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The Storming Stormfather

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About The Storming Stormfather

  • Birthday 02/15/2003

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    I have met the ghost of a King and He changed me forever
  • Location
    A forest in New York. Guess what! Not all of NY is city! Urban area < forest/farmland in NY
  • Interests
    Reading (a little too much), Lego, some sports, writing (a little), Minecraft, Pokemon, walks in the woods, riding my bike (It is no longer warm)

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  1. Man I really should have been investing in property at the age of 5

  2. Happy storming birthday!

    1. Eluvianii


      Storming thanks!

  3. Afraid I would not, and Frustration isn't on the Shard right now
  4. Happy storming birthday, Robin!

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      And a storming thank you 🫡 have a great day!

  5. Happy storming birthday, Queen

  6. Happy storming birthday!

  7. Happy storming birthday, Connie! Hope you're doing well!

  8. Happy storming birthday!

    1. Hyoukane


      Thanks!! 💙

  9. So, since I started working at my local library, I've always worked the Thursday afternoon to close slot.

    Today is the first Thursday in three years I haven't (ignoring 2 or 3 times I was sick).

    I'm still working there, it's just a little weird to not be working right now

  10. *Gasp* you watch Hermitcraft?!

    1. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      I used to. I like Scar and Mumbo a good bit but have fallen out of the loop for the most part. It's cool though and I watch a HC video here and there

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Ooh hermitcraft! I love that!

  11. Happy storming birthday, Argus! Hope you're doing well!

  12. Happy storming birthday, Syn! Hope you're doing well!

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