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Voidus last won the day on November 5 2022

Voidus had the most liked content!

About Voidus

  • Birthday 06/19/1992

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  • Member Title
    The First Lurker of the Dark Alley
  • Location
  • Interests
    Writing, running and participating in RPs, both the tabletop and forum variety.

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Community Answers

  1. Happy birthday!

  2. Happy birthday! 🎉🎁🎂

  3. So a little tricky but I can approve given that it isn't super core to the character and wouldn't expect any spoilers to arrive but will need any spoilers about books still in spoiler policy periods to be marked clearly, etc. Other than that, approved! So we haven't dealt too much with cytonics still so this one may be a mod discussion. The scale tends to be a little different than what we typically permit is the main issue. Presuming this is a villain other people are happy to deal with it works fine for me. Approved. This one fits into a trope we usually try to discourage. Lone wolf characters, especially those with the 'Oh I don't trust anyone' vibe, can be a really difficult fit in a collaborative RP like this. Can potentially allow something like this but then there needs to be a reason they would work together with other people. What ties them to others still? What keeps them grounded? Works wonderfully. I might suggest dialing back to a second ideal edgedancer just to give some room to grow, maybe an opportunity to swear her third oath somewhere could be found? But that's just a suggestion not a requisite. Approved! (And yes you can be in an inn and leave backstory currently unknown, the latter is something we can be a little nervous about, but since Ela seems the very helpful sort it should still be easy for her to be involved in things. So the 'merits' field should include things like skills, magical abilities, etc. Noticed a spren bond (Presumably KR) was mentioned but not specified which. Would need those details added please. Assuming this is intended as a character submission could I get you to do the full template? It's available on the first page for future reference but I'll put a copy here.
  4. Apologies, been a bit ill. I'll try to check in more regularly going forwards. Big thanks Arlin for explaining things to people. The era 6 character thread should be used for any character submissions, that thread also includes the character sheet template for people to fill in and some guidance for creation. Can see some people have already done so, I'll head over to take a look now.
  5. There are some that are unique to the AV, but primarily it's a setting involving the entirety of Brandon's works in a single cultural melting pot of a city. So the magic system is all that you might find throughout the cosmere and beyond.
  6. Sure is! I'm happy to chime in and offer help but I do think plotbuilding should be a collaborative effort, helps everyone get involved and invested.
  7. I'm happy to get people started, and participate somewhat alongside, I've got plenty of characters to help show around certain parts of the AV. But I think the important thing is for people to build characters that are invested in a particular plot to keep momentum. So a discussion of what that plot could be is helpful. And given this would be effectively a revival there are plenty of options available. Timeskips and new eras and drastic changes oh my.
  8. No, not at all. Can't promise that I can be as personally involved as I was back during the peak of the RP, but if people are mindful of the potential problem I think it can be mitigated.
  9. Seems like quite a group, apologies for my delayed reply. But this does seem more people than we've had previously. The main problem is usually a slow start followed by inevitably some people trickling off and the momentum fading. So a plot that everyone is excited about and can actively work towards is really helpful there. Also, while we do have an AV Discord server for social purposes I've been considering setting one up for RP purposes as well, I've shifted most of my RP over to Discord personally and it has some fun options available.
  10. Oh Hemalurgy was very much the main event, it just became more of a social situation over time. And there was some expanded implication of 'people who like Hemalurgy reside in dark alleys and will probably stab you'.
  11. It's buried in the RP forums now because of the game it spawned but there's been The Dark Alley group for Hemalurgy fans.
  12. I still hang about, just the posting dropped slowly off until it was mostly just Zinc and I. Could look into it if people want to join for a revival but it would need some pretty clear direction I think at this point.
  13. Happy birthday, denizen of the alley verse!

    I really need to get back to that awesome place...

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