them. All we have is "yeah there might be a shirt or something." Plus, $50 for a book the size of AoL is really storming expensive. I get that they're not printing with a traditional publisher, and that the books are going to have extra stuff in them. But it's still a lot, especially with how successful this kickstarter is. And then $40 for shipping... Once again, it's a lot. I do understand the decision to ship all of them separately though. But if there was an option to just get all of the limited edition books in one shipment at the end of 2023, I would take that option myself and save on the $30.

    3. A lot of people were really genuinely concerned for Brandon. I have a family member who is really close to his family, and if something was really going on there, it would have impacted my life as well, especially the life of my family member who is close to them. A lot of people were worried he was going to drop the Cosmere or something like that, and it's been so so so important in so many people's lives, including my own. And just the emotional stress his presentation of this put on me and so many other people... I know a lot of people were able to just brush it off. But some of us can't.

    4. This kickstarter started two days after the end of The Project For Awesome, an annual charity event run by John and Hank Green. They have done this for fifteen years. For the first half of the livestream that they do (it's 48 hours long) the money goes to Partners in Health and Save the Children. The proceeds raised during the second half are going to a variety of charities and non-profit organizations nominated and voted on by the community. The P4A raised $3 million in 48 hours. Which is so storming incredible and it was almost a spiritual experience when they hit that number. And then the kickstarter. They got to $13 million in about 12 hours. And that just... honestly, it really hurt. And I know this is more of a thing that's specific to me, but that doesn't change the fact that it hurt. And yes, I know Brandon has a charity and stuff, but there is almost no information on it. He doesn't tell us how much he gives to it, keep us updated on what it's doing, or anything like that. Frankly, he doesn't need all this money. And at the very least he could give us more information on the Lightweaver Foundation. Then this wouldn't be as big of a deal for me.

    I'm so excited for the new books, and I can't wait to read them. I'm so glad so many other people are excited too, but I can't be excited about the kickstarter itself.

    Even just trying to say "YAY BRANDON GOT $20 MILLION IN FOUR DAYS!" leaves me with a metaphorical bitter taste in my mouth. 

    1. Flying


      Yeah... Even though I'm excited for the books, the cost of everything in the Kickstarter is bothering me a bit.

      I've had more of a problem with it because of yesterday. The school librarian came up to me and said she really wanted to get the books for our library, but she probably can't afford to because the hardcovers are too expensive. She's given funds by the school (I think every month) to buy stuff for us, and she said she had to focus on buying other books instead of putting a bunch of money into just four. That conversation was... really depressing, to be honest. She seemed genuinely sad about it. Especially because we have a bunch of Sanderfans who go to the library and would want to check them out. 

      And, although it probably wasn't the intention, a lot of people were also super worried for Brandon. I do think people online went a bit too far with the speculation, but having a storming whole day to just worry was not a great experience. People at my school were worrying/panicking about it while trying to focus during class, so it was distracting for a while. I kind of guessed it was a joke or something, but the possibility that it wasn't was still kind of nerve-wracking for a few people. 

      Anyway. I'm still going to buy stuff from the kickstarter, and I think the idea of it is cool, but there's a few things that I don't really like about it.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  20. Well. My first ever D&D session had to be postponed because of a crazy person running around with a knife. At least, I think that's what happened. It's a long story. 

    I wrote some updates as this whole thing was happening. It was intended to be like a diary entry, I guess. But what I wrote feels very sarcastic, and it's kind of entertaining now that the situation is over. (The situation itself wasn't entertaining, though.) But here's everything I wrote while trapped in a classroom: 


    Uhh. Class was supposed to have ended five minutes ago, but now we are apparently "sheltering in place." And there's police outside the school. What a fun day. (12:20 PM)

    I am going to be writing updates as this happens because it's kind of interesting. There’s also going to be timestamps because why not.

    Update 1 - My teacher is trying to play something on the TV. This is probably a bad idea because I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be hiding, but whatever. He asked if we wanted to watch Encanto, but now we are sitting in silence. (Which I’m kind of happy about because I don’t want to be hiding while Camilo is screaming "SEVEN FOOT FRAME” in the background) (12:30 PM)

    Update 2 - I am filling out things for a D&D character sheet. I was supposed to play D&D for the first time in like 30 minutes. But now that’s probably not happening today, so I’m writing some snazzy backstory stuff for my character (12:33 PM)

    Update 3 - The class next to us is blasting Michael Jackson songs super loud and singing. I can hear everything through the walls. Billie Jean could potentially be the soundtrack to someone's death. (12:40 PM)

