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Status Replies posted by Mist

  1. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii it's my Shardiversary!

    It's been seven years now, I think.

    Gonna keep this short cause I'm really not active on here much anymore, but I'm just going to thank a few people.

    @The Awakened Salad HEY NERD. I love you. Just. Yeah. You're really really cool. You know how I feel about you. :P I can talk to you about anything, and you're just one of my absolute favorite people ever.

    @AonEne HEY NERD. I love you. You're also super duper cool, and it's always fun to pull the "I know a mod and his dog attempted to initiate relations with me" card. (I don't do anything with it, I just show it to people I guess. I think I mention you more than I mention my aunt knowing Emily really well? Anyways.) I'm really going to miss being close to you next year, but we made it work before then and it will continue to work. Thanks for just. Always being there.

    So grateful for the FAB squad as a whole, you two really are just two of my closest friends and I hope it stays that way for eternity. (My ghost will haunt your ghosts.) (I feel like that's a reference to something but I'm not sure what.) (Might be a Skyward quote actually?)

    @Knight of Iron Koiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Thanks for being awesome. I'm always so thrilled when you DM me. I love talking to you so much. Thanks for being my Hollow Knight buddy.

    @Ed Venture HEY NERD. (I could great every single one of you like that.) Okay so here's an example of how Vennie is the best human being ever. She lived down the road from me this last school year. When I was moving out to come back home for the summer, I invited her over so we could hang out one last time before I left. I was expecting her to just kinda hang out while I cleaned and we'd talk or maybe watch something, but she just showed up and asked how she could help. And she then proceeded to clean the majority of the kitchen. (My two roommates who left early didn't do much cleaning.) AND when I left the next day, I had mentioned that morning on Discord in a random channel having gotten a cut on my finger and thinking it was infected but having all my first aid stuff packed, and she ran by to say bye and just. Brought me a bandaid and some antibiotic stuff from her job. I have nothing for praise but this wonderful lady, I'm going to miss her so much next year. (I'm going to a different college.)

    @DramaQueen HEY NERD. Thanks for being such a great roommate! You're crazy and I'm worried about your quantity of free time, but I have so much respect for you for just. Doing it. You're really cool, and I'm going to miss having you around next year. (I have to live with people I don't know????)

    @King Oreo Hello my child. Thank you so much for all the memes, and all the pictures of your critters, and of course for sharing all of your art! I love you so much, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. Talking to you always brightens my day.

    @Mist @Condensation @Vapor Hi nerds!!! Sorry for grouping you all together, but I wanted to mention all of you and I'm going to bed very soon. But you all are so cool??? Just you're all genuinely so thoughtful and kind, and so fun to be around. I'm also going to miss being close to you all, but I'm so grateful we got to hang out so much this last year (even though it wasn't anywhere near enough). (Tell the cats I love them.)

    And of course a shout out to everyone who has touched my life, especially the Knights of the Cosmere roleplayers back in 2017 and the original TUBA group. Thanks for letting me know what it's like to belong. I'm eternally grateful.

    Until next year! (Unless I just totally leave by then, I really don't know what will happen.)

  2. I see you lurking


    You fellow college person you

    1. Mist



      Listen I read LG53 and it was a fun read, but I don't think I have time or energy, unfortunately :P

  3. Well, well, well, it’s that time of year again. It’s officially been three years since I’ve joined the Shard. I don’t think I ever quite expected that choice to have had such a profoundly positive impact on my life.

     I wasn’t very active my first year, so most of you reading this (with the possible exception of @The Awakened Salad) will only have known me for two years. It doesn’t feel like two years and it certainly doesn’t feel like three.

    I’d like to thank @Tesh for becoming a really good friend of mine. From RPs and writing, to Hollow Knight and Owl House, to long, long chats on Discord, it’s been a blast getting to know you. Kaladin too! Thanks for the octopi!

    I give another thanks to @Chasmgoat for being so great to have discussions with, to generate AI things, and to share Silksong news with. I’m legitimately excited for it to release in just twenty more years, and we‘ll have so much there to share. Cuz even once we’ve 100%-ed it, the end is never the end.

