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  1. Yeah I agree totally and that's why I wasn't fully with the article. It is a good point though and why retconning in new stories to older time periods is just kinda eh. You can't really introduce anything new because anything you do has to be destroyed at the end. It's kinda why the end of Fallen Order was meh. You do a lot of work to then undo your work to put it in vague unspoilery terms. This is merely because if Cal had done the thing he was doing we'd have the "well why wasn't he...." questions all over. Stories in established time periods are the safe insurance bet but aren't equipped as well to make something new. I would like to see them expand beyond (after) the movies so the stories can have lasting effects
  2. On the topic of this here's what's coming in like the next 2-3 years if anyone was curious: Mandalorian Season 3 - Christmas 2021 - TV Show Live Action Book of Boba Fett (Boba after Season 3 of Mando) - December 2021 - TV Show Live Action Star Wars: The Bad Batch (about Clone Force 99 featured in Season 7 of Clone Wars) - TBD 2021 - TV Show Animated Ahsoka (Ahsoka after leaving Order most likely) - Christmas 2021 or 2022 - TV Show Live Action Andor (Rogue One Prequal) - TBD 2022 - TV Show Live Action Obi-Wan Kenobi (spin-off with Obi Wan of some sort) - TBD 2022ish - TV Show Live Action Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic (expanding on New Republic don't know yet) - TBD - TV Show Live Action The Acolyte (mystery thriller in High Republic era) - TBD - TV Show Live Action Lando (show about Lando Calrissian) - TBD - TV Show Live Action Rogue Squadron (something about Rogue Squadron founded by Luke around Empire Strikes Back) - December 2023 - Movie Live Action Yeahhhhh... I mean yes me too. I did see a piece on this though saying basically, "Yes these are great but whatever they do you still end up at the same stupid Rise of Skywalker ending" and I was like huh yeah honestly that is kinda true. Like they can explain it as much as they want but you already have a set dumb ending
  3. Welcome to the Shard Carles! We are delighted to have you come join us and with RoW out it is the perfect time for that theory goodness Hope you find tons of awesome discussion to hop into and theories to peruse! We will love chatting with you whenever you get the chance to be on. I'd definitely get to some of the non-Cosmere whenever you get the chance they are an excellent addition to the Sando experience! Oh and because we know it makes you feel so welcomed we gotta slap you with a "you did something wrong" Lols no biggie but mods prefer if you keep everything in one post. You can tap the plus icon next to Quote on multiple people's posts to quote them all at once in one mega post! Look forward to seeing you around!
  4. Ooh awesome then! Good thing because with RoW out spoiler potential is at an all time high Cool short story favorite as well! Let us know if you have any questions. Other than that hope you enjoy the Shard!
  5. Welcome to the Shard! Glad to have you turn that lurkey into workey there and come join us With RoW out this is the perfect time to come join us! Hope you find tons of awesome theory discussions to hop into and that we get to hear all about yours. Have you read all of the Cosmere? Look forward to seeing you around!
  6. Welcome to the Shard! Delighted have you come join us especially if you have gotten caught up in everything it is the perfect time to join And yes being able to wade through the wilds of the Cosmere without fear for spoilers is quite an awesome feeling indeed, nicely done! I totally agree with you too the overall connections between the books is what makes these so amazing! The books are awesome on their own but knowing that they are all part of this larger connects story is just awe-inspiring. Hope you find tons of awesome theory discussions to hop into! Oh also a tiddly biddley detail because we know corrections make you feel so welcomed Lols no biggie but mods prefer if you don't double post. You can tap the plus icon next to Quote on multiple peoples posts to quote them all at once in one mega post! Hope you enjoy the Shard!
  7. Welcome to the Shard! How can we be sure that this isn't actually the cats account?? Seems like a mighty good coverup story to me This is the perfect spot to be whether you have no Cosmere irl friends or slow Cosmere irl friends happy to have you join us! And I can totally feel you on swapping your fave around with each read, especially with new books it's hard to nail it down for a bit. Hope you enjoy the Shard!
  8. Welcome to the Shard! We are excited to have you here Glad to have you join us especially if you've been a watcher for a bit now! Devouring is the method of choice around here I think you are perfect for us! This is the perfect time to join with RoW out so hope you find tons of awesome discussions to hop into. Look forward to seeing you around!
  9. Ofc, ofc how could I miss it! I always gotta be sure to get all our Hello Theres with a proper General Kenobi up in here We actually get it surprisingly less often than you think! Happy to have you here with us and welcome aboard!
  10. Absolutely! Delighted to have you join That is an excellent reading set so far! I would definitely check out Reckoners and Alcatraz too when you get a chance. Alcatraz is the more lighthearted one, Reckoners is a more serious series. Sounds like some awesome reading ahead!
  11. Anytime! And nah, we have some mighty fast readers here you will be an excellent addition to our ranks! Excellent job keeping it all in one post as well I must say! A new Sharder after our own heart!
  12. Welcome to the Shard Mac! Happy to have you here with us If you've been a fan since WoK it's an excellent time to have you join with RoW just out! Devouring SA multiple times makes you a perfect fit for us here I think we found our match Have you read through any of the other Cosmere series? How about non-Cosmere? Look forward to seeing you around and hope you find tons of awesome discussion to be involved in and people to meet! Ooh, also looks like this may have been posted twice. You can got to your last one and at the top near the orange Reply to This Topic button you will see a tab for Moderation Actions. Click that, tap hide in the dropdown and put a reason like "Accidental double post." Hope you enjoy the Shard!
  13. Welcome to the Shard! Happy to have you come join us! That is so awesome that Sanderson has reignited your love for reading There are so many amazing things to love about reading I'm glad they could get you back into it. And yeah, these books in particular are absolutely fantastic! I think you might need to give a Dad-of-the-year award here for giving you Mistborn Totally agree with the SA fave, the story is so grand but so meaningful they are a joy to read. Hope you get through RoW soon and watch out for any spoilers! What has drawn you to Japan all this time? Hi! Look forward to seeing you around!
  14. Welcome to the Shard Airie! Delighted to have you join us That is quite an awesome way to get into WoK and the Cosmere that is so cool! An excellent progression of novels from there as well you've gotten a large amount of Cosmere down! I agree with Honorless see if you can get in Dawnshard sometime soon to not get anything spoiled. What has been your favorite series? Hope you enjoy the Shard!
  15. Welcome to the Shard Edhack! It is the perfect time to come join us if you've just finished off RoW and Shardcast! Happy to have you here with us That is an awesome recommendation from your friend I think you might need to get them a cake or a lifetime supply of nachos or something Cosmere is such an awesome series to be entrained in I totally agree with you! That's so cool that this got you back into reading long fantasy series' as well! Look forward to hearing all about your theories and rantings on here this is the perfect spot to be! Keep all RoW stuff to the RoW section so no accidental spoilers elsewhere but other than that you are good to go. Look forward to seeing you around however much you get to be on!
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