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Nathrangking last won the day on August 3 2022

Nathrangking had the most liked content!

About Nathrangking

  • Birthday 08/29/2016

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Master and overlord of all magics both good and evil
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  • Interests
    Writing poetry etc..., Reading the Cosmere, Military History, Mythology, as well as countless other interests. I am the all powerful creator and destroyer of worlds and realities. Poet, Author, Playwright, Screenwriter, Bibliophile a few titles of many that create the form of the enigma.

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Community Answers

  1. A short time ago on the "Having a bad day" thread I panicked as my work contract was expiring and I was filled with dread at the possibility that my wife and I would be left without any sort of income. Thank G-d I received today a contract extending me for a year (whereas before it was 6 months at a time) I was also informed today that because of my work performance they want to write a profile on me for the next company newsletter!!

    1. Lunamor



  2. A short time ago on the opposite thread I panicked as my work contract was expiring and I was filled with dread at the possibility that my wife and I would be left without any sort of income. Thank G-d I received today a contract extending me for a year (whereas before it was 6 months at a time) I was also informed today that because of my work performance they want to write a profile on me for the next company newsletter!!
  3. It seems the chapters are nigh if this is to be believed!! https://reactormag.com/read-brandon-sandersons-wind-and-truth-here-on-reactor/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3SO-uV8wErsgerVLiDyR95il1THS8nl9LBAE7DNdsm5ndsvBAkNwx1rh0_aem_7nOkYeaoRFRrzwX8oJbEvg
  4. I don't know why I feel like placing my petty concerns on the shoulders of others me selfish, but I do. I have often come to this thread to vent and I must do so again. My nerves are shot not that there is anything to be done about it. My work contract which has been updated at 6 month intervals is up for the second time. In less than 2 weeks it expires and I have heard nothing about renewal. Worrying may be a useless endeavor, but I can't shake it. Thanks for listening and I apologize for burdening you with my concerns.
  5. Don't invite troubles that don't exist. Take a moment before jumping to presume the worst. If I had done so two years ago I would not have started dating my wife and best friend. If you feel that it is something that you must know then ask her. Be honest that you are curious as to what she feels for you. Tell her that you value her opinion of you and you can take it from there.
  6. Hugs! I understand well the need to be perfect and be what others expect of you. I cannot pretend as if feeling this way can be hand waved away. It can't. That said you have the power to be what you want yourself to be. People might want things of you, but ultimately what matters is what you want from yourself. Sometimes what those close to us want us to be what we existentially speaking want to be. If you ever need to rant my Dm's are open.
  7. I guess mind reading is out. That said this is a wonderful thing indeed. This is excellent progress indeed. Discussion of the lake is good as your engagement with things that interest her will take you far.
  8. That sounds very promising. Your forwardness seems to be something that she is not bothered by. Expressing how you feel is a good way to cultivate a relationship.
  9. Hugs. As someone who is a chronic over thinker I get it. Remember this though, things are rarely as complex as they first seem. You may see the mass confusion of life and try to get ahead of it, but sometimes the best thing is to live alongside events. Instead of the confusion controlling you. You control it by taking it in stride.
  10. It might be nice but don't overthink it. She knows that you like her and she has not outright rejected that which is a positive thing.
  11. I'm a bit late I know. Nonetheless *hugs*. If you need to rant my Dm's are open. *Hugs*
  12. I have to say that there was something about this particular secret project which hit so much harder than any of the others. Aux's sacrifice was beautiful and saddening. Elegy's developing love for her sister and Nomad/Sigzil regaining his name were so striking in their power that it made me truly empathize with them!!
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