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The Unknown Order

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About The Unknown Order

  • Birthday 12/26/2007

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Formerly The Bald Brandon
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Inbetweenthehill, Shire
  • Interests
    Wrestling, Jiu-jitsu, reading, writing, drawing maps, and reading some more

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  1. Now, does the 2 year old want the clean shirt or does the parent want the clean shirt? Had a feeling. This is actually really good cause the elims can't hammer if we're spread out.
  2. Yeah. I get good vibes from Drake, but I mostly just didn't believe RBM.
  3. ...cause I believed him. I didn't and still don't buy RBM’s claim at what was probably LyLo. Also, why, if you were pretty sure he was evil, aren't you voting him now?
  4. Just not really compelled to do much. Felt we had a really easy exe RBM then exe Drake (didn't see the Lieutenant stuff until after rollover cause sleep). I'm also kinda busy, you'll recall I originally signed up to pinch hit. That's because I just moved, and while I could make time, there's just not been much interest this game. I guess if the elims don't hit the Lieutenant I might be willing to go for Drake, but I'm getting worse vibes from RBM rn so it’ll probably depend on what you guys think and how I feel tomorrow.
  5. How many games is Bee at now? Lylo is a really common term, I would think RBM has asked this in the several games they've played already, if not seeing me myself reference it pretty clearly in the several elim games we've played together.
  6. I think that means this is a reaction test? That got broken? My guess is RBM had this planned as a reaction test, then Aeo died and their plans got messed up.
  7. Do it! Why let Kas stop you from doing what you want? He has no power you don't give him. @Coffeecat The player list says that we're supposed to kill you next. What's your defense?
  8. Tis correct I believe. It's 10:30 for me and I'm one hour above MST now. I'm tempted to self pres, but I'll trust my animal cracker sacrifices are up to date. Dii Felicis et Fors Decernite Fatum nostrum!
  9. I don't think I like that we've stacked both existing votes up to two already. Feels off. I guess we are in the last quarter of the cycle, but it still feels off. I also don't like that I'm one of those but what can you do.
  10. Rude. Falo um pouco de Português. Estou aprendendo português. En cuanto al español, aparte de un poco de español de obras, necesito el traductor de Google.
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