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Chasmgoat last won the day on October 5 2020

Chasmgoat had the most liked content!

About Chasmgoat

  • Birthday 10/18/2005

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  • Member Title
    True Fiend of the Shattered Plains
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  1. Happy storming birthday, Goat! Hope you're doing good!

  2. HI I exist here for a bit because I need free labor... assistance.
    I am working on a redstone ai that classifies an image in minecraft. However, I haven't actually trained the ai and so am turning to y'all to help me get data.
    just draw an image of a label, as many images for as many of the labels as you want. 
    and if you don't trust the sketchy link, understandable, you can see the code here:
    And if you don't trust that link... I got nothing for you.
    I can almost assure you I messed some code or links up so reach out with feedback. And thanks everyone for even reading this.

  3. hi

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Experience
    3. Chasmgoat


      decent, I suppose. Senior year started. Fun stuff.

    4. Experience



      im doing pretty good too

      just hanging out living life

  4. The Way of Kings - 10 Oathbringer - 8 Hero of Ages - 8 Secret History - 10 Warbreaker - 9 The Emperor's Soul - 8 hurt The Emperor's Soul, heal Hero of Ages

    (it actually is now. I can't seem to sleep :l)

  6. Happy birthday! (Albeit a tad early) 

  7. Results of the recent polling on the poisoned cup scenarios:
    Poll 1 (which cup would you drink from?):
    about 91% of people selected that they would drink from the cup in front of them. I was expecting it to be closer to 50% so this is very interesting. Out of 66 people, only 6 selected the cup in front of the other person.

    Poll 2 (which cup would you poison?):
    I had far less people this time around, however, roughly 48% of people selected the option saying that they would poison the cup in front of the kidnapper and 52% would poison their own. That is, 15 out of 31 people selected that they would poison the cup in front of the kidnapper.

    I am quite shocked by this and will eventually poll more people and develop it more.
    The majority of people would end up dying when picking the poison for the majority of people who drink.

    anyway, thank you for participating in the surveys! 
    (for legal purposes, I am not saying that you should use this information to poison people)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      See, you didn't include an option in the second poll.

      If I'm the one with the poison, then I'd just splash it in the other guy's face

    3. Turtle


      Fadran I don’t think that’s the point of poison :P

    4. Frustration


      I'm pretty sure you're supposed to spend years building up an immunity to Alkane powder, and then poison both cups 

  8. Thank you to anyone who filled out my previous form, I have another one! after this one I think I will show the results of both.
    But I would greatly appreciate it if y'all could fill this one out

  9. could y'all fill out this survey for me? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. danex


      also your animated profile banner is super awesome and way cooler than mine and now i want to change it
      i can't compete with this =P.

    3. Robin Sedai
    4. Chasmgoat


      thank you to anyone who fills it out, I will post the results and maybe a related second survey in the near future.

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