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About Argenti

  • Birthday 10/21/2007

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    "I do fear the worst, because fearing the best is a complete was
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  1. I suppose you could call lighting from the sky, but only when a large charge is already present. Less lighting blast, more lighting rod. As Alder said, friction is the force that generates lighting, and you can't just make a charge from nothing, at least not by the power of pressure.
  2. Don't get me started on life and void binding! Also, note, the old magic is not the magic system of cultivation!
  3. You would be correct in your guess! The levels of Surgebinding, personal growth, all of this stuff is related to cultivation. Good Idea!
  4. From what we've seen, adhesion sticks things together, whether it's physically or spiritually. Also, pressure and vacuum are largely irrelevant to the formation of lightning; while thunder is made via high-pressure air, thunder is a result of lighting, not the cause. Lighting is a cascade of energy turning the air into plasma, which is more or less fire.
  5. I believe theirs a theory about the men of red and gold, where they're the Dominion version of Elantrians (who are more Devotion than Dominion.) And that the Irali are some that fled the disaster. I'm at a theme park right now, so I can't find the original thread.
  6. This is very true, see: anything aonic.
  7. Not all parts of the shardblade sever the soul XD
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