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Conjchamberlain last won the day on November 4 2020

Conjchamberlain had the most liked content!

About Conjchamberlain

  • Birthday 10/06/1993

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    Record keeper of distant lands
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  1. That's me! who is Honourless on this site? do I know you from elsewhere?
  2. Conjchamberlain

    The Stormlight Artchive

    I love drawing fantasy worlds and characters. Please enjoy my Stormlight work. For more follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/conjchamberlain/
  3. Thank you! that's really kind. A few of these have been from a backlog that I realise I hadn't posted here. I was participating in cosmereinktober so I was trying to draw a new image every few days. I have also been really inspired by the interactive map of Roshar so I have been trying to draw images for places or things that didn't have them yet
  4. Goddam! This is amazing! Thank you very much!
  5. Thank you! That's a massive compliment! I'll see what I can do.
  6. A very cool moment! There is a fantastic beautiful version of this moment drawn by Antti Hakosaari https://www.pinterest.es/pin/594053007091256767/
  7. That is a great compliment! Thank you!
  8. Maybe subconsciously yeah! I remember finishing this and thinking that Toph's va would make a great lift. I drew a Toph pose not even thinking about it
  9. Thank you very much! This is honestly the biggest compliment anyone could receive for fan art
  10. Thank you! Gotta have weird angles when lashings are happening
  11. Can confirm. She is drawing Brando Sando. She is hiding her drawing from Jasnah with a book on the Voidbringers. The same book she copied a sketch from over spanreed to Daiinar. :)
  12. Thank you very much you're too kind! I've always loved the Purelake and decided that it was time I needed to try and draw it. I'm glad you liked it
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