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About Aeternum

  • Birthday December 1

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    they/them, he/him
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  1. That's a good point. It is easy for wolves to push inactive town and get easy mis-eliminations. I guess that's a bit WIFOM-y, but it is better than having to waste town KP on inactives, or have to resolve those slots later into the game. Pretty sure me voting RBM right now is self-pressing, but we'll go with Ashbringer if that's the right shade of green. You say you're a lategame player and I'm willing to believe that. Well I was hoping you'd come talk to me , which does mean you would be doing something and it would be starting a discussion. If RBM shows up, I might self-pres because I don't want to waste possibly a strong town PR. Off we go to check if I'm expendable or not, smh.
  2. Oh, I was under the impression he hadn't posted yet whoops, shading a zero poster is pretty bad. He has all of one NAI post, which is barely better. So, I still find the wording of what you said to be ??? considering how defensive it comes off to me. Like "yeah but look at this guy he's got one post, why aren't you voting him" was how it came off to me, which feels very defensive in a way I dislike. Edit: I'm not saying he's a bad vote. I'd rather vote someone who's more likely to give me more information than someone who's effectively not doing anything. If anything, I think it's perfectly fine to vote there, and he is possibly within his wolf meta by being nonexistent here (I'd have to check). I placed my vote with the intention of hopefully starting more discussion, as well (I'm bored and don't want to sleep). You voting also gives more information if you were to flip elim vs RBM flipping elim since he's hasn't done anything AI. Part of why I am not voting there right now.
  3. For real, I should be asleep too. The reason I picked you is because you've posted (idk if RBM actually has) and you voted. Plus I remembered your posts, compared to everyone else. And you happened to be awake, so that worked out for me Shading RBM here is a terrible look imo fwiw. Speaking of which, @RoyalBeeMage can you unfreeze and come post Since I may as well get all my thoughts out while I still can, I think TUO looking to self-pres is >rand wolf (I think that's right?) imo.
  4. Is it not a normal reaction to be hesitant to share role info? I suppose there's no anticlaim, so I don't have to worry about that. But if I'm trusting everyone running around asking me for my role, there's a chance an elim can easily sneak in there, learn my role and determine if my role is a big threat or not, since I imagine some roles the elims would prefer to kill over others. And also, I tend to claim my PR early under even a bit of pressure, and I'm currently working on not doing that. I will not claim my role in thread, and you can have fun watching my role flip because I will say I randed a pretty nice role for town. (Edit) And yes I will shade you for that being the first thing you ask me. Rolefishing bad, especially if I do not townread you. I don't. I will say that you pushing me here is frustrating because I am the only person who seems to be actually playing, other than you. Respectfully. There is a grand total of 2 pages in this entire game. I would say this right now is breaking us out of RVS, but until then it is indeed RVS because no one showed up during half of the day cycle. We have effectively allowed the elims to gain an upper hand already by not using our day time to try to find elims, socalize, and make reads. So we're already behind, which is unfortunate. I have zero reads and it's almost EoD. People need to come socialize with me smh smh. I think your A name theory was weird at best, wolfy at worst. Why would you randomly drop in and go "lol maybe A names are all non town"? That just feels insanely agenda'd to me. Anyways I don't feel like self-pressing so I'll swap to Ashbringer. Come do something noteworthy. (Edit) It's EoD in less than 12 hours, I think. I have no doubt that no one is actually going to read this because I'm pretty sure a lot of us are a timezone that should be asleep right now. Oh well. At least I tried.
  5. Well, ideally thread was more active and RVS would've been over quite some time ago. But alas, that didn't happen, so here we are. RVSing with less than a day left.
  6. The packaging says all-natural chocolate chip cookies* *may or may not contain spikes I can confirm that at least one A name is town, thankfully. Why do you bring this up...?
  7. Assuming all posts so far are NAI, so let's get things going! The Unknown Order
  8. Happy birthday!

  9. Happy birthday!

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