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Mat last won the day on November 9 2022

Mat had the most liked content!

About Mat

  • Birthday 12/13/2005

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Music is phenomenal
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  • Location
    Washington State, The United States of America, North America, The Earth, The Universe
  • Interests
    See my About Me. But like, I bet you can guess.

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Community Answers

  1. I’m being set apart as a missionary tonight! Tomorrow I start home MTC, and in about ten days I’m off to the São Paulo MTC and in September, Brazil Curitiba South. Status updates aren’t a thing anymore so I guess this goes here. Thanks for being an awesome community, in this thread and SE and the Shard as a whole. It’s been fun, keep theorizing and enjoy Wind and Truth
  2. I wish I could play this, but my last available day for the next two years is the 21st soooo I probably shouldn’t Have fun everyone, in this game and in the many more that will follow it!!!
  3. Signed up looking forward to a fun doc game, but it was probably good I randed IE as I’m apparently prone to chronic inactivity these days >> I requested a doc anyway though which was fun even if I didn’t really use it. Also fun to simultaneously win and lose lol Thanks for running the game, Araris! I’ll probably play one more game before I leave for real in a month, but it’d have to be a QF that starts in exactly two weeks so we’ll see if that works out If not, well, it’s been fun. Thanks to all of you for being the best mafia community on the internet
  4. I’m going camping for a day and a half rip I should not have signed up for this game sorry guys I know my contributions are of great importance and my presence will be extremely missed but the show must go on without me Aet
  5. No remember I said I was in this game *nods*
  6. There’s no world where that killed RBM yeah Unless their other faction members were also all somehow marked ig Obviously that didn’t happen lol
  7. Outing the teams turns this into a logistics game rather than a mind game, which is a choice we could make. I don’t wanna play a logistics game though, I signed up for a mind game
  8. (Shhhhh that was pretty clumsy distancing from you tbh We want people to think we’re not teamed)
  9. On break and I have to go back in a minute and a half, but I just remembered this game started tonight so I’m here now I would like to declare I have the best factionmates and we are absolutely winning this game, so there *shuffles out making short person noises*
  10. The Dwarf Is naturally 3’10”, but can shrink himself any number of inches shorter (down to 0’1”). His width and weight stay the same, only his height changes
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