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Treamayne last won the day on July 17

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  1. Almost any Scadrian Proper Noun: Thieving Crew Steel Inquisition Canton of Orthodoxy Sliver of Infinity The Set Ascendant Warrior(s) Deniers of Masks etc.
  2. I'm guessing you don't mean the Aonic Pronunciation of the Aon? E He? Ay Hay? Edit - @AlastorBM Maybe Breath (Aha - ah ha) might be closer? And the meaning seems closer as well. . . Or, I am overthinking things, as usual.
  3. No worries. Tips and techniques for searching the Arcanum (WoBs) can be found in the Sharder FAQ (near the bottom of the first post) if you are interested.
  4. I justed wanted to post a huge Thank You to the admins and mods for opening the Spoiler Zone to SA5 previews. Looking forward to SP5 joining them there.
  5. Titles can also be edited by the OP editing the first post. . . Please see the Sharder FAQ for more details
  6. Keep in mind that the names (and likely society) was at least partly inspired by Puritan societies. WoB: So, it is likely just a cultural quirk to aid in Worldbuilding. Note that Sanderson did something similar in Elantris (spoilers): "If it please you" type constuctions are also a relatively common cultural language quirks in many real life societies, and similar to the above reference is generally used for honorary or submissive reasons - such as Korean where the "ra" command form is only used for children and animals (and deliberate insults) - but talking to a superior or somebody older that you, the conjugation {shimnida) is closer to "I hope you want to [do this thing]."
  7. And, the logo has returned to normal (for now).
  8. Been a while - reminder update. Spoiler Zone has been opened for all of your SA5 spoiler needs (please stop spoiling these boards for the rest of us). Now, if only SP5 would get a section there too. . .
  9. I would at least put it in a spoiler or quote tag to shrink the post (for easy scrolling). Also, not sure why whoever made this associated MJ with Aon Ehe (fire) - not the Aon I would have chosen (though I guess it may be linked to whichever song that was)
  10. Wasn't sure if this was better here or in General Sanderson (chose this one, because he is not (yet) a contributing author). Grim Oak Press Grimoire page, summary: More at the link, including FAQ and cover preview.
  11. Brandon has said that he has no plans to bring Shaor back - and Riina was not her real name. Also (Mistborn Spoilers) Hope that helps
  12. You may want to consider adding a Support tag to the thread Title - especially if this is a thread for venting (and I cannot blame you there) Something like "[Support] The Sibling was being obnoxious" to make it clear you are just venting during a read, and the thread is not meant for either spoilers or debating the point (which would be a [Discuss] tag). Not that we expect derailed threads, but it never hurts to take precautions early and to make the thread's point clear to people coming late to the discussion (in case they are skipping straight to page 2+). I had the impression that their personality was un(der)developed. Very much like an adolescent - which may have been a purposeful characterization from Brandon - but that did not make the interactions less annoying at times. Which makes me hope that they will progress in a way similar to WoK Syl - gaining maturity to their Sapience as Navani's Oaths progress.
  13. I'll admit I am not super familiar with the remake, but I mentiond the JFW version for wo reasons: I grew up with it (I'm not quite that old - 70s and 80s hearing this on my parent's radio - Honey Radio Detroit) It doesn't so much sound "happy" to me as it feels like when I or others are trying (too hard) to put on a "brave face" to hold back the grief. That suppressed-emotion-false-cheer resonates with me for many reasons. But I'll give the remake another shot if I find a version. . . thanks
  14. Because you also do not actually "see" Atium or Electrum Shadows either. Atium and Electrum (and Gold and Malatium) cause a Connection in the Spiritweb (theorized to also be what is really happeneing with Iron and Steel lines). In your normal field of view, the Metalborn's mind interprets this information that is being received as visual input - outside of your field of vision, you are still receiving the information and reacting to it (as seen in Vin's POV and her conversation with Hammond); but without your brain taking the step to visualize a "Shadow." Please note that the "blind" WoB is about the Mistborn Adventure Game (MAG) which is not entirely canon - so while Brandon has conirmed a blind character would be able to use Atium and react to the information recceived - we don't actually "know" they would "see" shadows. We won't have that piece until Brandon states something specific or gives us a blind POV character. In fact, I would venture to guess that a Metalborn that was blind from birth and had never experienced vision would not get any form of "shadow" and their neural diversity would interpret the Spiritual Realm information based on a a sense they were more familiar with (maybe "shadow echoes of sound"?). Hope that helps
  15. Please consider posting in your profile or an Intro Thread which books you have or have not read (whichever list is shorter). Era 1 Atium is not Pure Atium - it was a chunk of Ruin's power that Leras purposefully separated and combined with Electrum to make an alloy that was "stuck" in the investiture cycle of the Pits that you describe. The two metals replace the External Temporal metals in the Era 1 table, to keep the number "16" correct. Discussed extensively in this Malatium thread and many other threads that can be found with a quick search. WoB: Hope that helps
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