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About Merlin

  • Birthday 10/24/1871

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Off the deep end
  • Interests
    Pronouns: They/Them
    Swimming, ballroom dance, LOTR, Over the Garden Wall, The Good Place, Six the Musical

Merlin's Achievements



  1. Ooh! Now I want to read this!
  2. Is anyone else getting serious Shallan vibes from Wanda? The way she seems to know what's actually happening but is shutting it out and creating new memories and life? Just me?
  3. Merlin

    Doomslug - Posed

    Googly eyes make everything better. Trust me.
  4. Deep questions, my friend.
  5. Honestly, they mostly taste like nutmeg, cloves and sugar. Lots and lots of sugar (Though I did end up munching both heads in the spirit of the holiday)
  6. Merlin

    Happy Koloss Head-Munching Day!

  7. Merlin


    Welcome, welcome! Which books have you read?
  8. Welcome! Who's your favorite character?
  9. Has anyone read the comics? They have several adventures that aren't in the show, and they're really good.
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