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Cash67 last won the day on July 11

Cash67 had the most liked content!

About Cash67

  • Birthday September 20

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  • Interests
    Sanderson (duh)
    Acapella and VG music
    Pretending to know stuff about music theory
    Composing music
    Materials science
    Ranting about School and Exams
    Nintendo games

    ….so I’m a nerd

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  1. gosh dang its been almost a month since thunder saga. For me, I have found great joy in more simple covers of songs. My new favorite of Mamma Mia is this thing: It just sounds like home
  2. Pic hummed, "We already have a Nameless here, but until you choose a name or choose someone else to choose your name, I'm gonna refer to you as 'Kid'. Sound OK to you?"
  3. "Well that gives you the freedom to choose," Pic hummed.
  4. Pic nodded once, and a slight smile found its way onto his face. He let out a sigh, and then spoke hesitantly. "Good, now that that is out of the way, let's attempt to restart how we met. My name is Pic, what is yours?" Pic reached his hand halfway across the table for a handshake.
  5. Pic shrugged, "Often, I don't know something until I hear it for the first time. Would you mind saying what you think I know you won't do?"
  6. Pic looks a little taken aback, and then slowly begins to answer, humming in time with the rhythm his fingers are making. “It’s something I’ve been able to do for a while,” he answers bluntly. “Don’t know how I can, and don’t know why things react, but my time here has helped me learn how to utilize it.” As he speaks, his voice is now a lot warmer. It still has distrust, but now Pic sounds just the slightest bit hopeful. The darkness begins to fade away, and hoops of light form and brace his fingers. “I’ve answered a question of yours, would you answer the question I gave to you?”
  7. Pic shrugged. "Well, if you choose not to bother Ave or the things she is involved in, then you don't have to." Pic then focused on the kid's face. "But if you want to stay around, I'd prefer it if we get along, and that requires the both of us to listen." Pic relaxed his gaze and drummed a complex rhythm with his fingers on the tabletop, waiting for the the kid to speak.
  8. The darkness began to fade down to merely a shadow as Pic spoke. His voice was still sharp, but the haughtiness had all but disappeared, and a little bit of empathy was back. “I don’t know who you are, nor where you come from, but we are gonna have some ground rules,” Pic hummed. “You can’t go and bust into Ave’s room like that. If you do, you answer to me. Neither are you going to abruptly attempt to remove those she is caring for or cares about. Are we clear on those things?”
  9. New Arcadian wild songs dropped. 

  10. Pic led the kid to the cafeteria, and sat down at a table. He then motioned for him to sit down opposite him.
  11. The darkness parted to let Aventine’s hand reach his wrist. Pic stiffened at the touch, but then relaxed and nodded. He motioned for the stranger to walk out of the room ahead of him.
  12. Pic’s eyes stayed locked on the newcomer, and while his eyes did not lose any of their edge, confusion at the situation passed through his eyes for a moment. When he spoke, a new tone entered his voice. It was haughty, knowing, and somehow devoid of empathy. The tone fit Pic’s voice like a glove, as if he had either heard or spoke in this tone for years. “While that may not be how things work here, I can see your confusion,” Pic rasped. “Would you like to… step outside for a moment and work on clearing this confusion?”
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