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AonEne last won the day on June 6

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About AonEne

  • Birthday 01/06/2003

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Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Am I doing something I can't take back? (Relax!)
  • Pronouns
    he/him in an enby way
  • Location
    Utah, USA
  • Interests
    Roleplaying, reading, editing, organizing, psychology/sociology, animals, humans, Wings of Fire, The Magnus Archives, The Owl House, Hollow Knight

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Community Answers

  1. That's been how these have been going, yep! If you guys do make another, feel free to tag me
  2. I don't see a typo here, what are you referring to?
  3. Saying sorry doesn't make it less of a double post! /lh I've merged the two - in the future, when it's the same day, it's really not necessary to double post; you can just edit your previous post. When you get a week or so out, that's when I'd deem it not really a faux pas anymore, but there's no hard line. I doubt that's going to be allowed (if even legal, I'm not sure). Kellyn has said: "We will have a team there filming the ball for future promotional purposes. It will not be streamed, and a full-length video will not be made available." So we might get some clips to entice people to go to next year's ball, but unfortunately it seems like it would have to be experienced firsthand. YKYASW so I'm not being a total downer in this post...YKYASW you already own a first printing of Skyward, but you buy another copy because it's in good condition and...well, Skyward. Skyward, you guys.
  4. Good taste. Yes, of course Welcome back! My first answer is whatever you guys prefer, because your enjoyment comes first. My second answer is that I'd love to hear her thoughts every week (or every few weeks if that's easier for you guys, etc.) as preview season goes along.
  5. Our policy isn't an outright "no AI art", but no AI art in the fanworks or gallery sections, and it's good practice to disclose when you've made something with AI. I'll note that it's fine to criticize AI art as being uncanonical (as long as you're not being rude about it), but in cases where something isn't stated to be AI you should be careful - you never know whether something is or isn't, and we do have a policy of not giving unsolicited critique to artists! Looks like those videos do say they used AI art, just saying for the future. Also, admittedly, I'm personally not sure there's much of a discussion to be had here? These videos exist, they don't match canon descriptions or your mental image of the character, cool, but I can't really see this going anywhere, just commenting that stuff is bad. That part's just my take.
  6. Yeah! Anyone can make one but I can make another if people want. They don't have to be minor POV characters, that's just what this round was.
  7. Hello hello I'm super late but yes! I'll lob some links at you, and you can scroll through there and see if anything describes you well - note that not all terms listed in these wikis are commonly used or identified with, but it's somewhere to start: https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/Man https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/Transmasculine https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/Transfeminine https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Masculine https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Transfeminine_Man It's also just fine to stick with umbrella terms if those feel most applicable - 'nonbinary man', 'masc enby', 'transfem man', and so on.
  8. AonEne

    Ask Cadcom Anything

    Entirely valid, hope you're having a good life with the kids
  9. Oh hey I'm the Hero of Ages turns out it wasn't Alendi, Vin, or Sazed, it was actually me all along!
  10. Cassie huffed out a half-laugh-half-groan when they were out. "Wow. Wow. What even was that." It was more rhetorical than genuine - they'd all seen the same thing, and James probably didn't have any more information than she did; she just needed to say something. "Why would Rob..." She trailed off, closed her eyes, breathed out, looked up at James again. "Right, okay. We've got this," she said resolutely as they started downstairs. "What did you want to talk about? Other than what just happened, I mean, more specifically."
  11. Moved to Cosmere Discussion, since this mainly touches on Mistborn stuff but does mention Stormlight in passing, so here you can talk about them both.
  12. I need to get back to doing things here. You all have permission to harass me if I haven't posted on TKND and caught up on notifs in the next few days, because I'm about to get busy again 

  13. Well, hypothetically, have you felt attracted to girls, whether romantically or sexually? Have any crushes on men felt more like you chose a friend or generally good-looking person and went "yeah he seems good" or thinking of him as a way to married life, stability, or something of the sort rather than someone you deeply love and want to date? Or hypothetically, have you ever thought "if I was into girls, I'd totally date her" or had detailed and emotionally invested fantasies (as in, not just "huh I wonder what that's like") about going out with or having sex with a girl? This is not an all-encompassing list, but it may give a hypothetical person somewhere to start.
  14. Hello from Wyoming! First time here, the scenery is nice, pretty close to Utah's. 

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oo, what part of Wyoming? It’s a cool place, I go to Kemmerer a few times a summer.

    2. AonEne



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