    And a thanks to @DramaQueen. Friendship is an astonishingly wonderful thing. It both confuses me and makes sense to me how we ended up becoming friends, and regardless I’m glad it happened. It’s been delightful to learn about the things you’re passionate about, including music, musicals, and theatre.

     I’d like to thank @The Awakened Salad for graciously granting me a position within their company as the Prime Spinal Fluid Source, @Vapor for rekindling my Dream SMP obsession, @Scarletfox for her support and for countless Minecraft fun times,@Ed Venture for their friendship with a touch of D&D advice, and so many more of you that I don’t have time to type out due to my financial obligation to keep myself alive (aka “gotta get ready for work”).

    Unfortunately, I can’t thank everyone in a single post, and I certainly can’t thank any one person enough. All of y’all have changed my life for the better, and I think I’m the luckiest knight in the world to have ended up with you all as my friends.

  4. Hey friends

    3 years now

    4 Water Siblings (love y'all) @Condensation @Vapor @Fog

    1 amazing real friend who got me on here @Serce Forts (wish I could see you more, but that's life, unfortunately) 

    2 Sharders who I am now a lot closer to @DramaQueen @Ed Venture and one who I will most likely be getting closer to @Channelknight Fadran

    And a few other awesome peeps (I am definitely missing some people here, sorry) @Chasmgoat @revelryintheart @Scarletfox @Spock @Tesh


    Anyways, thanks for being amazing

  5. 500th post SU!

    To celebrate, I shall be doing book/book character vibe-checks. Reply and I'll do my best to match you with a book, fictional character, or both! (and they might be books or characters I do not know well, but whose vibes fit you well.)

  6. Happy birthday, Mist!

  7. Well it's 9:57 in the evening and I want to go to bed.

    But it's also May 16th.



    And, somewhat unfortunately, this takes precedent over sleeping a reasonable amount.

    First and foremost.


    I've been on here for five years.

    I uh... technically joined when I was 12, but we don't talk about that. Or any of my early posts. 

    A whole hecking lot has changed over those five years, and a lot of it in no small part thanks to this site and the amazing people I've come into contact with. You all got me through a really rough patch (AKA middle school) and then about two years ago I got onto Discord and just got to know some people even better.

    You all are amazing.

    Time to start the list. 

    @The Awakened Salad SALAD. Thank you for being the other half of STAELSAHD, for putting up with me despite all of my many erm... moments of being a crummy friend, and for forgiving me. Every time I look at the moon I think of you and your 42 elbow-ed arms reaching down to pat me on the head. You're one of my best friends and I don't know what I'd do without you. And I know that I most certainly wouldn't be where I am without you at this point. And thanks, of course, for watching Barbie movies with me in the ungodly hours of the morning. Honestly, those are some of my fondest memories. Dragons!!!

    @AonEne Eeeeeeeeeeeeene. I can't even put into words how awesome you are. Like dude. You ROCK. You're one of my closest friends, and the FAB squad just wouldn't be the same without you. I mean, then we'd just be the AB squad, and that'd be weird... But you're just so kind and amazing and funny and I love you so much. Hanging out with you in person is always a joy, and VCs are always an adventure. Thank you so much for coming to the anthology release, and putting up with my weird ramblings about stuff. You're amazing. Avi!!! Also I've been on the Shard longer than you so HAH. :P

    @Knight of Iron Koi. I gave you your nickname and I'll be forever proud of that fact. You're such an amazing, kind, considerate, and thoughtful friend. I love talking with you so much, and just... You're amazing. Thanks for the help figuring out Hollow Knight, and for talking about random stuff. You're one of the best people to talk to about Random Stuff. Honestly, you're just a really cool person and I really really value our friendship. 

    @Ed Venture Vennie! I LOVE YOU. I love talking about musicals with you, and often times the more serious aspects of life and stuff. You're honestly just one of the kindest people I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with. I can't wait for the day when we'll be able to watch a musical together. It will happen some day, and it'll be so much fun when it does. 

