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King Aragorn of Gondor

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About King Aragorn of Gondor

  • Birthday 10/30/2006

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Professional Procrastinator
  • Interests
    ~Brandon Sanderson
    ~John Flanagan
    ~Bacically any Fantasy
    Cafe Rio
    Eating plain cookie dough
    Lots of other stuff....

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  1. Nyx was lost. So, naturally, she tried finding a way out. Turns out a massive tower wasn't a fun place to be lost in, who knew, right? She eventually decided that walking around in circles didn't do anyone any good and took a staircase down into the underground regions of the tower. She was immediately greeted with the sight of a FREAKING DEAD DRAGON and members of the strange company who looked like they had just killed the dragon. "What the frick?"
  2. Nyxim furrowed her brow when, instead of taking her proffered hand, the dude she was talking to took off up a hill. By now she had enough interest in this company by now to see what was going on. Strangely, Nyx wasn't suprised by the massiv tower sitting in the middle of nowhere, she's had expirience with arcitecture in strange places in the past. She saw that there was fighting on the side of the hill, and deciding that she wanted nothing to do with that, she approached and entered the tower.
  3. "I... wow..." Nyxim said, still a tad confused, but decided it was best not to try this man's patience. "Okay then," She turned to Abalard, ready to mount, but he danced to the side. Infuriating horse, she thought, glaring at him when yet again he resisted being mounted. They had a stare-off for a few seconds before Abalard stepped forward and nudged her towards the strange man again. Nyx sighed, connecting the pieces together. She turned towards the strange, maybe even a tad bit not-right-in-the-head man. "My name's Nyxim, I go by Nyx." She said proffering her hand whilst giving Abalard a look as if to say, There, happy now?
  4. Okay, who are you, and why is a ranger from the north on the throne that was rightfully mine?

    1. LukeWasTaken
    2. King Aragorn of Gondor

      King Aragorn of Gondor

      @Channelknight Fadran Gondor is mine, it was mine by birth.  Who are you to question my rightful kingship?  As for who I am, I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn, Isildurs heir, the people of Gondor owe me their allegiance.

    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      The rule of Gondor is mine, and none other's!

  5. Nyxim furrowed her brow in confusion. "Wait, wait, back up a little bit, you're after a freaking dragon?!? What prophecy?!? Is it like... legit?? What is going on here, exactly?" She asked, waiting for a story so epic she could include it in her routine entertaining gigs.
  6. She nodded respectfully his way, and nudged Abalard forward. He didn't move. She nudged him again, not an inch. Again and again and again she tried. Come on, move! She thought, exasperated, but Abalard gave her a look, one that clearly said, I'm not moving, you're going to. Nyxim sighed and dismounted, turning to the man who had spoken, "My stubborn brat of a horse thinks something is going on that I need to know about, and by the looks of your party, he seems to be correct."
  7. Nyxim Stromic felt invincible riding atop Abalard. They were cantering along at ridiculous speeds that no other horse should be able to maintain and yet he did. When they came upon a most peculiar group. It looked like, well, Nyx wasn't sure what It looked like, but it did cause her to slow down her horse to a stop, and try to decern waht was going on, multiple people were talking in little groups of about two, all looking different from each other. By the gods... There was even an elf in their party.
  8. Brando Sando is doing a Livestream at 7:00 about why he believes and why he's a member of the church if any of you are interested.
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