    Update 4 - The police just sent the teachers emails telling us what is going on. There’s a suspect hiding in the park right next to the school. We have been notified that we could be stuck in here for hours (12:43 PM)

    Update 5 - There’s starting to be confirmation that the suspect has either a gun or a knife. The plot thickens. There are also kids walking outside my classroom door right now and I’m just like “WHY?? What are you doing??” I would never want to be in a survival situation with these people. (12:50 PM)

    Then everything sort of ended at 1:20. The police were still outside, though. And then, because it's Spirit Week, we came out of the classrooms and just went to our event/rally as if nothing had happened. Like, how are we supposed to be enthusiastic for a school event after being nervous for over an hour? School is weird.

    The whole day feels like a weird dream, to be honest. 

    I'm still not even sure what happened. I think people were saying that the suspect had a knife? They had a weapon of some sort, at least. No one was hurt but it was still such a strange few hours.

    Anyway, that was my day. How are all of you doing?

    1. Flying


      Yeah... It was a very weird day.

      I got to play D&D yesterday, though. It was extremely chaotic, which made it extra fun

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. I drew a picture, I call it My Thoughts, because every layer/color tells a different story of something I have to worry about. It's been a couple weeks or so since I made this, and every day now I have another few layers I need to add on to it, but I think there are enough to get the point across.


    I'm no artist.


    I warned you.





    These days, I'm becoming everything that I hate.

    People are hard. Life is hard. I'm trudging through it. So much is going on and I have no clue what I'm doing, or what I'm going to do. I hate it.

    Thanks for reading my late-knight ramblings, whoever you are.

    I will now proceed to curl up and my body will undergo the complex secretomotor phenomenon characterized by the shedding of tears (higher in chemical composition with prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, Leu-enkephalin, potassium, and manganese) from the lacrimal apparatus until enough endorphins (oxytocin and endogenous opioids) are released to "numb" me and to dull the emotional pain enough for me to go to sleep.


    AKA I will cry myself to sleep.


    1. Flying


      You're great, Koi. Sorry you're not feeling good :(

      Also, if there's any way I could help, I'd be happy to try. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)


    So, uhm, Warbreaker….. CRAZY! I kinda got really addicted and spent almost all day reading…… I’m getting close to finishing…….. 


    Tomorrow I might have a really crazy report because… Well… I probably should sleep……


    1. Flying


      Warbreaker is my favorite cosmere book after Stormlight books. I love it so much. 

      And Lightsong is my favorite cosmere character

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. My little brother convinced me to play dungeons and dragons with him and my little sister, and I'm pretty sure we aren't playing it right, but it is soo fun. I get to be a gigantic lemon named Semeloi, Bringer of Onions, who can create an ice wall from thin air and is very funny. And my little sisters keeps rolling 20s for dumb stuff like killing a rat, and i keep rolling 1s for really important stuff. And also our stuffed animals get to play. It's great, i highly recommend this particular version of D&D.

    1. Flying


      I am (maybe) playing it next week for the first time. It's definitely gonna be interesting lol

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  24. just finished panic attack yay

    back to hiding i goooo

    ima just drink my choccy milk whilst blasting You'll Be Back the hamilton song i only discovered yesterday at max volume in my ear until 3 am :D


    Da da da dat da, dat da da da da ya da
    Da da dat dat da ya da!
    Da da da dat da, dat da da da da ya da
    Da da dat dat da

    Da da da dat da, dat da da da da ya da
    Da da dat dat da ya da!
    Da da da dat da, dat da da da da ya da
    Da da dat dat da

    Da da da dat da, dat da da da da ya da
    Da da dat dat da ya da!
    Da da da dat da, dat da da da da ya da
    Da da dat dat da

    Da da da dat da, dat da da da da ya da
    Da da dat dat da ya da!
    Da da da dat da, dat da da da da ya da
    Da da dat dat da

    Da da da dat da, dat da da da da ya da
    Da da dat dat da ya da!
    Da da da dat da, dat da da da da ya da
    Da da dat dat da

    Da da da dat da, dat da da da da ya da
    Da da dat dat da ya da!
    Da da da dat da, dat da da da da ya da
    Da da dat dat da


    1. Flying




      I give up trying to write these lyrics right. There's too many DAs. 

      Also, enjoy your choccy milk. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  25. Random question!

    What was the last thing you were thinking about before/as you read this?

    1. Flying


      How I should be paying attention in class right now.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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