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Archer last won the day on December 17 2018

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    Hello there! If you're looking to get in touch, feel free to PM me. I mostly hang out in the SE subforum, but I'm always open to side quests.

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  1. I enjoyed how that ended, from an entertainment standpoint. GG elims! Thanks for running this, Drake. I liked the Lovers bit, and the choice of distro. FYI I'm going to return being inactive now. See y'all when I see ya
  2. oh noes I don't wanna die TUA Weaver That still has me in the lead but I gotta sleep now
  3. Still doesn't explain why they'd switch to kidpen specifically instead of anyone else It's absolutely a poke, but it'll turn into a real vote if you stay neutral and everyone else surpasses you in villagey behaviour I'm on the fence about this read. I feel like new players don't use the elim doc as much. You should make a PM and try one on one convos with someone. Or do yourself, someone and Raven, since you know Raven is village, making it ok if they listen in. Whoever is going to be exed today, please make a multi person pm before you go
  4. ... That was an accusation, not advice, but I'm enamoured by your innocence Same, but then they left :(. See ya, Weever TUA I've looked how Aeo and Aet interacted with RBM to gently prod them. So I'm side eyeing the most sensible veteran anchor for the team.
  5. really I just want to give Kidpen a good viewing experience by causing unnecessary drama, so I'm okay with this Weaver
  6. you were supposed to sleep for longer >.> Aeoryi, I was lying for fun, I have no reason to vote for you right now. Don't blame Kas, we just included his name to make it scarier
  7. might I recommend Aeo? Gets rid of an A name, giving us more individuality. But seriously, I'm fairly convinced it's them. I'll let Kas make the mega post about it when he gets on
  8. ok so we're doing this Aeoryi I trust Kas :P. although I will note that that's the type of observation that comes from elim doc convos, which tend to highlight vote counts
  9. Spark. You were targeted by the vote, so your responding is NAI My last PM message merged with the other one btw
  10. This and this are not the same FYI As much as I'd like to read Spark's sudden interest in voting as being a reaction to my pressuring Aet, I don't think I applied sufficient pressure to scare them that much. I actually read that vote as being from a genuine place. I'm not entirely convinced an elim would respond to that, because in the context of my C1 naked vote being toothless, it's got some complicated meta stuff to sift through. Boldly ignoring all that seems villagey. Aeternum Why do you wanna know?
  11. That's what I'm saying. My initial reasoning was they seemed reactive. I unvoted because I had better things to do with my vote than camp on a soon to be inactive player. Then I never followed up because I didn't really see much to solidify that read. Tbf I'm bad at clocking what people I don't know very well are doing, so they can easily avoid my radar Bruh, don't give the elims the chance to eliminate HP suspects by confirming a time range that they're on/not on. Unless you're lying, in which case, carry on You'd have preferred I camped my RBM vote? Early C1 I go for who is actively online and try to spam for reactions I can get within minutes. I think elims are more committed to being on at EOD to make sure everything ends up okay. Just because you could be on doesn't mean you necessarily will. If you are going to be on, wouldn't you join in on the conversation and try to work out some consensus, rather than waiting until called out to post? Undermining this argument, Kas kinda seemed suspicious of Kidpen at EOD, and I feel like TUA would have picked up on that and not NKed them. Better to have mix options to play with, than be stuck with only the Archer - RBM theory they're working with now. Why NK kidpen over say Kas? I don't understand why you'd be in a situation where kidpen is your emergency option, unless as a group you had ruled out Kas and I already. Anyone remember what TUA's disposition towards killing Kas is usually? My best guess is HP hunting or two newbies who didn't know who kidpen is outvoted the third elim, who was ambivalent. I doubt they're all rookies. Maybe Kidpen being an active vote at EOD was threatening enough?? If everyone PMs Raven, we can use them as a messenger between each other, which is nice
  12. Kidpen :(. Y'all better have been HP hunting to justify that. I don't see Kas spending so much time analyzing them if they were to be the kill. I also think Aet and Aeoryi would be conscious of how much more likely they are to become Returned than anyone else because they were voting for them, making them unlikely to submit them as the NK. So tentative clears on all of them. After that EOD, I suspect TUA the most. Being present EOD is inherently suspicious. That gave them the opportunity to see that Kidpen wasn't going to be exed (barely), allowing them to make that NK. I also think my RBM suspicions are being misquoted by them. Sure, I said they backed off easily when pressured, but that was an early-cycle vote. It wasn't a strong read, given the timing. If you found it suspicious, feel free to pursue it, but don't use my poke to add credibility to the line of attack. If you still have a PM available, making one with Raven would be a swell idea!
  13. I thought Cash saying 4 elims might have been an elim slip, but I think that distro is so unlikely that it's probably a misunderstanding. I would like to raise the possibility of two elims though. Consider which faction each facet of the rules benefits: Night Kill: Unlikely to be blocked, unless a C1 vote shift catches them unawares. This is elim favoring. Returned: Anchors the PM network, which is pretty village favoring. Win Conditions: Heretics win by outnumbering the Priests, which is more village favoring than simple parity. Because of Lovers, a 2:2 vote that exes an elim makes them lose, as opposed to turning into a 1:1 coinflip round. Ties decided randomly: I know from previous discussions with Drake that he finds this village favoring. High Priest: To start C3, they learn whether one pair’s alignment matches. This is actually improved by the death of a previous target because it turns into a reliable role scan. Every subsequent round, they get another lead to presumably pass on to the Returned to announce. Assuming effective PM usage, they should be able to avoid the exe, making dodging the NK their main concern. Odds are they’re NKed C4, giving us intel on three players. Obviously village favoring. Pretty village favoring overall, huh! Game Complexity: For simple games, Drake likes a 15-20% ratio, if I recall correctly. 2/12 is 17%, 3/12 is 25%. I don’t think this elevates to the complexity threshold that necessitates a higher elim ratio eg. 25% (because gimmicks make it easier for elims to be caught). Under normal circumstances, my initial assessment would be that 4/12 (33%) would be too high a ratio to make sense. Wild Card: High Priest could be an elim. So, Our Distribution Options: Two Elims: This undermines the village advantages by playing into their assumption that High Priest is a villager. E!High Priest scans their teammate C1, a villager C2 that they’ll NK to solidify the read on their teammate, then C3 they’ll fake a red scan. That means C4 is a mix, setting up C5 that is 2v:2e, with an obvious lie to reckon with, making the outcome a pure coinflip. I don’t love that the best they can do is force a boring C5, but I think if they play this any other way, there will be too many ‘village’ scans or their teammate will be under pressure as an unscanned to make winning plausible. I’ll note that this set up is also highly volatile. Three Elims: The many village advantages are countered by the higher than preferable elim ratio. I think a bold e!High Priest could easily win in this distro. Pull the same moves as above, plus have the ability to sacrifice a teammate. If it’s a v!High Priest, I thing the game balances relies on them dying early, which is a better assumption to make than the village figuring out e!HP. Four Elims: I started this writeup expecting to make a case for four elims being plausible, if counterintuitive, but I don’t think it is. The village advantages are plentiful with v!HP, but a voting bloc of four elims could brute force their way through the first two rounds (subtly C1, then hammering C2), getting to parity at the same time the HP gets their first piece of information. Conclusion: I think three elims is more likely, but I think two is well within Drake's range. So be wary of trusting High Priests.
  14. Doesn't FNG imply it's an act? Kas is also around during rollover, which is a point against making him Returned. Can you run me through your distro balance thoughts, considering the weird rules?
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