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Elf last won the day on March 31 2023

Elf had the most liked content!

About Elf

  • Birthday 11/30/2006

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    And isn't death just the apocalypse in the first person?
  • Pronouns
  • Interests
    Two Set
    Tom Riddle <3
    Dark fiction
    Classical Music
    Currently listening to Welcome to Nightvale
    All hail the mighty glowcloud

Elf's Achievements



  1. And I'm only in this club for 4 more months Crazy
  2. Wow, I only get to be in this group for like a year more. At most. Currently in senior year and turning 18 in a few months
  3. My parents were the worst of the lot. The first rule you learn in this house is that you never trust your parents because they will break you if they can. Thank you
  4. So I take art classes on the side because art is my hobby. My teacher is this lady who lives in my building and i thought she was this sweet, kind lady and I'd really started opening up to her. She'd started becoming a great source of comfort in my life. I thought, "finally, here is an adult I can trust, I can confide in" Today i find out she's serverely homophobic. How am I supposed to attend classes with her, trust her, smile at her, when I know she'd hate me for existing if she knew the truth? It was my fault trusting an adult, they always have some agenda or something wrong about them. Well I'll be a legal adult soon myself, but it kind of saddens me that I've gone my entire childhood and teenage without having a a single adult who didn't let me down or take advantage of me or harm me.
  5. So i have a question

    I have recently realised that I am non binary and far more comfortable with they/them pronouns 

    I really want to get a shorter haircut, to sort of have that androgynous style. But everybody is telling me not to do it cause I'll look bad. For context, I am AFAB, have a fairly square face, short height and my current hair just reaches my shoulders 

    I really want something shorter cause I feel like it will feel more like me. 

    Should I go for it?

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Your body is your body. You control how you look, not them, so if you want to, I say go for it!! Maybe look up people with similar face shapes and find one that works? 

    2. Cinnamon


      100% I had hair that was a bit longer than shoulder length, wavy and curly in different places. Almost a year ago to this day I buzzed it all down to a number 2 as a part of a charity event (That was the only way my more conservative family members wouldn't be sus and let be cut it shorter, besides I wanted to donate and raise money for my hair anyway)

      I was worried I would regret it but It was one of the best decision I've ever made. Not even mentioning the fun genderyness, my hair grew back a gazzilion times healthier and growing it has been so fun. 

      Even if you don't like it it is just hair so it will grow bak different and If you want a shorter style do a shorter style! You're a grown, and amazing, person!


      Love you Elf, hope this helps! Happy Pride!

  6. Happy Pride!!

  7. Just finished American Horror Story season 1 and I am already in love. Evan Peters was so great as Tate
  8. So I'm gonna be getting braces soon, most probably!! 

    Any of my friends who've had/have braces who can give me any advice?

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oo, exciting!!

      Hmm...if you can get a power toothbrush and a water pick do it, it helps a ton. OH and don't ever get green, black, or yellow bands.

  9. Ahhhhhhh 

    I was finally able to get the patches and spikes needed to make my first battle jacket 

    A pivotal moment in every goth's life 

    This is my inspiration 




    I'm so excited! 

    And I even got a black lipstick 

    I am complete ✨ 

  10. guys 

    becoming an adult feels exhilarating and scary both 

    i mean, ill soon be what the American system calls a "high school senior", and next year off to proper college 

    ive gotten some salaried work and im looking for more so i can buy a secondhand pair of wheels, which i think should be doable 

    ill be able to legally vote and drive and do other things from November 

    storming crackers 

    in a month or so it will be my third shardiversary

    joined when i was not even 15 and am an 18 come november of this year

    where did the time go? 

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      That’s awesome! Isn’t it crazy that it’s been three years? It was like a week ago when I saw one of your posts for the first time. Man, this has been a wild few years.

      im glad things are going good for you!

    2. Elf



      It's been so crazy 

      Also thanks! I am pretty happy with how things are going currently 

  11. GUYS 

    I got my first salary 

    From a tutoring side hustle

    1. The cheeseman

      The cheeseman

      Nice! What are you tutoring?

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Yessss well done!! Way to get money!!

    3. Elf


      I'm tutoring in English!

      Thank you!

  12. Is it the look of a fire that you remember? Or the burning it leaves on your skin?
    Do you remember the orange flames reaching towards you, or the kisses left behind by the heat? 
    The rain drizzles down onto the gray pavement and all I think of is your smile.
    I think, I think, i think. 
    That was always the problem, wasn't it? 
    I thought too much and you never thought enough. 
    You wove yourself into the very fabric of my being, into the humanity in this husk we call a body. 
    And now I can't look at the stars without thinking of what might have been.
    You had your demons, alright. 
    But you always shied away from mine 
    Did they scare you? Can you imagine how they scared me? 
    Love was supposed to be the absolution, the salvation. 
    Love was supposed to be a cup of tea on a winter day; a warm bed on a rainy day; wine on a moonlit night.
    Love was supposed to be so much more than this. 
    And yet.
    Downy snow falls around me and it feels like your touch. 
    I run my thumb through a lighter and your laughter echoes like a church bell.
    Because you were a fire, strong and burning 
    How I wished we could have burned together 
    But now my soul scatters away like the ash of an unwanted thing.
    Unwanted, undesirable 
    Loved, craved,
    With you, I was all of these.
    I changed myself, bones cracking and heart shattering so you could form me as you wished. 
    Weren't you supposed to accept me? Wasn't i supposed to be much more than clay? 
    Did you love me for me, or for what you could make me? 
    I don't think I'll ever know. 
    I can only blame you as much as I can blame myself. 
    Fire eats everything in the end, the buildings, the people, the life 
    It will eat the earth itself and the birds will wander aimless on a barren wasteland. 
    Because it takes its beauty from destroying 
    And it's only lovely as long as you're not the one it's ruining 
    We were never meant to be. 
    We weren't "right person, wrong time" because for the right person there's never a wrong time. 
    We were simply young and dumb, drunk on life and each other. 
    I can't hate you, and I hope you don't hate me either. 
    This chapter ends, now. 
    Page turned.



    TWO MONTHS TO READ AND LISTEN TO THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES (and others, cause let's be honest I'll finish magnus archives within the week) TO WATCH MOVIES AND INDULGE IN MY HOBBIES 


    1. Experience
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      HOORAY!!!! Heehee tell me when you get to season 5…

  14. Finished season 3 of The Magnus Archives 

    This show is SO GOOD (says I about a show that constantly pulls at all the heartstrings ) 

    I especially loved the Gerry Keay episode, I'm going as him to comic con!!!

    I have finals and it's itching at me that I have to study before listening more 


    (Itching huh? Maybe I should be wary of The Corruption?)

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      ISNT IT AMAZING?! And season 4 and season 5 are where it really, like, comes alive (at least for me it did).

      Don’t get corrupted! It’ll make Jon sad!

    2. Elf


      I'm so excited!

      I'll try not to, jon goes through so much already I don't wanna contribute to the sadness of this wet cat of a man

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oh my chasms that’s-that’s the best description of Jon I’ve ever heard-poor little wet cat of a man. 

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