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[Lost Metal Spoilers] January 2023 Art Commission


It's been only a few months since The Lost Metal came out, but there's been so much going on with the Year of Sanderson that it's hard to believe. Time flies like a Coinshot, as they say (they don't say that), and so you've waited long enough to see the art you voted on (assuming you are a patron; if you are not, may we interest you in joining the ranks? Look at what cool stuff those kind patrons make happen). So let's take a look at it!

Spoilers for The Lost Metal

So what did you vote on in January? Marsh, of course. Everyone's favorite rebel leader turned death god, whom we barely saw in The Lost Metal, but that was enough for him to make a dramatic entrance, scare some people, and show us that 300 years of experience with Allomancy can teach a guy a trick or two. For this piece we commissioned Ari Ibarra who has long graced the fandom with his talent (just look at these Rosharan Shards). He nailed the mood of the illustration from the get-go and was just thoroughly excellent to work with. We hope you are as pleased with it as we are!

A digital illustration in a painterly style depicting Marsh, in his role of Death, in the Bilming constabulary, crushing a gun with his Allomantic powers. Marsh stands tall and imposing in the center of the vertical image, black cloak over his black robes - robes decorated with large buttons reminiscent of Inquisitor spikes. Thing jagged blue lines come out of Marsh's body, shooting out in all directions. The metal spikes through his eyes have locked their iron gaze with someone in front of him but out of view; one arm is outstretched and forming a fist, as if to crush the revolver suspended in the air a few feet in front of him, in the foreground. The gun itself has been twisted and wrung like a wet towel. The background reveals an unassuming building of two stories, wooden railings, and a tall ceiling.

Edited by Argent


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This is absolutely incredible AWESOME.


Time flies like a Coinshot, as they say (they don't say that

I’m going to start saying that now! 

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Marsh is one of my favorite characters in the Cosmere, as it happens.

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… I said it. Three times. “Time flies like a coinshot” is now something “they say” :P

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