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Paleo last won the day on October 12 2023

Paleo had the most liked content!

About Paleo

  • Birthday 01/10/1999

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  1. Brandon held a spoiler livestream for Koloss Head Munching Day 2023 (his birthday). While a lot of questions are apparently going to be answered in book 5 of The Stormlight Archive, Wind and Truth, there still was plenty to talk about dragons, specific Mistborn Era 2 details, and Plato's allegory of the cave! This episode we have Eric (Chaos), Evgeni (Argent), Shannon (Grey), Joshua (jofwu), and Ene (AonEne). Our Arcanum collection of the WoBs we discussed: https://wob.coppermind.net/collections/1248/ Chapters: 00:00:00 Introductions 00:06:36 Valor's Vessel 00:11:04 Arcanum Unbounded Leatherbound 00:18:03 Stormlight Title Ketek 00:21:27 Stormlight 5 not Stones Unhallowed 00:22:18 Stormlight Scene that Brandon has always wanted to write 00:24:46 Shallan Futuresight? Spiritual Mumbo Jumbo! 00:30:33 Will we see Xisis again? 00:37:03 Can Harmony control people on other planets? 00:39:48 More books with Tress? 00:42:13 Szeth's Highspren 00:48:27 Nightstreet gang victim that Wax should investigate 00:53:40 Stormlight Back Half Prologues 01:01:57 Why did Taln not break? 01:07:32 Dragon Lifecycle 01:17:18 Gender-neutral bathroom on Malwish ship 01:22:59 Will we see dragons in action before Dragonsteel? 01:25:01 Spiritual Ideals vs Platonic Ideals 01:35:59 Moash's Black Uniform 01:41:53 Does Axies have a Torment? 01:48:26 Was Mare a kandra? 01:49:55 Nightblood's Creation 02:01:26 Who's that Cosmere Character? 02:12:56 Outro If you like our content, support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/17thshard For discussion, theories, games, and news, come to https://www.17thshard.com Come talk with us and the community on the 17th Shard Discord: https://discord.gg/17thshard Want to learn more about the cosmere and more? The Coppermind Wiki is where it's at: https://coppermind.net Read all Words of Brandon on Arcanum: https://wob.coppermind.net Subscribe to Shardcast: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:102123174/sounds.rss Send your Who's That Cosmere Characters to [email protected]
  2. Happy birthday :D

