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Truthless of Shinovar

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Truthless of Shinovar last won the day on June 21 2020

Truthless of Shinovar had the most liked content!

About Truthless of Shinovar

  • Birthday 12/06/1900

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    This Too Shall Pass
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Look behind you
  • Interests
    Reading, smash bros, reading, running, reading, hiking, reading

Truthless of Shinovar's Achievements



  1. Happy birthday, Truthless! I miss having you around.

  2. You almost killed me with your signature.



  4. Ahhhh the old stomping grounds. How’s everybody doing around here?
  5. Happy birthday, Truthless!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aeternum


      Happy birthday!

    3. Boomerang Guy
    4. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      Thanks you guys!! I have most definitely turned a year older and celebrated my birthday two days ago. I would never lie about my birthdate. Especially not on the internet as part of a group prank a year ago. That would be ridiculous!

  6. Ookla the Semi-Here also celebrated the arrival of the Ookla season. He did so by reviving the CANDY WARS!
  7. You’re back!

    1. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      Well… ish. I’m not super active but yes I’m here occasionally!

  8. Truthless noted that the logo had been changed since the last time he was here. He also hugged his children, Butte and But Venture.
  9. Dang, we still haven’t caught up to TLT?? We must up our *wins*ing!
  10. Truthless, were did you go?

    1. Frustration
    2. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      Right here!! Sorta… Well, it’s been a while:ph34r:

      I’ll maybe visit once a month and just check things, I guess I just don’t post as much anymore

    3. Frustration


      Well we'll see you around man.

      Please keep coming

  11. *poofs into existence* Yes, tis I! Truthless of Shinovar! However, Nameless, you’re bane is that you receive a name and it is Hubert Keagen III! (No offense if that’s anyone’s name here). Honorless, your bane is that you are also part of said collaboration, and the brunt of the responsibility and the work falls upon you. I wish for a piano teacher!
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