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Through The Living Glass

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Through The Living Glass last won the day on July 14

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Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Mostly insane. Mostly.
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    A different hole in the ground.
  • Interests
    Reading, poems, engineering, ROBOTICS, electronics, singing, building anything and everything, baking, cooking, Subnautica, Subnautica: Below Zero, Stardew Valley, FNaF (shh), hanging with friends, being extroverted, plotting how to steal the Sandwich, stealing the Sandwich, having the Sandwich stolen from me, planning how to steal the Sandwich back, getting revenge on the person who stole the Sandwich... Sanderbooks, Sandertheories, Sanderlists, Sanderseries, Sanderstuff, Sanderquieries, Sanderpuns, and memes.
    OH and I have some quotes you might want to read. They're in my About Me under "Quotes."

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  1. Let's be honest, these are the husband choices: 1. Jerkface drunk (chickens!) 2. Reclusive Victorian writer w/ writer's block 3. Emo Web Developer 4. (slightly misogynistic) Football kid 5. Guitar player 6. Basically non-existent doctor because let's be honest, who actually considered Harvey a viable choice on their first play-through; not to mention he's like a decade older than your player? So obviously I chose Shane on my first play-through and Sebastian on my second. I feel like the wife options are so much better, lol. But that's just me. Edit: Wanted to do the wives for fun: 1. cRyStAlS 2. Stargazing engineer 3. Adventure time w/ a Ouija board 4. Woodworking 5. Don't talk to me unless you have flowers 6. Schoolteacher
  2. What kind of target do you need for archery? The black widow outside my window. Window widow.
  3. Have a whole 55 minutes. Happy(?) Olympics, y'all! *chants U-S-A in background*
  4. Who's Glas? ... WAIT *betrayal* I take back my F-22 and use its guns to shoot Vyz, just for fun.
  5. That moment when you're trying to figure out what type of spider was in your bathroom earlier.

    (spider pictures; just a warning if you're creeped out:)




    What in the Terraria

    I realize I got the name wrong, but still.

    Pretty sure 2/3 of my SU's have been about spiders lol

    1. SourCandyLime


      So, Terraria went, Hello world, and treated you with a visit?

    2. Through The Living Glass
  6. Usually I wake up sometime around 4, then "sleep in" until noon. I haven't slept decent since the night before Prom (fsr), and besides that it's been years.
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