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WhyEverNot_8 last won the day on May 14

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About WhyEverNot_8

  • Birthday July 30

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  • Member Title
    “Oftentimes small pieces seem to be stories themselves.”
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  • Interests
    Video Games, Books (obviously), Anime, Knife Throwing, Swordplay, Archery, and Woodcraft, just to name a few

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  1. What is your wallpaper?

    it looks cool!

    1. WhyEverNot_8


      It’s a thing from Destiny

      It’s Eramis (the bad guy of one of the expansions) holding one of the Shards of Darkness

      They have it on the Bungie website, I’ll try to find the page

    2. TwinSouls



      I started D1 a few weeks ago.

      Is it like the one in Oryx’s sword?

    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      *was also going to ask about cover photo*

      *sees that it's from destiny*

      *chuckles in oblivious*

      It looks cool though!

  2. “I agree with Mare” he smirks at her “You guys can go in, I’m gonna stay out here and gather some stuff.” He looks at Dougella “You said you got Chromium. Are we talking metalmind or flakes?”
  3. Connor smirks at him “2 reasons.” He flashes the ring at Tinker “One, I’m tapping luck.” Then he points to his head “and two, I’m probably older than you”
  4. @Spark of Hope @J. Magi @The Bookwyrm @RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin
  5. Connor raises an eyebrow at her, then claps her on the shoulder as he walks past and whispers “Your idea is a good one, and now it’s possible” “Supply hunting.” Connor waves towards where he came from “I came from there, and we met Marewill and… Spore Boy that way, so we should go…” he pauses, and holds up a finger, then, storing luck his luck for one minute, he spins with his eyes closed and taps all of the luck. “…That way.” @J. Magi@Spark of Hope @RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @The Bookwyrm @Edema Rue
  6. I’m gonna try not to read them This is the second Sanderson book I’ll actually own, and I preordered it, so I’m gonna wait until I get the book I want the surprise, y’know?
  7. Connor grins “They can try” then laughs and steps out the door. He walks over to Sharp and the others, storing luck as he goes. “Hi.” He says tiredly, “What’s the plan?” He coughs and breathes deeply and mutters “Damn it, my allergies are getting to me again.” He sits down and—I’m assuming there are trees near us—leans against a tree, putting his hand over his eyes @J. Magi @Spark of Hope @Scars of Hathsin @sorryIforgotyouotherpeople
  8. Connor blinks “Huh?” He looks extrmely confused “Didn’t I just say… Yeah I did… Huh???” He shakes his head quickly, as it trying to clear it, then freezes, he studies Corin’s face “You lost someone, didn’t you?” He stops storing luck, instead tapping it lightly
  9. “Save my family?” He laughs and steals a chair from The Gambler’s table, setting it in front of the counter. He sits, and leans it back, balancing on two legs, ans pits his feet up on the counter. “Of course it did.” His smile widens “All of those bastard gangs never bothered us again after I singlehandedly took out two members each, all but one. I had to kill two members and then rob the remaining blind before they left us alone, but it worked.” He tips his head back in thought “I remember each fight, but they don’t haunt me, not at all. I simply remember that what I did I did for my family, and that is enough.” He looks at Corin and stands, then, leaning forward, asks “Why do you ask?”
  10. “Nine.” Connor pulls a vial of steel from his pocket and downs it in a single swallow “I have ended nine lives, but only one person among those ever fought half as honorably as the man I killed today.” His eyes meet Corin’s, and there is a dark light in them, a light that says that there is almost nothing he will not do for those he cares about. “I remember each face, each fight, each thing they did to wrong us.” His eyes narrow “And you, Master Dealer? How many lives have you ended?” @Edema Rue
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