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Paintweaver last won the day on December 16 2020

Paintweaver had the most liked content!

About Paintweaver

  • Birthday November 24

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  • Member Title
    Lightweaving Worldsinger
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  • Interests
    art, music, books and far-off lands!

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Community Answers

  1. Paintweaver


    Thank you!! (as always)
  2. Paintweaver

    The Stormlight Archive

    My fan art for The Stormlight Archive. Hopefully, I will be able to update this album regularly!
  3. What a kind message-- thank you!! I'm feeling a bit uninspired lately, but reading this really encourages me to keep trying my best! <3
  4. Paintweaver

    Hoid as Drifter

    @Clarity-Art Ahh, thank you so much for your kind words.. It means a lot to me!!
  5. Paintweaver

    Mistborn (Era I + II + SH)

    I"m trying to fill this album with some Mistborn fan art. Oh, and there'll be spoilers for the whole series!
  6. In addition to @Elegy I can actually only add this WOB: So, apparently the measurements are x1.06. Hence, when Kaladin is around 6'8", then Shallan might be 5'9" on earth. Rock - who is described as almost 7 feet tall - is probably as tall as a small Koloss!
  7. I do think Sigzil is more secretive than most in Bridge Four. After all, Kaladin managed to hear the past from most bridgemen but definitely not from Sigzil - who still shuts down every time when asked about his past or a certain white haired man is mentioned. But surely, not every Truthwatcher will be" secretive" in nature. The Orders must have a much wider range of personalities with their growing number of members. Personally, I don't think Elsecaller would be a good fit as their second attribute is Careful and they seek Self-Mastery. I'd rather want to see him become a better mediator. But then again, I might be a bit biased here... Although, he could also make a good Skybreaker. He surely is focused on his paper work...
  8. Honestly, I thought about this before, although my guess has always been on Sigzil. Sigzil could work very well as a Truthwatcher. Especially as a Worldsinger the Truthwatcher attributes "Learned/ Giving" seem such a perfect fit. He is very secretive, educative and factual, which are traits often associated to the members of the Order of the Truthwatchers, but when trying to convey his ideas and knowledge he still needs a lot of improvement (e.g. that one time he tried - and utterly failed - to explain Kaladin the story of Mishim). Therefore, I noticed that bonding a Truthwatcher spren could work very well for his own development. And with that being said, I would just really appreciate it to see more healers in Bridge Four - Renarin can't remain the only one!
  9. Honestly, I didn't expect such a definite result! I also assumed I'd be much more of an Edgedancer... Well, close enough.
  10. Spook and Kelsier as the two sides of Scadrial. ^-^
  11. I guess it's safe to say I tried to make her look as Radiant as possible! (it's been a while since I uploaded anything here... and you might have seen this already on other social media.)
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