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Status Replies posted by Flying

  1. I'm doing my science homework right now and...:ph34r:


  2. I learned a very valuable lesson this week. You should never use something from SpongeBob Squarepants as evidence in an essay for AP English.

    1. Flying


      My teacher sent me a message and told me to never write an essay about Squidward again :(

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  3. I learned a very valuable lesson this week. You should never use something from SpongeBob Squarepants as evidence in an essay for AP English.

    1. Flying


      I can get away with Cosmere in an essay. I wrote about Bridge Four once and it worked :P

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. I learned a very valuable lesson this week. You should never use something from SpongeBob Squarepants as evidence in an essay for AP English.

    1. Flying


      I panicked during the timed in class essay and wrote about Squidward... It did not go well. 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. After a 32-hour hiatus for an as of yet unidentified reason, I am back!

    Why did I feel the need to make this status update? It is 0:30 currently and I am intoxicated by sleepiness!

    TL;DR I'm back now, I'm tired, I'm wondering why I needed a tldr for something that is three sentences, I'm confused at my typo of "deeded" instead of "needed," and I'm especially confused at why this tldr is about as long as the rest of this (or longer).

    I clearly expect this to be funny, but I don't trust tired me, so stop meeeeeeeeeeeee.

  6. Guys, I will leave Shard for a moment. Idk how long exactly, but I feel... not good. Bye!! 
    (I will be less active on Discord too. Mostly because I have nothing to say there lately.)

  7. ...The things people will rep.


    this photo was unedited.

  8. Changed my profile pic. Sorry if you liked my old one, but I like ents. Hehe. 

  9. So my teacher told us we could leave the online class once we finished our assignment, but apparently we had to message him saying we were done before we could leave. He wanted to check our work so he could give us approval to exit the class, but I just left the class without asking because I didn't know... And then he personally sent me an email being like, "Please never do that again", and I can't decide between being terrified and laughing.

    This was like ten minutes ago and I'm laughing so hard, but I can also imagine the anger/annoyance on his face when he saw I left the class. What makes it even funnier is that I was writing a fantasy story while I didn't know I was supposed to still be in class, and I was just writing and saw this random message pop up that was like: "Next time, please ask me before leaving the call." 

    Anyways, that's been my last few minutes. I almost panicked, but it's honestly kind of hilarious that he messaged me about it and I was completely clueless. 

  10. *Ahem* Alrighty, I've got a couple things, nothing that you probably care about but I'm sharing anyway :D

    Number 1:



    Its a record I painted for my friends birthday :P The lyrics are from a song called "Fred jones part 2" I painted the Spotify code on the back but I sadly don't have a picture of that. The lacquer is a bit uneven which bothers me but oh well. 

    Next up we have:


    Drum roll please


    My to be read list. I'm sharing it simply because there is SO MUCH Ahjsdhakljshdlashdk;jash



    And those are just be books I do have. The books on my TBR list that I dont have yet are:


    2,3 of Wool

    2,3 of A Darker Shade of Magic 

    2 of Six of crows

    2,3 of shadow and bone

    1-12 of Alex Rider

    1-5 of Fablehaven

    1-4 of Dragonwatch

    Enders shadow 

    The Chemist

    pfffffft I'm fine. Are you fine? Cause I'm fine

    I guess I shouldn't complain though, since I have control over my to be read list. I just want to read ALL OF THEM and there are SO MANY asjbdlasjbnf;klajefbhlsdhf ;lekf;onf;on

    *deep breath*

    The true purpose of this status update: Hen makes things harder on herself then they need to be.


    Okay okay. Last but not definitely not least (I think that award goes to the TBR list (well actually probably not cause that's so long. This phrase is dumb):


    Go, my friend, and drink some water


    1. Flying


      Six of Crows is amazing. A Darker Shade of Magic is okay, but it's still interesting and the concept/magic system is fascinating. Also, I like the paintings you did :D

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  11. Some art hehe. Yes, I know it all have been posted on Discord already, but shhhh... :ph34r:





  12. I just made some edits to a short story I wrote titled Here Be Dragons. I cut out around 400 words, and reworded some stuff. I know some of you read through it and gave me some (really good) feedback, and I really appreciate it. 

