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TwiLyghtSansSparkles last won the day on February 9 2019

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About TwiLyghtSansSparkles

  • Birthday 01/10/1990

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  1. RoW spoilers: Welcome to the Shard, friend!
  2. Greek Mythology Nerd: So how'd you guys become gods, anyway? 

    Psyche: I captured the heart of Eros and, after much tragedy and many difficult labors, I finally earned my place as a goddess that I might live with him forever. 

    Hercules: How much time do you have? Because it's not so much a long story as a whole bunch of really long stories that usually start with "unfortunately for Hercules, Hera spent that morning thinking about her husband's  latest affair." 

    Glaucus: I, uh, I ate some weird grass and next thing you know, I've got a fish tail and sailors are asking me for help. 




    Glaucus: Yeah, I don't get it either. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cash67


      Dionysius: So I 'altered' some grape juice, and apparently everyone just decided that it was good?

    3. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      @Cash67 "I…I put the old grape juice in a wineskin as a joke, but now people are buying them like that. Should I say something? I feel like I should say something." 

    4. Cash67


      Zeus: "Nonsense my boy! Have you any idea how much of this stuff the mortals are giving us? With this much enhanced vinifera blood, Olympus will be a haven for millenia!"

  3. This is how I'm feeling right now. 



    Because, after several years of living with my parents again, I finally have a job that will allow me to get my own place. 

  4. Well, in one video I saw (which I cannot for the life of me find right now) wearing an "I Heart Moash" sign around one's neck is what allows the protagonist to become Invested.
  5. Sunlit Man: 


    Fleeing Threnody for Canticle must've been like leaving a difficult, dangerous life in Siberia to start all over in Australia. 

    Those poor people just can't catch a break. 


  6. Okay, there's another weirdly specific theme I've noticed in the three Secret Projects I've read so far: 


    Fairly big spoilers for Yumi and Sunlit, not so much for Frugal Wizard. Anyway, the theme is: 


    Scientists behaving so badly that they make life objectively worse for entire populations, if not entire planets. I mean, in Frugal Wizard, you have….


    Frugal Wizard LLC, who allow what amounts to demigods to run amok in technologically backward dimensions with no regard for how that will affect the lives of the people who live there, and 

    Yumi and the Nightmare Painter has the 


    Torish scholars who built a superpowered soul-eating machine and killed everyone on their planet except for bands of nomads, locking the memories of the few Invested yoki-hijo into never-ending tedium while the planet itself was plunged into darkness and the nomads were left to contend with living nightmares attacking at random, and 

    The Sunlit Man gives us 


    the Scadrian scientists, who not only developed a means to end the harrowing sacrifice system and told no one, but straight-up decided to help the planet's only unstable megalomaniac on his way to worldwide domination while they sat back and stared at the sun. 




    1. Slowswift



      I can't wait for the space-age cosmere novels so I can like the Scadrians again, because so far every time we've seen them they've been awful.


    2. TwiLyghtSansSparkles




      Maybe it's just the Scadrian government that's evil? I mean, their planet spent centuries under a despot, so maybe they think that it's the government's job to support despots all over the Cosmere. 


    3. Slowswift



      Forgive me for not remembering if you've said whether or not you've finished Era 2. If so:


      It seems Scadrial's well on its way back to good old-fashioned political corruption, so I wouldn't be surprised. I expect that whoever our POV characters are in the future, they'll be more-or-less good people, and that the roles we've seen so far just self-select for callous people.



  7. 62 pages into The Sunlit Man and I've noticed something. 


    Painter is something of a pariah among other nightmare painters, but his artistic ability captures the admiration of the Torish village where he practices it. 

    Runian is a good but not amazing artist, yet the people of his Earth-Lite dimension think he's good enough to control their souls. 

    Nomad is short on Roshar, but he's considered tall on Threnody. 

    The Secret Projects have a persistent theme of people being average or below-average in some respect who are seen as above average or downright amazing when they go off-world. This probably has nothing to do with anything, but it's a weird thing I noticed. 


  8. Major RoW spoilers: 



    Odium approaches Taravangian to demand he be his champion, c. 1175, colorized 


  9. Bondsmiths bond the grumpiest spren because if you can out-grouch the Stormfather, you can definitely stop a war or two. 

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      the storm father and the sibling are tests. 
      I am convinced, tho, that the night watcher is basically just Lift

    2. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      @Thaidakar the Ghostblood The Stormfather needs someone who can beat him at his own grumpy game. 

      The Sibling needed a mom friend. 

      The Nightwatcher needs someone who won't let her hyperactive antics get in the way of cooking gourmet meals, so….I guess that means Gordon Ramsay will become a Radiant in the next book? 

  10. Basically, a bunch of people lost their money (up to and including their life savings) when the housing bubble burst in 2008, and Lehman Brothers was deeply involved and not even sorry.
  11. So broke, he has to beg Lehman Brothers The Bank of Evil for funding. (I have no idea how well that reference has aged, tbh.)
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