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Argent last won the day on July 19 2022

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About Argent

  • Birthday 04/22/1990

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  • Member Title
    Sliver of Silver
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  • Location
    Chicago area

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  1. TL;DR: Our monthly art commissions will no longer show up under the website's news, you'll need to look for them on our socials, Discord, or Patreon. Slightly longer story... hi, it's me, Argent, your friendly neighborhood "art director." I run our Patreon-funded monthly art commissions (if you don't know, we use a substantial chunk of our Patreon funds to commission fan artists to do fan art) - I come up with commission ideas, I find potential artists, I hire them, I direct the art, I write the image description, I schedule the art reveals. And that last bit, scheduling different posts for different places, that is unfun and takes a while (in part because I don't like saying just "here's the art", I want to say something about the piece or the artist). So I am cutting down on the number of places I'll be posting stuff - the commissions will still be happening, you just won't see them here. (In fact, that's already been the case for a few weeks now.) My plan is to continue putting them on Patreon, as public & free posts (you can just follow our account, no need to pay anything), and then crosspost that to our Discord's news channel and whichever social media website is no currently on fire (right now, X / Twitter is easy for me, but that might change). So that's just a quick PSA, in case you were wondering why art is no longer showing up in your news feeds here. Argent, out!
  2. The pre-launch page for the upcoming Stormlight RPG Kickstarter is now live! You visit it to get notified as soon as the campaign itself goes live on August 6, but Brotherwise Games - the company behind this project - revealed a few extra tidbits on Reddit and X, which we have collected for you here. For, we gotta start with the art, I mean, just look at this thing! This gorgeous original illustration by Ekaterina Burmak as just one of "hundreds of new illustrations from some of the industry's most talented artists," says Johnny O'Neal, co-founder of Brotherwise. Other little reveals include: The Stormlight RPG has been made in collaboration with Dan (Wells) and Brandon himself, so it is meant to be 100% canonical - including some brand new lore! The game system is an original one, created by an all-star team includes designers, writers, and editors for games such as Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, and Legend of the Five Rings The game will include - and launch with - a Handbook, a World Guide, and a hardcover adventure. Pledges for the campaign will start with PDFs, so backers on a budget will still be able to get their hands on all the material. Beta testing materials (which include detailed rules, character building tools, and a free introductory adventure) will be made available with the launch of the campaign Integration with VTTs (virtual tabletop simulators) is planned, and more details will be revealed closer to the launch of the Kickstarter Johnny revealed an updated character sheet, and also promises new information on less well-known singer forms, like relayform and nightform! More might show up in the comments of the Reddit announcement,so you can keep an eye on that if you'd like. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a half-Shin half Azish ex-ardent Edgedancer turned to Odium but then redeemed and reformed as a Stoneward who lives in Shadesmar to build...
  3. Here's hoping! Maybe he'll just post them on his website or something...
  4. A couple of days ago, on June 3, 2024, Brandon announced that he was officially done with Wind and Truth! The book still needs to go through proof- and copyedit, but at 491k words, Brandon's work is essentially done. And, coincidentally, preorders for the book in the US and Canada opened up a mere day later. Let's get into some details, shall we? First, here's the announcement from the man himself: If you are a little rusty on what this book is all about, here's the brief synopsis from McMillan's website: In the hours after the announcement, Peter Ahlstrom - Brandon's VP of Editorial, and long-time friend - jumped on Reddit to shed just a little more light into the state of things. First, it looks like the absolute physical limit for the book - for any book printed by Tor - is 1,344 pages. Which, given Brandon's average chapter length, and how much page space is taken up by headings and epigraphs, and how many interior illustrations there are, translates to just about... 489k words. Whoops, we are a couple thousand over the limit! This is all averages, Dragonsteel is going to find a way to massage things down a little bit, but that's pretty close to the wire. Other tidbits include the note that the book won't be split into two volumes in the US. Included in the 1,344 limit from earlier are 19 pages of art, and the book is the right length to tell the story Brandon wanted to tell. (Well, except he wanted to do a couple more interludes, but it looks like there won't be room for those.) If you are curious, this post outlines when different edits started, and what they all focused on. The book is planned to be done done by August 8. In other news, preorders - including some limited number of signed copies - are now available in the US and Canada: (though the signed copies appear to have disappeared already). Follow the link in the post above to check if your local bookstore will be carrying copies.
  5. Sunlit Man is fine - but Inquisitors are not Sunlit Man stuff, which is why this fits better in the Cosmere forum, where I am going to move this. If you are not fully caught up on the Cosmere and would like this moved back to the Sunlit Man, you can ask for that by reporting the topic - but then we'll ask that any non-Sunlit Man content be spoiler-tagged.
  6. It looks like you might be typing the recipient's username incorrectly. I can reproduce your error when I type @Chaos instead of just Chaos. You should be able to see this (not) working because typing just Chaos suggests a bunch of valid usernames from the dropdown I can select, but typing @Chaos suggests none.
  7. It looks like this thread may have been informed by some things revealed in the most recent Wind and Truth reading; let's make sure we are marking or tagging such content appropriately.
  8. Happy birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday

    Tell Chaos the citizens say you're the best on shardcast.

    1. Argent


      He knows it. He might not admit it, but we all know who's the most glorious one. 

    2. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      You are indeed the best of the Shardcasters.

      I was sad when they didn't have you in SISG. 

      That would have been amazing.

    3. Argent


      I don't think I am very good at RP, I am kind of a plot hound, I just want to know how things work, and that's not usually very interesting to watch while it's happening :D


  11. I wish you a wonderful day and an even better year! Happy birthday!!! Thank you for everything you do for us ❤️

  12. Happy Birthday!

  13. Happy Birthday other Silver!

  14. Happy birthday!

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