    @Channelknight Fadran Fadrinooooooo. THANK YOU for going to all those awesome writing things with me. You're so much fun to hang out with at them, and your chaotic energy is infectious. Thanks for yelling at everyone to play Hollow Knight. I suck at it, but it's fun, and I wouldn't be playing it if you didn't talk about it all the time. 

    @DramaQueen Have I ever told you that you're just a really really cool person? You're such an amazing friend and I just love talking with you. You and Fadran are adorable and I can't wait to be your basement gremlin. We'll go see musicals all the time and drag Fadran to all of them so that he will actually have to listen to them. :P Tell Petri I say hi! 

    It's not letting me tag people anymore for some reason so I might just have to do that in comments. 

    @Condensation I love talking to you and hanging out with you and just... you're cool. It was so much fun to hang out with you that night in March. I don't have much that's very specific to say, just I love you and you're such a good friend.

    @Vapor VASPIE. You are the bestest bowl. And, once again, hanging out with you that night in March was one of the best nights ever. It was just a blast. I love you so much. Tell Chowder I say hi. :) 

    @Mist I haven't really talked with you much lately, but you're such a cool person. Meeting was really cool, and I hope we can see each other again before too long. 

    @Doomstick Shortie. Thanks for coming and visiting me this winter! That was such a fun day and I'm really glad I had that opportunity to hang out with you. You're a huge fricking nerd and just an all-around cool person. DFTBA!

    @Hentient ALSO DFTBA. Thank you for being the cameraman at Fadran's birthday party! I really hope I can meet you in person some time soon. (Wait I just realized that you'll be at the same school as one of my IRL friends from where I live.) You're also a super cool person. Tell Toto I say hi! And DFTBA!

    @S4S You're one of my oldest friends from here. You've been there since the beginning. And I'm so sorry you were there at the beginning. :ph34r: You're also a super cool person (is it just me, or am I friends with a lot of really cool people? Maybe I have a knack for finding you all.) and a super talented writer. Talking to you again after two years was amazing. I can't even tell you how cool that was. All I can really say is thank you. 

    @Firerust You've also been around for quite a while! Thank you for carrying on KotC for so long. You're also a very talented writer, and a very good friend. And, like with S4S, talking to you again after those two years was an incredible experience. Thanks for hanging around. :) 

    @King Aragorn of Gondor You're also super cool!!! Talking to you is always so much fun and I always tend to stay up later than I mean to when I do. :ph34r: Thanks for being awesome. Tell Bucky I say hi! He's such a good birb.

    This is by no means everyone. I'm missing a ton. However, if I did miss you, this is for you: YOU'RE SO COOL AND SUCH AN AMAZING HUMAN AND THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE. 

    The Shard has honestly been a huge part of my life, and generally for the better. Thank you all for being here with me for it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

    It's now 10:36.


    "I think two of the fundamental facts of being a person are 1. We must go on, and 2. None of us ever walks alone."

    Thank you for walking with me.

    1. Mist


      Thanks, Tesh!

      You're cool too! I like seeing you around. Kaladin is fun, and seeing you nerd out about birds is awesome! 

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  8. Happy Spring Break*!

    So you know, instead of school, I'll work. Definitely a break :P

    *tries to think of something entertaining to say*

    Cats sometimes. One of them climbs my legs for pets

    *only available in participating locations

  9. Happy Spring Break*!

    So you know, instead of school, I'll work. Definitely a break :P

    *tries to think of something entertaining to say*

    Cats sometimes. One of them climbs my legs for pets

    *only available in participating locations

    1. Mist


      I'm doing fairly well. Socially anxious sometimes, busy sometimes. Work is going well. 


      Hope y'all are doing well!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. My goodness. Shardiversary. Four years ago I joined this website...wow. Four years ago I was in freshman year of high school??? Where did the time go!? I'M A SENIOR NOW?? WHAT??? NO. HELP.

    I guess...I really need to thank you all for giving me a lot of the reasons I'm still kicking nowadays. Thank you for helping me become...me. Who I am. Venture is now a pretty neat person, I think. Go me. Thank you. Go you.