  3. Happy birthday! Hope you have a good one.

  4. So this is actually the intended look for polls, I think the idea is that since you ask a question of people, it should show a question mark. I can see how that can be confusing, though. Previously, polls didn't have any distinguishing icon in the forum listing as far as I can tell. We'll think about maybe changing this, but we also want to keep theme changes to a minimum as upgrading becomes a nightmare otherwise.
  5. @Robin Sedai, thanks for reporting this! I am unfortunately unable to reproduce that issue on my phone in Firefox and interestingly I do not even get that prompt in the notification list I am able to enable push notifications under "Notification Settings" just fine, however. Could you try resetting your cookies and see if that helps?
  6. If you're experiencing any issues after our substantial site update, please report them here. Please provide the following information with each report: Platform: Are you visiting the site from a mobile device or from a desktop/laptop? Browser: Which browser are you using to visit the site? Affected Page(s): Where does the issue occur? If possible, provide links here Expected Behavior: What did you expect to happen? What should be the correct behavior? Actual Behavior: What's actually happening? What's going wrong? Thank you all in advance for providing us valuable feedback so we may make the best of this upgrade!
  7. It's going to take somewhere between 2 and 4 hours, but might also take longer if there's some unexpected complications. I didn't want to give any concrete estimate because while we tested this all ahead of time, this is a huge step and we can't say for certain whether everything goes a smoothly as we want it to.
  8. After our last major site update all the way back in 2016, we're excited to announce that we'll be updating the forums and everything else to the latest available version of the platform we run on. We picked Saturday, October 21, as the big migration day. This means there will be some disruptions in service you'll have to expect on that day, but we will do our best to get the site back online as fast as possible. At 06:00 UTC (2am Eastern Time, 11pm Pacific Time) on October 21, we'll be putting the site in "Offline Mode", which means regular users won't be able to use it from that point onward. In the background, we'll be performing a move to an entirely new server to host the site so we can modernize and clean up the environment everything runs in. We estimate this migration to take several hours as we'll have to perform some manual steps as well - plus, you all talk a lot on our forums, so there's lots of data to copy! As soon as all that's done, we'll flip the switch and allow you back into our gates. Immediate Changes The update will not be purely technical in nature. The most obvious change will be a new design that you'll see all across the site. We unfortunately won't be able to bring over the existing theme to the new version as there have been a lot of changes to the underlying software in the meantime and it's unfortunately not sustainable to customize the look and feel as much as we did for the current version. Regardless, we made some changes to give the site some character and to hopefully make the move ever so slightly less jarring. In order for you to get an impression of what the updated version looks like, here's a sneak peek of our homepage when you're logged in: The topic view will also change a fair amount with an at-a-glance overview of some interesting statistics about the topic in the sidebar: Another change is that custom member titles have moved a little bit in the user interface. They will be a regular profile field, but everything else about them should stay the same! Planned and Potential Changes You'll also notice in the topic screenshot above that the regular upvote button is gone! Instead, the new forum version allows us to define custom reactions! We'll keep this limited to an "upvote" reaction for now, but will definitely be exploring this and several other new features in the future: Additional reactions that might affect reputation differently Achievements for performing certain actions, e.g. posting enough or having very successful posts These can also be rewarded with fancy badges that show up on your profile page! Updated Social Connections: While some of our older members might still remember ICQ or MSN, we hear that these aren't as hip with the kids anymore, so we'll likely be updating those to reflect the current social media landscape Pronouns Profile Field: Asking for gender (sex, really) in your profile is kind of outdated and unnecessary for the most part, so we'll be replacing this with a pronouns field that should prove more useful and allows for many more options Dark Theme: With the move to a less customized default theme and thanks to advancements in how configurable a theme is, it will be much easier for us to hopefully introduce this at some point We can't give any concrete timelines on any of these and won't promise we'll implement all of them, but with everything else up-to-date, we should be able to iterate on new things a lot more! Future Update Schedule We aim to track updates of the software we use much more closely in the future, which will likely mean an increase in the update frequency. Rather than performing a big disruptive update every few years, there will be more minor and gradual rollouts of new versions. This is very much in the spirit of the books, as I think a wise man once thought
  9. Brandon has read previews from book 5 of The Stormlight Archive, called Knights of Wind and Truth for now, at various occasions. We delve into them and discuss what this might mean for the book and the greater Cosmere! This episode we have Evgeni (Argent), Grace (thegatorgirl), and Ala (Rasarr)! Read the chapters yourself: https://wob.coppermind.net/help/readings Thumbnail by Randy Vargas: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/comments/x7h8vo/stormlight_five_update_one/ Watch our episode on the SA 5 prologue on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMCXseuRCjE 00:00:00 Introductions 00:03:35 Kaladin Chapters 00:42:15 Szeth Chapters 01:22:09 Jasnah Chapter 01:55:05 Character Groupings 02:02:00 Who’s That Cosmere Character? 02:07:23 Outro If you like our content, support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/17thshard For discussion, theories, games, and news, come to https://www.17thshard.com Come talk with us and the community on the 17th Shard Discord: https://discord.gg/17thshard Want to learn more about the cosmere and more? The Coppermind Wiki is where it's at: https://coppermind.net Read all Words of Brandon on Arcanum: https://wob.coppermind.net Subscribe to Shardcast: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:102123174/sounds.rss Send your Who's That Cosmere Characters to [email protected]
  10. In this very special episode of Shardcast, we interview Isaac Stewart, VP of Creative Development at Dragonsteel! We talk about all the projects he has been or is currently working on, including his very own Cosmere novel! From our regular cast, we have Evgeni (Argent), Marvin (Paleo), and Veronica (Cheyenne Sedai). 00:00:00 Introductions 00:00:45 Isaac’s Role 00:04:45 White Sand Omnibus 00:18:50 The Arcanist/Darkside story 00:22:35 Graphic Novels at Dragonsteel 00:25:15 Boatload of Mummies 00:32:35 Maps in Secret Projects 00:37:25 Most Exciting Item in a YotS Box 00:40:25 Minis Kickstarter & Stormlight RPG 00:47:05 Working with a Team at Dragonsteel 00:50:55 Stormlight 5 Concept Art 00:53:50 Art Book 00:55:10 Hoid Story Picture Book 00:57:00 Evgeni’s Merch Idea 00:57:55 Any Personal Projects?
  11. @Elf I'll try to figure out what is going wrong here. Could you help me understand what exactly happened? So you went to edit a post and there was an unexpected image in the "Uploaded images" section under the post? Did the post have an image beforehand or was it just plain text? It'd also be great if you could name the browser and operating system you observed this on.
  12. Happy birthday, Paleo!

  13. We discuss the origins and motivations of offworlders that show up in latest Mistborn book! Besides the obvious Lost Metal spoilers, there's a lot of cosmere references in this one! Our cast today is Eric (Chaos), Evgeni (Argent), Grace (GatorGirl), Jessie (LadyLameness), and Marvin (Paleo)! We're back to weekly podcasts for a bit, at least through December. Thumbnail is by Botanica Xu: https://www.tumblr.com/botanicaxu/702151767076552704/tried-my-hand-on-some-ghostblood-agents-love-all 00:00:00 200th Episode! 00:01:00 Introductions 00:03:55 Show & Tell 00:08:40 Overview 00:11:00 Tenets 00:16:00 Moonlight 01:05:43 TwinSoul 01:30:30 Codenames are stupid 01:41:00 Dlavil 01:48:40 Potential Skybreaker? 01:53:30 Darkwater 01:56:30 Comparison with Roshar 02:07:40 Timeline 02:22:15 Who’s that Cosmere Character If you like our content, support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/17thshard For discussion, theories, games, and news, come to https://www.17thshard.com Come talk with us and the community on the 17th Shard Discord: https://discord.gg/17thshard Want to learn more about the cosmere and more? The Coppermind Wiki is where it's at: https://coppermind.net Read all Words of Brandon on Arcanum: https://wob.coppermind.net Subscribe to Shardcast: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:102123174/sounds.rss Send your Who's That Cosmere Characters to [email protected]
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