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Slowswift last won the day on July 23

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About Slowswift

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  • Member Title
    Be one.
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  • Location
    The Beehive State
  • Interests
    Reading (duh), writing (theoretically), pens, flags, music (alternative, electronic, and classical mostly. K- and J-pop also welcome), languages and scripts, trains, astronomy, anime, assorted fandoms.

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  1. I wish we'd sing the extra verses more often. 

    Franklin-Christoph 31 (medium nib) with Kyo-no-Oto Moegiiro on Life Bank Paper.

    I actually really love this ink. The green is super vibrant with great shading, and even a tiny bit of silver sheen in the right conditions.


  2. I have been summoned (Cool game you've got here!)
  3. Happy birthday!

  4. Good! I'm glad to hear it. I guess I just had bad luck with the ones I found. Yep. One of the best English dubs out there.
  5. I really, really wish I liked tomatoes. I like the things that are made from them. But I don't like plain tomatoes themselves. It makes me quite sad, honestly.
  6. No, I'm not salty. Why do you ask?


  7. That is an absolutely gorgeous color. How's the Tuzu?
  8. Did you know there's actually a genre called uplifting trance? My favorites so far in that category are: Summer Nights - Craig Connelly and Ellysse Mason Little Mystery - Craig Connelly and That Girl (really that whole album is fantastic) Remember - John Kenza Sansa - Gareth Emery I'll add some more (from other genres, too) later. It's 4 AM and my head is starting to hurt.
  9. I got hooked on the manga first, thanks to the aforementioned Shonen Jump app. I can highly recommend reading it--the anime's amazing in the way it brings the story to life, but there's a richness to the manga that makes me like it just a tad better. Plus, the manga currently outpaces the anime in terms of material, so there's more to read. (I haven't seen the movie yet either, funnily enough.) Also, Yor is best girl. Hands down, no contest. (Except from Sylvia, but we don't get to see as much of her, sadly.) I'm all for sailing the seven seas, but I've found the apps to have a decent selection at great quality. The few time's I've read fan translations there's always been some level of jankiness that distracts me. Up to you, though.
  10. I'll second the recommendations for Kaguya and Komi. Recently, in the romance department, I also loved The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten (I'm keeping up with the LN and it's one of the most sickeningly sweet and wholesome things I've ever read/seen) and Tomo-chan is a Girl! In fact, I watched both series through twice. I don't think I've done that for any others (yet). I'm slowly getting into watching things again. Frieren's at the top of the list for fantasy/adventure, then Re:Zero (one of my favorite series I need to catch up on). And of course there's SPY x FAMILY. Take a guess as to how I feel about that. The Shonen Jump and Viz Manga apps are wonderful and only cost like $4/month. I think Frieren's on Viz.
  11. Platinum can't keep doing this to me They're almost worse than Sailor at this point. Which ones?
  12. I'm glad to hear it gets better. That's what I had thought, but my loathing for it has thus far kept me from trying to get better rods or things like that. I suppose next winter I'll dedicate to improving there.
  13. Started my day today listening to some Conference talks--something I haven't done for a while. It had a marked affect on the quality of my day. (It helped that they were both Pres. Holland: "The Cost--and Blessings--of Discipleship", from 4/2014, and "Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You", from 4/2016.)
  14. Does anyone else hate fishing as much as I do?
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