    If any of you would be willing, I'd really appreciate it if some of you read through it again (or for the first time) and let me know what you think. I still have a few days before submissions are due. Feel free to comment directly on the document.


    Here Be Dragons

    (The link leads to the Google Doc, so don't go on it if you are signed into your email account and don't want people to see your name. Sign out first, or open it in an incognito window.)

  13. I haven't been as active on the Shard because it's Christmas break and I'm using this opportunity to read and write as much as I can. I have a few things I need to talk about because I'm excited and have no one else to share these things with :P (Also this might be really long, so you don't have to read all of it. I'm mostly rambling)

    First, I am finally conquering my fear of Wheel of Time and have started reading Eye of the World. I'm like 50 pages in and I'm already daunted by the fact that there's so many books. This series is probably the one series that intimidates me more than any other... so this should be an interesting experience. 

    I'm also trying to write more fantasy and I've been attempting to focus more on the characters I haven't written about as much, and it's also been a very interesting experience. The character I've been developing the most is named Deceit and he's probably the most chaotic character I've ever created. He's immortal but got banished to the mortal realm literally because he's too witty and somehow managed to insult all of the other gods. He's so fun to write, but he's also incredibly distracting and thinking about him makes me burst out laughing at the worst times. I'll be with family or something, sitting on the couch doing nothing, and then start randomly laughing because I'm imagining Deceit doing something stupid.

    Here is a list of some of the "stupid" in question:




    • He has just discovered that the end of the world may possibly be arriving, and his immediate reaction is to raid a bakery. He then proceeds to give a monologue about how good muffins are while the other characters are panicking in the background. (Honestly, this would be an amazing epilogue. I'm very tempted to have the epilogue just be him talking about muffins while the more interesting stuff for the next book is vaguely described in the background. It'll be like, "Oh, look at that. The palace is now on fire. And it looks like Vashkril just got severely wounded. Anyways, this muffin is delicious." I'd be so frustrated if I were reading that, but the mental image is beautiful and I now need to write it.)
    • He gets a job as a storyteller and gets invited to a child's birthday party, except he picks stories that are too dark and ends up traumatizing a group of children. He gets dragged out of the room while dramatically shouting insulting jokes. He never gets invited to a birthday party ever again. (The mental image of this is also beautiful and I now need to write it.)

    I'm sorry. This was very long and random. Please don't hurt me. But seriously, Deceit is the best character and I'm having the time of my life just imagining all the dumb scenarios that I could write him getting into. 

  14. I feel like such an idiot. :P I just read your username outloud, and realized I've been reading it wrong in my head this whole time. I love it. 

  15. I need everyone to yell at me and tell me to get off of the Shard and go do my homework.

    1. Flying


      This is me except with class. My school is online and I'm literally in math class right now and barely paying attention.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hokay, I have a lot of things on my mind. About four things. 



    Last week I had a chance to enter a health raffle if I did ten health challenges. No one wanted to do them so I did it and won this:




    I recently have been trying to do a backflip, so my friend, who’s an insane parkourist, did one off a tree. Today, when I got home, it was snowing like crazy. I decided to try it. I did it. I ran up a tree and did a backflip. I can’t post the video because it shows my face and name, but if it stops snowing I will take another one and post it here.



    Y’all probably know this, but it snowed! 




    I know one of you asked if I Cliff jump, so I will post a videos of me cliff jumping as soon as  I can. 


    1. Flying


      I literally jumped off a tree two weeks ago, tripped, and cut open my knees really badly. So I'm impressed that you backflipped off of one.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  17. I need some advice.

    I'm sure you all know about my history teacher at this point. (And how I've recommended Sanderson to him and stuff.)

    Today during the announcements he came up to me with a sticky note that said "Mistborn?" on it. (Which, for some reason, I find hilarious.) He asked if that was a good one to start with, and then we had to do the pledge before I could answer.

    After class I went up to him with my friend who has read tWoK and tFE, and we talked about the books and the Cosmere for a few minutes. (I think I got really repetitive in what I was saying, but that's besides the point.)

