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Medium last won the day on October 13 2023

Medium had the most liked content!

About Medium

  • Birthday June 28

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Profile Information

  • Member Title
    words are silly
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    South United States
  • Interests
    Singing Loudly In My Car
    Depression and Anxiety (not an interest i just have them)
    The Winter Season

Medium's Achievements



  1. re tested per policy after mondays negative results

     tested positive. lol i have covid

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      ...I have a cold.

      ...I hope it's not Covid.

    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Mm, the one and only time I got Covid, I had to make dinner.

      My family members say they've never had soup so salty in all their lives. 😂

    4. Slowswift


      Get well soon!

  2. that moment when everyone in my family but me has covid and so now i have to keep the house from burning down and take care of everyone lol haha

    i’m fine lol haha

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cash67


      Twould have been a good reference, but the question still stands…

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      😂 yay for short term memory

    4. Medium


      no cash i did not burn down my house lol



    even though I’m literally sitting right next to you right now. <33333

  4. Happy birthday! :D

  5. Happy Birthday!!

  6. BIRTHDAY!!!!

  7. i know i already texted you this



    love ya dude :D


  8. happy birthday, dude!! you're super cool and I hope you have an amazing day today!!


    Happy Birthday, you awesome person! Hope things go well for you.

  10. Happy birthday!

  11. My friends,

    My mission call for The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints gets here on Tuesday  

    At 7 PM CST, there will be a facebook live here where I will read aloud my call.

    The live will begin promptly at 6:50, to allow people time to join and get ready, and at 7:00 PM sharp, I will introduce myself, who’s with me, and then read my call.

    I’d love for you all to watch if you can.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *trying to remember time zones*

      are you one hour ahead of me or two?

    2. Medium


      one. you’re mountain time, i’m central.

      for time zone people:

      5 pm pacific

      6 pm mountain

      7 pm central

      8 pm eastern

    3. Just-A-Stick


      that's today, right??

  12. Alonzo leaned back on the railing. Below him, cars sped by, on their way to and from different parts of the city. The City of Open Eyes, they called it. Never sleeping, always hustle-and-bustle, full of dreams and joy and knowledge.

    Until you looked four floors up, third penthouse from the corner of 16th Street and 301st Street, in the Suite Quarter of the city, where Alonzo Delano smoked a cigar as if nothing were happening.

    When in fact, just in front of him, strings were subtly being tugged and pulled to meet his will.

    Gods above, being in the mafia had its perks.

    ”This seems too good to be true,” said Eduardi, Alonzo’s protege. “I mean honestly, we mess with one guy, and suddenly everything falls into place?”

    Alonzo took a long puff on his cigar. The cigar was authentic and exotic, of course, from a small country far, far across the sea. Painstakingly crafted for optimal burn and flavor, it was the only brand Alonzo smoked.

    ”You wouldn’t know if something was too good to be true unless it shot you in the face, Dua,” Alonzo noted with a smirk, “Believe me, things may be falling into place, but there’s still a lot left to do.”

    ”The Marion’s are gearing up, Alo,” Eduardi said, tugging at his collar. He hated formal wear, but Alonzo insisted he wear it; appearances mattered. They always mattered. “You know they’re gonna come after us eventually.”

    ”I’m counting on it,” Alonzo said, flicking ash from his cigar. It fluttered softly to the busy street below. “They’re as much a part of all this as we are. They’re just fortunate enough to be ignorant of their usefulness.”

    ”You’d better be right about this, boss,” Eduardi muttered, staring at the man inside the suite. He was slumped in his chair, bloodied, beaten, and all but dead. But he’d be dead soon anyway, so who cared?

    Why be gentle with a bruised apple when you know it’ll be crushed just a few minutes later?

    ”I’m always right. I didn’t get this far by being wrong, Dua. Nobody, nobody, messes with my family and gets away with it. I’ll rain down hellfire itself if I have to.”

    Alonzo flicked his cigar into the garbage and walked inside. He had a job to finish.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Bookwyrm
    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I should find little scenes I can practice writing with.

    4. Crowstavern


      Book in progress?

  13. “so cal, how’s music going?”

    ”oh you know… in order to upload a small EP, i had to bypass four different security/restrictive measures just so my distributor could access the Spotify API and i could select my artist profile.”

    ”hopefully that was the only stressful thing tonight?”

    ”nope, had to go through and pick the few google docs i want to keep from my school email account because it’s being terminated july 15th. then i had to separately export the data i wanted, ensure that any third party services that i held accounts with using my school email were appropriately edited, and i had to navigate google photos as i deleted nearly 4,000 photos that for some reason backed up from my phone ever though i never even wanted that.”

    ”…have you had a long day?”


    1. Crowstavern


      I watched this all happen live while I was sewing.

      safe to say, incredibly entertaining but I felt so bad

  14. better keep the OG height club. that’s my height club. i’ll die before i see it fall /hj
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