    So, in no exact order, the reminders of love and affection to the many many people who have influenced me over the course of my time here, beginsssss now.

    @Condensation Hello There. Dang, wow. It's good to see you nowadays, y'know? We didn't know each other as well as we could've a short while back, but I'm so glad that we get to talk a lot more. You're such a creative person, and even through all the life stuff you’ve been having to mess with, you’ve still been Connie, my dear friend, the Grammar Queen (I sorely apologize for any future typos). I’m genuinely proud of you Con. I still owe you Wendy’s don’t I…hm…Regardless. You're amazing, and I am the better for having met you.

    @Emi Do you know how in awe of you I am nowadays? I have seen you grow so much as a person, I'd be tempted to say you're almost unrecognizable. But I could never forget your endearing presence: anime, art, and all. And can I say dang your art is getting good. I know you won’t see this for a week or two, but you’ll be in my mind the whole time. I’m glad that you have such great friendships nowadays, and I am glad that I number among them.

    @FriarFritz What can I say? You mean a lot to me. Not just because you recommended Arcane to me. I've always loved how passionate you are, how much you care for people. I make an effort to emulate the ideal you provide every day. Thank you for giving that to me. Thank you for the reminders and small acts of kindness, they give me such joy. Also ditch the poptarts pleaseeeeeeeee? 

    @JesterLavorre I actually managed to play Magic: The Gathering with someone, even if it was only online, and you’re really good at it too! Also. Also also also. Sleepless Domain is pretty good, huh? Thanks for being so willing to spend your time with me. Maybe I can get you hooked on a few dozen more hundreds of webcomics. 

    @King of the Oreo I love ya kiddo. Whether you see why or not, I do. I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do about that. Sorry. You still are an amazing person. No matter what, always and forever. So take care. Things will get better. I’ll be with you, because I enjoy spending time with you.

    @Knight of Iron Thanks for letting me worldbuild with you, thank you for sharing your personal philosophy with me, thank you for being one of the strongest people I know, thank you for sharing your artistic talents. I wish you the best with your future. I’ll keep nagging you to eat more veggies though. I have a rolled up sheet of newspaper, so go buy some lettuce. I should have a few good recipes for you later if you want too.

    @Mist You’re managing a lot. College, life, just…so much is stacked against you. And yet you still manage to make time for others. A fact I admire…just……so much. You’re a powerful person Mist. Make sure to take care of that person. You are the priority, I promise. I’ll make sure to get some extra sleep tonight if you do too, okay?

    @Mystic Syn Synnie! I’m appalled that I don’t know you better. You truly are one of the great artists of our time, and more people need to give you the recognition you deserve! Drawing, writing, being an amazing friend. Plus you’re like…really super smart academically? You are so heckin cool, and we better spend more time together in the future. Maybe we can geek out about more movies, eh? Stay safe, things’ll settle down soon, I’ve got a feeling. 

    @Scarletfox Scarlie. You’ve shared a lot of kind words with me, and I cannot express to you enough how much they’ve meant. The fact that you’ve grown so much from the person I first met, the way you’ve taken charge in your own life. You’re a fancy professional streamer now! That’s crazy!! Don’t give up on the chances you have, you are so worth your time. Also and maybe I have more music recommendations for you later? 

    @Tesh Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I really….don’t have the words. There aren’t enough words to get across the scope of how much the friendship I've found with you has changed me. You’re way too hecking patient with me. But I’ve never seen you give up once. You’re always trying. You struggle with a lot. Sure, you can say it’s not much in scale…but you manage to stand up every day and overcome your own personal challenges. From musicals to writing to Greens, you are so passionate, so creative, so powerful. You are an idol of mine, and I am made better each moment by your friendship. We are going to see a performance of Come From Away one day. Y’hear? I’ll hunt you down somehow. 

    @The Awakened Salad Bonjour Soup, Agent of Chaos, Herald of Leafy Greens, The Longest Armed One, eldritch horror from beyond our reality. You’re neat. *pat pat* Cannibalism and drugs are a thing. Yep.

