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Stick. last won the day on August 7 2016

Stick. had the most liked content!

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    Being a stick

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  1. Thanks for running this and introducing me to ONW @CadCom!!
  2. I couldn’t have done that cuz coffee and aet both had information that, when combined, would out me as Kelsier so my only real option was to claim the Kelsier rand before aeternum could
  3. Since I was an oracle n0 I was told that I’d been changed to Kelsier at start of day lol so I tried my hardest to look like an elim all day
  4. EDIT if it wasnt clear, I have totally just slipped as the real kelsier - gasp
  5. neither, im saying hes kelsier EDIT thanks for switching \o/
  6. Just gonna signal boost this and remind everyone that in a one cycle game, consolidation is important or else elims can hammer
  7. I mean, there’s nothing in Aet’s early play here that is indicative of an elim rand (and let’s be honest, I wouldn’t say it if there was) and so far no one has cased aet’s early game as an elim rand. So there isn’t much for me to be figuring out here with regards to my own alignment, and I’ll note that it did take me a while to get to the e!TUO conclusion and I 180’d on some reads to get there so the progression is evident
  8. We should have all votes on TUO just so that there aren’t any last minute shenanigans EDIT also, people need to remember that there isn’t an elim doc during the day. So there’s no elaborate schemes going on here. It’s an easy win EDIT and for double assurance, I’m p sure that TUO instantly claiming a different role when coffee brought the possibility up instead of sticking to his initial CC proves that he is actually not Kandra, since he is trying to live. And then aet is Kelsier. So this is a safe vote.
  9. i dont believe u cuz how did u foreshadow this im so confused rn
  10. lol if u had actually started as kelsier u would have 100% claimed it immediately instead of after i claimed randing kelsier - like u clearly knew ur role had been changed judging by ur first couple of posts this Day again, doesnt add up! youre all elims
  11. They hated stick because she told them the truth moment fr
  12. You do realise Rogue hazekiller and Hazekiller are different roles right? Only the latter is in our pool of possible roles so that doesn’t add up!
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