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Ookla the Stranger

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About Ookla the Stranger

  • Birthday 11/26/2006

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Mr. Hawklow
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Utah, USA, North America, Earth, Milky-Way Galaxy
  • Interests
    Blacksmithing, Bushcraft, Reading, being a Mistborn, having dinner with Wax and Wayne, and talking with Sazed about life.

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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It's been awhile, how're you doing? Where've you been?

    1. Ookla the Stranger

      Ookla the Stranger


      I'm doing alright. I've been mostly working and focusing on school. I haven't been active much cause life is stressful. I did go to Dragonsteel which was fun.

      but yeah. thats about it.

  2. Happy birthday! 

    Where'd you go?

    1. Ookla the Stranger

      Ookla the Stranger


      and to answer your question:

      school. work. life. I’ve been a little busy (=

  3. I got back from Trek 2 days ago, (Thats why i havent been posting) and have been dead tired because of it.

    Anything interesting happen in the last 5 days?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Corvus's girlfriend joined the shard and Fadran became a god of color. Not much that I can think of right now. How was trek?

    3. Ookla the Stranger

      Ookla the Stranger

      Tiring. But it was fun. 


      Ima post a picture of my bucket tomorrow... I think it turned out great.



    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I had trek about three years ago and I really enjoyed it.

  4. lmao have you been watching the Jonny Depp case?
  5. i win........ Also, what if somebody developed a program that auto posted every single time Someone Else posted on the last post wins?
  6. Well, thats another school year done! 

    I is happy now. :D

    1. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      My school has been done since Wensday. *Chortle*, also congradulation on surviving another year.

    2. Ookla the Stranger
    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  7. Nope! You remind me of a good friend of mine named Rylan tho
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