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About AltonicKeys

  • Birthday December 16

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    it rhymes with bees
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    uhh idk its an endless expanse of white which kinda hurts to look at but what am i gonna do
  • Interests
    Drawing, demoman tf2, reading, and element 26

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  1. Despite the probably evil voice, Larry couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He gives a nod to the sky and continues looking for anything that isn't a bush or a tree.
  2. "Somewhat. I think someone is involved in the situation, but whether they're trying to help or harm, it isn't clear."
  3. Larry shrugged. "I'm just a soldier. Never took any engineering courses, but I'd give it a try."
  4. "The C-11 is mostly for shooting holes in people, there isn't a low-energy setting. Unless it's a combustible liquid or gas, it's likely to turn to ash instantly." Larry lightly tapped the blaster with his glove. "I do think the blaster itself is steel, but I could be mistaken." He walks around the clearing, looking for any fruits or animals they could eat.
  5. He shook his head. "Nothing that works. My communicator is acting up, and I don't have a wilderness kit." Larry listened to the magic debate, knowing there is no such thing. It's all fancy technology and holograms. (Besides the mysterious rebel knights and also several government officials.)
  6. "05-014, but you can call me that if you'd like. I serve the empire." Larry looks at what was apparently a bomb on his hand with caution. "If this can help with the situation, then you could do whatever you want with this."
  7. Larry doesn't recognize the name. He wasn't great at remembering celestial bodies, as he was just trained to be a non-celestial one. "It appears to be a commanding officer, though not of my division. I doubt I can respond to them." He kicked through the mess of the room, trying to find anything else of note. Something that isn't broken furniture or dead chicken.
  8. He grunted. He does have bad aim. "Article 12, Section 2. Can't lend ownership of my firearm to you. Besides, C-11s do not require charges." Larry kicked a few chickens aside and ignored the last question.
  9. "C-11. Standard issue." Larry was confused as to why anyone would be surprised about such a common weapon, but again, more pressing issues arose. He grunted, and started firing the gun more freely. "You two, what did you do?" He shouted over the noise.
  10. Larry jumped, but mostly from shock. The plastoid armor protected his shins, but he didn't want to take any chances. Larry raised a hand in acknowledgement, but turned his attention back to the maniac animal. "I got this," he said. He released the safety on his blaster, took aim at the chicken, and fired.
  11. Immediately, the chicken prison came to mind, but it wasn't time to logic things out. Not moving from his spot, Larry slowly drew his blaster, hoping the bird doesn't notice his slow movements.
  12. Larry left the two foreigners to their introductions, instead looking upstairs. He couldn't smell with the helmet, but he did feel like there was more to see here.
  13. "You're the only other sentient being I've come across so far. They might just be away." Larry walks around, trying to make sense of what happened. Larry looked at his communicator, thinking it was working again, but it was off. He realized the voice didn't play through the helmet internally, but instead a noise from outside.
  14. Granted. Your computer can't handle the sheer size of our ever-expanding universe, and explodes. (Now there is even more space) I wish for a box with a box with a box with a box with a rock and two quarters
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