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  1. The power to read your own mind The ability to eat dirt. You can’t get nourishment from it, it just doesn’t hurt you to eat it. Stinging jellyfish. Tired of being stung by jellyfish? Now you can sting them back. Flying in your sleep. Like sleepwalking, but where you find yourself upon waking is even more unpredictable. *Crash* Making people believe you are an Epic Making people believe you aren’t an Epic The ability to lick yourself clean like a cat Coughing up hairballs like a cat Getting the hiccups at will
  2. Please brag about your past theories about Sanderson novels that were eventually proven correct. Did you guess during Mistborn Era 1 that Or while reading the Reckoners that Tia would If you guessed something would happen, and then it did, tell us about it in this thread. And since your ability to read Brandon’s mind has been proven, then tell us your theories about Stormlight 5! Spoilers for all of Brandon’s works, obviously.
  3. The Sibling is annoying. Yes, they’ve suffered. Yes, they’ve been mistreated by humans, and they may have a point about the captured spren in fabrials. But part of growing up is learning to see beyond your own issues, and to see multiple sides of things and of people. The Sibling spends RoW refusing to think about anything but what is essentially an animal rights issue and about their own grievances and fears during the LITERAL END OF THE WORLD. Navani has to be patient with the Sibling because she can’t risk alienating them. And yes, only jerks are impatient with people whose faults are the result of suffering, but there’s a limit to that, and the Sibling passed that limit miles ago. Navani sees the big picture when the Sibling refuses to, and it’s because Navani is the bigger person and sees the necessities of the situation when the Sibling refuses to that she doesn’t just tell the Sibling to shove off. Sorry. I’m rereading Rhythm of War, and I wanted to vent.
  4. Truthwatchers watch truth. At least, Renarin watches truth, and he does so by watching the future. It’s believed that he can do that because he’s an enlightened Truthwatcher, which creates an obvious question: in what sense are non-enlightened Truthwatchers truth watchers? It isn’t progression/healing, obviously. Please don’t tell me that lightweaving is considered truth watching. If Truthwatcher lightweaving usually includes gold allomancy type visions of lost possibilities, then I guess I can see that, but that is just the ability to see things that don’t exist, can’t exist, but could have existed, and it seems a bit of a stretch to call that truth. I think we need to learn more about the Truthwatcher resonance. I believe Wind and Truth is supposed to have a lot of Renarin in it, so I am optimistic about getting answers soon.
  5. SPOILERS for Skyward, Reckoners, and Frugal Wizard Brandon has said it’s arguably the case that The Reckoners is in the same fictional world as Skyward. Obviously, since each world has a dimensional multiverse, they could just be in the same multiverse, but maybe it’s more than that: Perhaps in Skyward the humans’ ancestors left earth centuries after the events in The Reckoners occurred. And maybe Calamity was a delver. Unless I’m forgetting something, and I may well be, I see no reason Frugal Wizard couldn’t have happened in the same world as both, after The Reckoners and before humanity left Earth for the stars and Skyward happened. This would require that Epics ceased to exist. Easily possible if we assume Calamity made Mizzy an Epic just before he left. It could be that no one becomes an Epic after Calamity leaves. I admit this possibility is weakened by the remark in Frugal Wizard that Runian had found the only known world to contain anything like magic, but I don’t think that completely refutes the possibility. The definition of magic might be a little subjective. Personally, I’d rather think there continue to be new Epics indefinitely than believe the three series share a universe. Either way, though, they could share a multiverse. What do you think?
  6. I was in labor with my son, who’s now almost 2 months old. About 20 hours in, they told me that since my son’s heart rate kept dropping every time I had a contraction they had to do a c section immediately. Making it in some ways worse, c sections are usually done with the mother awake. If you’ve ever wanted to experience your own major abdominal surgery in real time, go for a c section. Ugh. At least they put up a curtain across your middle so you don’t have to watch. So I was scared. As they wheeled me into the operating room, I looked up at the huge, super bright lights that the surgeon sees by (Lirin wouldn’t have needed spheres!), I saw a label on one of them: Steris. That’s weird, I thought. Then I saw the other label: HarmonyAir. It was just weird enough and cool enough that I started wondering if it was a coincidence or some strange wink from God or something, which was much better than just wondering what might go horribly wrong during the surgery. The c section went well, and I have a healthy son. I plan to introduce him to the Cosmere someday.