    @Vapor Hellllllooooo Vappie. *offers cuddles* I hope we get to see each other more often. We all care for you, regardless of whether you think so or not. So take care of yourself. If not for yourself, for us. 

    @Zephrun's Imperium Star. You were a good person to me, someone I really needed. Thank you for being there. We’re still friends. Keep on living. You’ve survived this far, plus you’ve got Ward nowadays. :P Plus you’re on an upward path. Thank you for keeping going this far. 

    @Blessing of Potency PO. Thanks for the chats. I’m really glad that I was able to offer a little bit of help to you, and I am really grateful for the kindness you’ve displayed recently. You’re a boss, insanely cool person, much gender envy, so gamer. I can’t wait to see you next time you’re online. You’ll have an amazing future, much romance, so video game, greatly awe inspiring.

    @Lord_Silberfarben Y’all mean so much to me? You know that? Goodness, I can’t even. You’ve really motivated me to learn more about myself, about people, about the world around me. I’ve relied on your friendship so much. I swear to you, you are never a burden. Stay safe, please. I wish time zones weren’t a thing, eh? You can crush school, I believe in you.

    @theTruthshaper You are going to take over the world one day. I see it now: Lady Truth, Queen of Eternity, First of her name, Empress of All, The Royal of Light, Phd. You got me into web serial novels. Worm, A Practical Guide to Evil, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Not to mention all the fluffy stories I binged for weeks on end. They uh…cracked me up. You are definitely one of the most intelligent people I have ever met in my entire life, and I don’t expect that to really ever change. You just act so kind. I long to follow your example in life, because you are such a good person. Also you’re one of the very few people who read a webcomic I recommended, which is…woah. My regard for you is deep.

    @Ookla the Meta Wassap Meta. We aren’t the closest of people. You’re a scary adult, ack. But…..you’re a scary adult, you’re scarily mature, and that comes with a lot of power. And you’ve used that for nothing but good. You’re a great person, and I look up to you. Thank you for being my friend

    @AonEne Okay I’ll…admit. I had to brainstorm for a while to even begin this one...I just need to say that I really really care about you. You've struggled at times in your life, and you’re here today, displaying a love towards others that I can only describe as christ-like. You are one of the best people I know. You have been there for me, and I cannot possibly thank you enough for that. Even without trying you’re just so…you. Kindness and power and love are who you are. And you are so amazing because of who you are. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you so, so storming much. Thank you.
    Oh you thought that was it did you. Well guess what. It isn’t. Cause also you’re a Mod nowadays??? You’re on Shardcast nowadays??? I got to see your amazing face once upon a time???? You yelled at me when I pushed you away??? I want to steal your you-ness cause it’s just so amazing to me, but someone told me identify theft is not allowed, as cool as Beetle is, and I guess as cool as you are too. Anyways Yeeter Indeeder.

    @Darkfinder Vi, my buddy! Musicals and even though your name sounds really angsty, you really aren’t. You’re just…kindhearted. I’m glad that you’re doing well nowadays, keep up that pace. I believe in you

    And….if I forgot you….I’m so sorry. It was not maliciously done.

    What I would give to be able to teleport you all into a room and we be able to hang out in person.
    What I would do for the chance to make it so none of you would ever experience struggle.
    What I would say to change the minds of those who don’t understand you or help you.
    What I would….
    I would do a lot for y’all.
    Thank you for being my friends
    I love you all so, so much.

    Here’s to another year, may it bring you all the success and love you deserve.

    1. Mist



      You're cool. And you deserve all the good and all the sylhearts and all the things

      And words are hard, but you're awesome (hard as in why am I not specific)  and caring

      Sounds good to me (re:sleep)

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. Ok, I've a few real updates to my status, I shall present them in chronological order.