    The issue with this is that I got a copy of tWoK that I was going to give him. But I don't know how to give it to him at this point without it being really weird. 

    And I don't want another copy of tWoK. I already have three (hardcover, mass market, audiobook) and I don't know what I'd do with a fourth.

    So I, the socially awkward bookworm, am asking for help. I'm very likely over complicating it, but when Sanderson books are involved, there is no room for error.


    Kaladin says hi, by the way. (He's very aggressively making clicking noises at the laptop right now.) (He just said "Hi bird," too.)

    1. Flying


      Honestly, just giving it to him wouldn't be that weird. However, if you really wanted to have an excuse for doing it, Christmas is in a few weeks. You could say it's an early Christmas present for him because he's said he'd be interested in reading Cosmere books. 

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  18. Quick question. If one of the main characters in my fantasy story is named Calevar, would you pronounce it like Cal-uh-var (var sounds like far) or Kale-var. Or maybe something else?

    This has been bothering me for basically 5 years because I've asked my friends multiple times how they'd say it and have written his name on a piece of paper for them, but they've heard me say his name so much that they automatically respond with what they're used to. I need an outside opinion because I've been getting tripped up over words like calendar and Caleb sounding completely different. 

    Sincerely, someone who is up at 12:30 AM, trying to fall asleep, but instead is staring at the ceiling and having a crisis over the name of an imaginary swordsman/field medic/superhero.. thing. Honestly, he's also having a crisis right now so this is pretty fitting. 

  19. The spoiler contains ridiculously vague references to stuff that happens in RoW. You can read it without spoilers. I just put it in a spoiler box to be safe.



    So... This morning I was reading part five... There was that thing with the one person...

    I cried.

    Then I went to school.

    I stayed in my history teacher's classroom during lunch so I could read (it was actually super nice, because there was only one other person in there, and she was just working quietly) and then that thing with Kaladin...

    More crying. (Stupid Kaladin. You make me cry a lot. For so many reasons.) I love him. He's such a fantastic character.

    Do I cry easily? Yes.


    Also, Kaladin has also started to like getting scritches! (You pet a bird by scratching their head. Most budgies don't like this since they're so small, but apparently Kaladin does now!) He's super soft, you guys! He'll fluff his head up, then move his head so I'm scratching under his beak, and it's super cute! (He's currently spinning in circles under his cage talking to one of his toys.)

    I am now realizing how confusing the transition from me talking about Kaladin Stormblessed to talking about Kaladin the bird gremlin could be. I apologize.

  20. So I'm a pretty slow reader and today I finally got to Part 4 of RoW... Normally I'd be happy that I'm making progress and getting closer to the Sanderlanche, but by my estimation I'll probably be reading Part 5 during finals week. That is not good. That is very not good. Help :(


  21. My hands are constantly dry. The cold weather is making them dry out even more. And for the last several weeks, they've been splitting open and bleeding a lot due to being so dry.

    If this continues, they might scar.

    Then you guys could call me the survivor of hand-sin.


    This is actually a real thing that's going on with my hands, although they won't scar. I just have to put lotion on every night. Which is annoying because then I feel bad touching books because my fingers leave behind little greasy marks on the pages...

    There's my Cosmere pun for today.

  22. RoW comes out tomorrow!



    It'll also be my first book launch, so I'm really excited for that too. 

    But my book will be late.


    1. Flying


      I'M DYING WHILE HAVING TO WAIT. I've been waiting 3 years too and I went to an Oathbringer signing and that feels like forever ago. I CAN'T WAIT!! I'M SO EXCITED THAT I'M GOING CRAZY.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  23. 99 posts! Don’t miss your 100!

  24. Anyone else doing a stormlight reread? 

    Anyone else not reading the preview chapters?

    Anyone else plan to finish RoW the day it comes out with no previews?

    1. Flying


      Yes - I accidentally finished my reread like three weeks too early but now I'm reading Dawnshard so it's fine.


      No - I'm a pretty slow reader. This is basically impossible for me :(


    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

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