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  1. I think it's actually the Way of Kings leatherbound, which is also in the Update #2 concept art they've been occasionally using in promo material.
  2. THE TIME IS UPON US! Well, close enough anyway. Reactor Magazine (formerly Tor.com) will be releasing one to three chapters of Wind and Truth every Monday at 11 A.M. Eastern Time, beginning on July 29th and continuing until the book comes out on December 6th! They'll go up under the dedicated column on Reactor's website weekly. More details and overview of past updates below the cut. The current marketing blurb is short and sweet, though naturally full of massive spoilers for the first four books: The US cover has not been revealed yet, so let's take a gander at Gollancz's UK cover instead: (The artist was not listed, but historically they have hired Sam Green for the Cosmere, so likely him? If anyone knows for sure please let us know so we can assign proper credit!) As per usual we will limit discussion to specific subforums here and spoiler channels on our Discord server until six months after the book's release to give everyone a chance to read it. Unfortunately we will not be doing weekly chapter reactions on our YouTube channel the way we did for Rhythm of War and The Lost Metal, our staffers are simply too busy this time around. However, Reactor will be running their own readalong with beta readers Lyndsey Luther, Drew McCaffrey, and Paige Vest—make sure to give them your love two weeks from now! Oh, and if you haven't been keeping up with the news, we actually already have a few readings from an early draft: Brandon has also put out a couple general updates on Reddit with a bit of structural info and some fun concept art: Update One, Update #2 (if I must suffer the inconsistent title formatting then you all must join me...) Normally I end with some cleverly crafted call-to-action that drives engagement in the comments (do we even have an algorithm to boost?), so: Book! BOOK! Booooook? Book. Yes, that sounds about right. *sage nodding*
  3. Doruse seems to deny that, though: Elsewhere Brandon's said that there are two: And that the main story was about multiple people becoming Dawnshards: So it seems pretty likely Jerick is tied to one, though might not have taken it into himself yet.
  4. The Set is a complete and utter mess, I wouldn't call it "organized" except in name only. Even Autonomy's own orders don't have to be followed as long as you do your disobedience well. In Lost Metal, people pretty consistently use the term "individualism" to describe the Shard, so that's probably a good place to start too.
  5. I've moved this thread to the Cosmere forum as it contains spoilers for a lot more than just Stormlight Archive.
  6. Definitely some people did yeah. I don't know if it was everyone or not, the legend's got some holes (for example it seems like all of the Five were involved with fainlife rather than just Xeth, and it doesn't really explain how dragons relate to all this), but there's also clearly some truth since Drephrast references Aronack destroying the world once and Frost references humans being forbidden magic nowadays. I took that as dragons, just because that's the group that's neither humans nor Sho Del and Xisis has some wild powers, but true Frost was probably around back then.
  7. I'm talking about the part where she says she would have sensed it. I don't think so. I mean, yes their powers are probably "flavored" by them, Hoid can (mostly) only grow while Jerick can (mostly) only destroy yeah, but Frost says seeing axi is the normal mode of function: Curious whether all usage was aligned with one Dawnshard or another or if there's a "neutral" version out there. Aronack may imply the gods can grant it: But I don't know if he knows Jerick has microkinesis or just knows he has a strong Cognitive/Spiritual side generally, still need to read through properly. The ancient tree thing does seem likely to me. Wonder if there's a whole set of "firsts"—First Gem, First Tree, etc. Probably not Frost, he seems just as surprised about her powers as he is about Topaz and Jerick, but could be one of the Five yeah.
  8. Hm, weird, she also thinks this after that (underline mine): Minor continuity error from the lack of beta reading, I guess? If it's not a Dawnshard then I wonder why the powers are so similar and where they come from. Wish we could ask Brandon but I doubt he remembers Yeah, at least to me "nuclear bonds" implies "strong force", not "electromagnetism". But electromagnetism for the lightning is right.
  9. To the person who reported this for Sunlit Man spoilers: appreciate the incredibly fast reaction, but OP actually did post there and I moved the thread literally like two minutes ago because we're in the middle of deleting that forum That's some real perfect timing lol.
  10. I've merged in the other thread that was under the General Brandon Discussion forum, as we would prefer to avoid double-posting like that and this thread seemed like the more fitting place to centralize discussion.
  11. I don't think Connection is enough on its own, for a similar reason as to why Allik has an accent: If a Terrisman moves to Hallandren and taps blank Connection their soul will think they grew up there, but it will still know they're ethnically Terris. IMO Treamayne is probably right that Identity is more relevant here.
  12. Jerick describes it in terms of a force: And Frost describes it in terms of nuclear bonds in the same conversation you cite: It might take Jerick longer to first do than manipulating axi directly did, but compared to Topaz's poor light scattering it's pretty dramatic and seems to come relatively intuitively. Yeah agreed. I wonder if we can put together a color wheel of sorts, where each Dawnshard has a core zone of power but can dip into things on either side where the lines between different concepts are fuzzy Ryalla can primarily manipulate light and sound waves, but might be able to learn more. After all, everything is (sorta) a wave really. Topaz can primarily rearrange axi to match their Spiritual shadow, but he can also mess with photons a little bit like Ryalla (the rainbow), and can speed up/slow down axi a little bit like Jerick (lighting the candles). Jerick can primarily move axi apart, but he can also see the sound wave which touches on Ryalla's powers, and might be able to learn to reconnect axi a little bit like Topaz. After all, all interactions do involve axial forces. While I did three because that's how many characters we know, I wouldn't be too surprised if there were five (I don't think the gods are Dawnshards but they could align with them or come from them). Perhaps there would've been one centered around manipulating the spiritweb for physical effect as suggested here, and then another based around.... something else axial idk? Ooh interesting, I like that.
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