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Araris Valerian

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  • Member Title
    Knight Ferrous
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  • Location
    Washington State
  • Interests
    Sanderson Elimination
    Video games (strategy, platformer, rpg)
    Long strategy board games
    Abstract math

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  1. Realistically, it looks like the LG will fall to Kas, TUO, or me, since the other two folks seem to be otherwise occupied. I've got rules that I'm ready to run whenever, but I'm also lowest priority.
  2. Alright, my thoughts on the rules: In general, things seemed to work the way I hoped. The original rules were balanced around 4-5 players per faction, so I removed PMs as an action to keep the action economy mostly the same. So in response to this, I'd probably revert the rules with 4+ player factions and have PMs only available through an action. The scan and vote manip were the two least used actions. I'm a little surprised about the vote manip. During C2, The Association could have used it to try and save Aeternum, who they'd spent a protect on the previous cycle. And during C2, the Inception folks could have tried using it as well. I think I'd probably leave the action as-is in a rerun, though I suspect it would find more use in a game with more or larger factions, where the vote ends up being closer more frequently. I mentioned in the spec doc, but I think in a rerun the scan would have 2 buffs. It would be immune to roleblocks and redirects, and it would target 3 people (the user, a faction-mate, and an opponent), instead of 2. The last couple of cycles showed how damaging the lack of information could be, and the ability to trade an offensive/defensive action for info seems like it would at minimum create interesting decisions for folks. Independent Epics seemed like they mostly worked. RBM only ever used the Mark action, while Mat used it only once on the turn he won/lost (in a rerun, I'd change so this counts as a win). Since there isn't any incentive for a faction to target an IE, there was instead an incentive for players to lie and claim IE. I'm curious why you think this. I wouldn't put more than 2 of them in a distro unless I had 19 players, so chances are it wouldn't impact anything. And I think it would make them less likely to try and buddy up with a faction, since the factions don't want to burn resources killing IEs. And that wraps up my thoughts. I was kinda hoping folks would RP their Epics a bit, but I think everyone was focused on their docs, which were plenty fun to read. I've signed up for another MR slot, so we can look forward to playing these rules again sometime. Thank you everyone for playing!
  3. As for the next LG, here's the list: @Experience, @The Unknown Order, @Kasimir, @xinoehp512, @Fifth Scholar, and myself (Kas is on there 3 times, and TUO twice, though maybe that's not fully up to date). I'd also like to sign up for another MR slot, since folks enjoyed the rules I just ran.
  4. Committee members are listed on the first post of the thread, and you also should include the mods, who are myself, Elandera, Elbereth, wilson, and Striker. Just shoot us a PM. Kas and I are generally the most active reviewers.
  5. Honestly, the best part of this game was watching how confident people were in totally wrong assumptions .
  6. Yeah, go ahead and send it to committee. Normally we’d run an LG next, but it will probably take a bit to sort that out, so we could try to do yours in the meantime.
  7. I for one will be sad to see you go. Cadcom does have a QF he’s been wanting to run, so we might be able to set that up for you.
  8. Writeup to come later (or to be written by players, if they so desire) - The Inception Faction (Kas, Cadcom, Coffee) has been destroyed by the Reckoners! The Three MuskeTators (TUA, Ash, Kidpen) have won! RBM was an Independent Epic that failed to remove another faction (and was killed as a result). Thank you everyone for playing! I'd love to hear thoughts on the rules. I've put some into the spec doc (which is short and mostly my own ramblings), but I'll post more comprehensive thoughts here later. Vote Count: Cadcom(4): RBM, TUA, Kidpen, Ash RBM (3): Kas, Cadcom, Coffee Player List: Docs and Spreadsheets:
  9. The game is over! I'll put up the aftermath thread for now, though there won't be a writeup yet.
  10. Around 3.5 hours left in the cycle. If folks are interested, I can reduce cycle times down to 24 hours, starting next cycle. Let me know in GM PMs (or docs, I'm reading those), but please don't discuss in the thread. If I get confirmation from everyone then I'll make the change.
  11. After the removal of the Association, the uneasy truce that held between the remaining Epics quickly broke down. Everyone still paid lip-service to Mindstorm and his plan to remove the Reckoners, but it was clear that the two remaining groups of Epics were primarily concerned with removing their rivals, with Helios looking to boost his reputation however he could. Still, however, it seemed that neither the Reckoners nor either faction of Epics felt confident enough in their knowledge to launch a direct assault. Much of the local population could sense that it was only a matter of time before the situation boiled over into open conflict. Cycle 5 has begun, and will end at 5PM Pacific Time on Sunday the 23rd! Vote Count: Coffee (4): RBM, TUA, Kidpen, Ash Ash (2): Kas, Coffee TUA (1): Cadcom Player List:
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