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Hyoukane last won the day on July 6

Hyoukane had the most liked content!

About Hyoukane

  • Birthday April 5

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  1. This is my first time following something like this and it's very exciting! I think it will be an interesting experience, as if you watch a series once a week and then wait a week to see what happens next
  2. Tonight's sketch. Little Tien shows a rock from his collection to Kal 


    1. Hyoukane


      I'm thinking about replacing a rock with a carved wooden horse for color version 🤔

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      that's so sweet!

  3. Hyoukane

    Little star

    I pre-ordered the WaT digital ver. in March! I'm really looking forward to the book, it's very interesting what theories will be confirmed and what the culmination of the character arcs will be! Leatherbound versions are really great!
  4. Hyoukane

    Little star

    Thank you! Happy Kaladin is the only thing I hope for I'm looking forward to previewing the chapters and the book itself, because I really hope that Wind and Truth will provide some calm and joyful moments for our boy Kal. And I hope Kaladin survives and gets a happy ending in the second half of the story
  5. Hyoukane

    Little star

    Thank you! Whatever happens in the plot, I hope for warm and joyful moments for Kaladin in book 5
  6. Hyoukane

    Stormlight artworks 2023-2024

    My humble Stormlight Archive drawings in 2023-2024
  7. Ahhhhhhhh!!! I'm so excited! 😭


  8. The Way of Kings rereading progress is 28% ⚔️✨

  9. I love this moment! I was so worried that Syl really died after Stormfathers words. And the third ideal is my favorite scene in the book
  10. I can't believe the book is coming very soon! Ahaha!! I am also #Team Syl Kaladin looks like this because he worries about the fate of his loved ones in this book! So yeah, he is kinda scared of what will happen
  11. ⚔️ Currently rereading The Way of Kings (in Ukrainian)~


  12. He is quite tense due to the fact that he does not know the exact fate of his loved ones in the fifth book. I understand his feelings
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