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Are we making these weekly? Who knows. But it's time for another Lost Metal (March) art commission, this one dedicated to everyone's favorite gunslinging Coinshot & rude Bloodmaker dynamic duo - Dumad and Getruda!

You know the drill, follow us after the break for the complete illustration!

The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England is HERE, and over on the Coppermind Wiki we are back in action! The novel dropped on April 1st for Kickstarter backers and today it is now available for anyone to purchase. We've been hit with two cosmere releases over the last six months, and two more are coming in 2023, so this will continue to be a busy year for the wiki. And we need your help! Veteran editors and newbies are all appreciated!

We're kicking off the official Frugal Wiki's Tournament for Surviving the Year of Sanderson, in which we'll be trying to knock out as many Frugal Wizard-related updates as possible. This competition will run for one month--starting today. You can find the list of objectives here. Each objective has been assigned a point value based on how difficult we feel it will be. The person with the most points at the end of the competition is the winner! The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive a one-time-only Frugal Wiki Wizard Award to show off on their user page! And that's to say nothing of the self-satisfaction I can guarantee as well as the undying gratitude of countless Sanderson fans!

The tournament begins NOW! Let's do this!

Hello, hello! 

As many of you likely know, a key perk of the 17th Shard Patreon are the monthly art commissions - we take a good chunk of the money our supporters graciously donate to us, and invest (heh, Invest) them right back into the community in the form of fanart we commission from artists from the fandom. And, since we got our our final 2022 commission just a few days ago, it's once again time to take a brief look back, a quick stroll down Memory Lane, and enjoy all the gorgeous art this awesome and wholesome community has made possible. As always, thank you for being a part of this crazy ride, and double thank you to those of you who are specifically making us keep this going with your hard-earned clips, boxings, and spheres. We commissioned 22 full illustrations (plus a Discord emoji and a Shardcast thumbnail) costing a total of nearly $5,000, and almost none of them would've happened without your support!

The previews below the break include scenes from the Skyward Flight novellas, Warbreaker, all of Stormlight, all of Mistborn, including The Lost Metal, and Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell. If you haven't read some of these books, maybe don't look closely into the previews :) Links to the full images will be behind spoiler tags, however, so you can pick and choose which ones to take a(nother) closer look at.

Back in December, when The Lost Metal was but a wee baby and we were commissioning art from it, Wayne won pretty soundly but TwinSoul was a solid second. You've already seen the (very spoilery) Wayne piece but - surprise! - we've been working on TwinSoul in secret. Sneaky old man. So that's what we have here!
Take a sip of water and follow us after the break for the full piece!

It's been Spoiler City up on this Patreon, and that's not changing anytime soon (can you believe Secret Project #2 is less than a month away??). We are all mostly hunkered down here in 17S HQ, cooking up things both secret and not, and honestly, recovering from all the content Brandon is blasting our way with some face masks and spas. But you are not here for our morning routines, you are here to see pretty art, and this month you are in for a treat!

Follow us after the break for some spoilers for Tress of the Emerald Sea in the form of some gorgeous art!

It's been only a few months since The Lost Metal came out, but there's been so much going on with the Year of Sanderson that it's hard to believe. Time flies like a Coinshot, as they say (they don't say that), and so you've waited long enough to see the art you voted on (assuming you are a patron; if you are not, may we interest you in joining the ranks? Look at what cool stuff those kind patrons make happen).

So let's take a look at it! Spoilers for The Lost Metal below!

On today's news roundup, do you like covers? There are tons of new covers, for Skyward, Mistborn's rerelease, and the Tor edition of Tress. Let's start with Skyward news! Hot off the press, we have a cover reveal for Defiant, the fourth Skyward book, which comes out November 21st, 2023. We also have a synopsis! 

Shardcast: White Sand Omnibus

By Chaos, in Shardcast,

The White Sand Omnibus is here, and so it's time for another episode of Shardcast where we go into extensive detail on things. There's character stuff, lore stuff, talking about the Indiegogo failure, as well as astrophysics and complex cosmere stuff. Oh, and infesting sand! This is a very weird and extremely nerdy episode, even for us.

Shardcast: Aethers

By Chaos, in Shardcast,

It's time we talk about aethers, the last big cosmere magic system! Or is this actually an MCU podcast? A Pinnochio podcast? Maybe it's an ecology and physics podcast. Surprise, it's red spikes all the way down. This episode is both very on the rails and also totally not.

This one is coming to you all the way from September of last year, so apologies for the long wait but we like to give the artists we work with as much time as they need with these commissions - we are under no deadline, and we don't want to impose one either. In this case - and in all other cases - the wait has been worth it, as this illustration turned out beyond great!

Open the post to see the full piece!

The Tress Cup

By Jofwu, in Columns and Features,

Tress of the Emerald Sea is HERE, and over on the Coppermind Wiki we are in crunch mode! The novel dropped on January 1st for Kickstarter backers and today it is now available for anyone to purchase. Between The Lost Metal's release in November and several new books coming in 2023, this is going to be a busy year for the wiki. And we need your help! Veteran editors and newbies are all appreciated!

We're kicking off the first (and only) official Coppermind Tress Cup, in which we'll be trying to knock out as many Tress-related updates as possible. This competition will run for one month--starting today. You can find the list of objectives here. Each objective has been assigned a point value based on how difficult we feel it will be. The person with the most points at the end of the competition is the winner! The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive a one-time-only Tress Cup Award to show off on their user page! And that's to say nothing of the self-satisfaction I can guarantee as well as the undying gratitude of countless Cosmere fans!

The Coppermind Tress Cup begins NOW! Let's do this!

There was an annual gift exchange tradition in the fandom that went on for several years, and it strangely coincided with our own holiday season. It was known as Secret Sazed, and while this art commission is not involved with this tradition in any way, it is a Sazed piece, and we are revealing it right around the holidays. So it was a secret Sazed, in the sense that... you didn't know it was coming? Look, overabundance of (Christmas) food is the enemy of wit, this as good of an intro you are going to get. Let's talk about the illustration itself.

Spoilers for The Hero of Ages below!

Shardcast: Moonlight's Mentor

By Chaos, in Shardcast,

It's our longest episode ever! If you've read Lost Metal, you know what this episode is about, and there's so so much to discuss. In fact, believe it or not, we probably easily could have talked for two more hours at least on it. In this one, Alyx is a mind-reader and says Realmatic things! We also get talking about the Fused.

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