  7. Perhaps the fifth ideal will be related to Kaladin becoming a Herald and getting sent to Braize to be tortured forever: I will protect others, no matter what the cost. Like the third ideal, it would be a removal of implicit exceptions to the second ideal.
  8. Hoid could be talking to a group of worldhoppers from multiple planets in the cognitive realm. That would fit with the clues in his narration that seem to indicate Roshar, First of the Sun, etc. I say in the cognitive realm, not on a spaceship, as he caught himself calling a laptop a laptop and switched to calling it a magical board or something. These people don't all know about the technology that is available in some parts of the Cosmere, but they would if they were on a spaceship. Or maybe Hoid had just decided to tell the story in a style that precludes the mention of certain technology. Fairy tale style, or using only language that the people in the story would have understood.
  9. I want to see fanart of Xisis. I'm having trouble imagining a dragon with hair and a beard.
  10. So if Hoid is an Elantrian now, can he stop glowing if he wants to? Will it be hard for him to hide? Seems like glowing uncontrollably would really change his MO. Turning someone into a rat seems like a different kind of magic from what we've seen in the Cosmere so far. Is that just a standard Elantrian ability? If so, dang, Hoid is going to be practically unstoppable wherever he can draw a big map. Hoid said that he and sixteen other people told someone "It's for your own good." I guess they were speaking to Adonalsium at the Shattering, though they could have been speaking (metaphorically) to the Cosmere as a whole. Why would the Shattering have been for Adonalsium's own good? I liked that the story wasn't just "Sometimes the princess does the rescuing." That is no longer a clever twist. The end of this story was. Will the duke's nephew still be his heir? That seems legally doubtful. Silver seems to have the ability to thwart or kill living Investiture around the Cosmere - Threnody, Roshar, and now Lumar. I want to see more types of spores and their uses. Or the aethers the spores are connected to. What was Xisis's real reason for letting Tress go? Tress mentions death himself with nails in his eyes. Those Scadrians must get around, huh?
  11. Wait. Hoid is an Elantrian? Where did it say that?
  12. When Harmonium reacts with Trellium, there is a massive explosion like that of an atomic bomb. It makes perfect sense to me that this would be the result. Why? Because Harmonium atoms should share in Harmony’s nature as a partnership between two, and Autonomy, being, well, autonomous, probably abhors partnership. So of course Trellium splits Harmonium into separate, autonomous parts. And since Harmonium is an atom, when it splits, it splits like atoms do: with a boom. I doubt other godmetals explode when combined. These two metals split because of the nature of their Shards’ Intents.
  13. Wax's explanation for why Wayne doesn't need forgiveness (because Wayne isn't the same man, the man who needed forgiveness is dead) is a common Jewish explanation for how people who have done wrong can end up justified before God. At least, that's my understanding of a Jewish explanation. Wonder if Brandon and/or the Latter Day Saints believe it. I really want more TwinSoul. That guy is hardcore, and his Aether is amazing. I want more Aether stuff too. I think Wayne is probably smarter than Wax. Didn't he say he never went to school? If so, I wonder how he learned to read. Scadrial has been the world being ruled by a sane, ethical Shard/Vessel. Ok, maybe Nalthis is too. Anyway, I fear Sazed's days are numbered. Soon he will likely be consumed by conflicting Intents or murdered. Hope I'm wrong. Marasi and Shallan and the Ghostbloods... Women being tempted by forbidden knowledge? Wonder where Brandon got that idea? Just kidding. I don't know if he was thinking about it, but Eve was tempted by the serpent to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And greek mythology has Pandora succumbing to her curiosity and opening the box. Both ended up half-ruining the world. So far, Brandon's ladies have done better. Why did Wax end up spiked? What did I miss? Sorry for the stupid question. Other stupid question: Is Wax a full Mistborn now or not? I really like Steris. I'm not sure I've ever read a character like her, but I identify with her. I've been diagnosed with "autistic traits," whatever that means, and I often felt like people considered me a pharisee or a self-satisfied stick-in-the-mud or something. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to have done wrong. Maybe I was imagining things, or maybe I actually did something wrong. But it's really gratifying to see a character like Steris. I feel the same about Hraethen in Elantris, in the way he came to accept that he believed for rational reasons and that was enough. Maybe I'm not quite like him in that regard, but I know what it likes to feel judged for not being emotive enough. Like people think you're cold and artificial or something. I feel like Brandon has one or two other characters I felt similarly about. Characters I'd never read the likes of, that I identified with. Hoid had nahel bonded his spren before this story, right? I didn't notice any sign of her, did you?
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