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    AKA Silberfarben
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  1. "I believe I have made my stance quite clear, if you refuse to listen that is on you" "You followed my chicken brained scheme, without you at least we would have done SOMETHING!" "now, will you explain yourself? Why should I even bother talking to you?"
  2. You are talking to the person that didn't realize that this game had nights *Cofi followed Jacks to Relve's room* *"Talk to me Jacks! Explain yourself!!"* Edit: I pressed the submit button after one quote, proving myself as the klutz of the game
  3. @xinoehp512explain yourself Did you want that tie? Do you have any reasoning to believe me and bee over Drake?
  4. I'm a lot less sure now that xino made last cycle a tie. Now I'm also suspicious of xino, but Drake and xino are opposed most of the time so I'm just confused. This, and Drake being evil. Could it be one of those four and RBM? Either way now I just wanna be a sheep and follow an elim bandwagon to my doom, but I can't.
  5. Completely misjudged that, apologies to drake and ||||||, let me see what we can do after this
  6. Well it doesn't matter anyways, RBM is still gonna die, if it weren't for the lieutenant thing I would be ok with it, since their flip can reveal a bit. Also any role can still be evil? You are the steward ok but you can still be evil
  7. I think overreaction is a bit strong, but the whole "HAHA, you dont fool me by asking what lylo is" was strange. although i cant understand it. Here is the thing, why would anyone but you be convinced about this claim being fake? RBM claimed, and although the circumstances around the claim are weird, it doesn't mean that they can still be the research officer, who actually read you as evil. There was no reason either to try and get you lynched, they could have chosen xino or me, who are a bit more suspicious. Like i said i dont think we can just entirely ignore RBM's claim here just because it had some weird framing. Which is why I want you lynched, at this point i am more leaning on you being evil than RBM. I do think you are evil, all I said is that at the beginning i was gut reading you as village because of your reads, which isn't at the end of the day faction indicative. Mostly so that people don't think that I am lying about the lieutenant if you die. Not really essential, which is why i am also ok with just not saying the name until tomorrow. It is impossible at this point to get a an elim to kill us before the Lieutenant wincon, so this is not true. Nope, I am just suspicious of you, #1 just happens to be a bit of further justification for it. I know this has not much credence, but how does this help me as an elim? if i was in a team with RBM i would have told them not to target *you.* If i am evil i want you alive. it would have been much easier to get RBM to claim to have seen xino as evil, then tada, I get rid of the Lieutenant and xino. Again, maybe it was just a mistake on me and RBM's part, but I do think you should consider that this isn't really helpful for me if I am evil. Also sorry I said you were overreacting, Im not trying to gaslight you(or am I?) I just thought your response of "bee can not be correct mechanically there is no world in which they saw me as evil, unless we think of weird coincidences" was not correct.
  8. We do know, not 100% certain of course but they have claimed and I have seen no reason to doubt them. Also I do think it's better if I say who they are, but I'm not sure? If Drake is evil then not saying anything is just keeping info from the village. And even if Drake is good, there isn't much the evil team can do, except try to not get me or Drake killed today
  9. Well i'm going to come out and say it. I am in a lieutenant group with drake. I think its late enough that the evil can't do much with this info. While Drake's general vibe up to this moment made me read them as villager, their trying to figure out the distro and other things, this is not really Faction indicative. Also I have suspected Drake of being evil because no one in this liutenant doc has been targeted by anyone except for xino or TUO, which makes me see them in a more villagery way. Xino is aggressive but not necessarily evil. this seems to me like the evil team keeping us alive to get the lieutenant out of the game. Now Bee's claim and drake's almost over-reaction to it makes me a bit more suspicious. So i see it this way. We are going to exe someone today. If we exe bee, we also loose the liutenant. while if we kill Drake we are keeping the lieutenant as a confirmed good role. I think i want drake to confirm who the lieutenant is with the rest of you, if you are a villager this is convenient to you i believe. Either way we will only be loosing one person today, not only that but we get some really important info from their flip. if they are good it would cast RBM in a negative light, etc. So, Drake, what do you say to this? why do you want the Lieutenant to win so much? they have even said this in the doc. as villagers, we do not want the lieutenant to win!
  10. awh dont be so hard on the bee, haven't they asked for clarifications on certain acronyms before? either way it doesn't gain them anything. I am currently thinking about something. I will update in a while, i do plan to vote soon
  11. Alright, so Drake has been seen as evil by the research officer? Not sure if I believe that. It is very easy to fake.
  12. yep, sounds a bit sketchy. Im gonna pretend it didn't happen until an IM or Kas says anything
  13. I think i will go no exe for now. just for funsies. No exe counts as a vote for the captain right?
  14. Can the 4B roleblock an elim kill? I thought it was something that happened as a team action separately from individual player actions that would get roleblocked That we should be going alphabetically! Maybe reverse alphabetical actually
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