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danex last won the day on September 20 2022

danex had the most liked content!

About danex

  • Birthday 04/19/2004

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    your friendly neighborhood puffball
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Your Wildest Dreams
  • Interests
    programming, photo editing, game dev, philosophy, writing

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  1. might get a ghostblood symbol tattoo soon

    a really small and subtle one since it would be my first tat

    thinking like the size of the nail on my thumb, just a simple shape

    not sure where i’d put it though

    the ankle is classic, might go with that 

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm


  2. just finished my first ever reread of RoW



    1. danex


      so unbelievably hyped for stormlight 5 now

      we should be getting a cover reveal in the next few weeks and that alone is making me excited

    2. Slowswift


      I know, right? I can't wait to see what the cover will be. It's also a little sad, though, as this might be Michael Whelan's last cover for Sanderson.

  3. dont mind me just reading oathbringer again and sobbing

    i love dalinar so much

  4. so we do a lot of fancasts on this website

    like what actor you want to play what character 

    but what if we did the reverse?

    congratulations, you just got cast in the cosmere adaptation of your choice. What character are you playing and why?

    I don’t think i could take any of the main roles. it’s too much pressure and i’m not a good enough actor. i could be a good bridge 4 guy i think. just like a Scar or a Drehy. nobody super unique like Rock or Lopen but still a named member.

    the arrogant part of me thinks i’d be a good Hoid. Specifically on Roshar as Wit. i’m definitely knowledgeable enough in the cosmere lol. i think i could strike that balance between “goofy silly little guy” and “insanely somber powerful being of old” pretty well. And while he’s an important character, he’s never a focal character, so i wouldn’t be in the spotlight that much. 

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I think I'm like Renarin in enough ways that I might be able to portray him. Other parts I'd completely fail at.

      Hm...I'm not enough of an actor to say anyone else for certain...

    2. Scars of Hathsin

      Scars of Hathsin

      I am not sure, as I am slightly shy. So maybe just a prominent background person.

  5. how hard do you think it would be to buy the rights to a cosmere property myself

    like if i choose a niche medium and a smaller property, could I convince brandon to let me buy the rights

    like what if i try to by the videogame rights to 6th of the Dusk or something

    and then i just make like a tiny fishing minigame but it’s officially licensed for no reason

    1. Slowswift


      "Licenced for no reason" is where I think you'd run into trouble. But that aside, I wholeheartedly support this idea.

    2. Experience


      i dunno if videogames would qualify as a niche medium...

  6. When is brandon going to realize that he can just crowdfund a movie. 

    like he made 41 million dollars from the year of sanderson kickstarter alone, and another 23 million from the WoR leatherbound. 64 million dollars for relatively small products.

    The LOTR trilogy cost 514 million dollars, adjusted for inflation. That’s not that much more.

    Okay sure it’s about 10x as much, but the fandom would be WAY more excited about getting a movie than about the Year of Sanderson. Probably around 10x as excited, by my estimation.

    And then Brandon would have COMPLETE creative control. It’s the perfect solution. 

    1. Experience


      Idk how rights work, but companies already own the film rights for his different books so idk can he just take the rights back or is there probably a contracted time?

      Otherwise i think it's an awesome idea.

    2. danex


      I assume he can offer to buy the rights back pretty easily, especially if the company isn’t doing anything with them. And he hasn’t sold the movie rights for everything iirc, just for adaptations of a few specific novels, like MB.


      edit: wait cool there’s a list on the coppermind: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Media_rights

  7. 1 billion lions vs one of every Pokemon.



    -too little information to even discuss.

    -any attempts to solve are ruined by trolls.


    1 billion lions try to defend Reach.



    -might actually be logical.

    -the lions have a reason to fight.

  8. I don't know you very well, but Happy Birthday anyway!

    ~ Stick

  9. Happy birthday to my favorite fluff ball!

    1. danex


      let’s gooooo top fluffball spot 😤😤😤

  10. Happy storming birthday!

  11. Happy birthday!

  12. happy birthday!!


  14. Happy Birthday!

  15. Happy birthday danex! 🎂🎁🎉

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