    1. I got a 1470 on the PSAT, meaning that I have a pretty good chance of being at least an NMS semifinalist
    2. finals week is next week
    3. I have three real finals out of seven classes, but one of those will go into next semester's gradebook, so does it really count?
    4. I pulled a big brain today: due to possibly being absent from school tomorrow (see item 6 on this list), I convinced my biology teacher to let me take the unit test/pseudofinal during the thursday after school class/lab thing, meaning that if I can't go to school tomorrow, no harm done. BUT (here's the big brain part) if I am at school during bio, I'll have already done the test and therefore will be able to read. I essentially skipped a boring review lab and replaced it with book.
    5. I finished my world myth final story thing, and I think it is a solid "good enough," though I have time to improve it next week if it isn't.
    6. I take my driver's test tomorrow, so by the end of the day, I'll hopefully have a driver's license
  12. Passed my driver’s test yesterday

    That’s cool I guess

  13. So I am going to try to do Cosmere InkArtober. Thread or status updates? 

    Also shhh I may or may not end up catching up a few times:D

  14. I was going to write this as a response to my original status update, but I forgot comment mechanics don't allow many lines :rolleyes:

    Also I storming know I'm going to miss some people, so if you don't see your name here, please know I love literally everyone here, and you are amazing, I just happen to be functioning on about three brain cells at the moment 

    (Also it seems to not want to @ some people, and others I forgot their shard names, so sorry if it's a bit wonky here for the names/nicknames)

    @AonEne you are amazing my goodness, such a good friend and really just such a cool person overall. I really look up to you in many ways, thanks for being such an awesome inspiration

    @Mist another true inspiration to me, you're really fun and honestly just very smart, I know everyone jokes about you being the responsible one, but it really is true, you are so appreciated. But you're also super fun and cool outside of that too, and I've enjoyed having you as a friend 

    @Chasmessian I cannot begin to describe what an amazing friend you have been to me over the past year or so, thank you, truly. From out random conversations on bagels to our deep life discussions, I have enjoyed every storming minute of it. *virtually ruffles hedgehog*

    @FriarFritz/NOAM you are an amazing, lovely, loyal friend who's kind to everyone, you have always cared, you are amazing, and you are the best (platonic) valentine I've ever had (I swear I almost definitly cried that day)

    @Channelknight Fadran you are really nice and friendly to everyone, thank you for being you

    @DramaQueen of course you and Fadran's names must be close; You are such a wonderful person I've enjoyed every conversation we've had, you are lovely and loyal to everyone, and have taught me a lot

    VENNIEEEE  You are the probably the most optimistic supportive happy person I've ever met, and you have truly inspired me as well, I love the way you happily greet everyone, are constantly looking out for everyone's well being, and just generally super super caring. Thank you.

    TRUTHIE you are going to run the world some day, you are so storming smart! I have loved getting to know you, and I think you are destined for a wonderful future. 

    @Blessing of Potency You are also really cool and confident, you are quite fabulous and lovely

    @Doomstick you are so kind and cool!! We really need to get that civ 6 game to happen one of these days, *hisses at life stuff*

    DARK you are lovely and kind to everyone! You got this friend!

    TAKEN you are amazing and such a thinker! I love the way you are open to new ideas and I have enjoyed every conversation we've had, serious ones and regular ones. I like the way you really value the people around you, you value our opinions, our life, our feelings. You are so cool

    CYNI you are amazing and kind!

    @Vapor*HUGGSSS* I enjoy being around you and your wonderful personality

    @Condensation you are fabulous and loving to everyone around you, I will never forget you were the first ever person I interacted with extensively on the shard, and it was when I realized this forum was really really pog. Thank you for being your amazingly kind and sweet you

    @Nathrangking you are an amazing poet and writer, thank you for putting up with me for so long with our rp-ing adventures during my time in FotT, you are truly an inspiration and I learned a lot about poetry from you, thank you friend

    @KyL I don't know if you'll ever see this, but you also taught me a lot about writing and invention, I enjoyed getting to know you through rp-ing adventures

    also that never ending chess game will always be a special memory for me

    @Emi you are amazing and wonderful! I love your quirky wonderful personality, and you are an amazing artist

    PUNNY you are actually so hilarious, I aspire to reach that level of punning, but also I have enjoyed our interactions and hope to have more

    @Spock I love your personality so much!! You have been a huge help on my twitch and discord, and great friend. You are so nice too, and I really truly enjoy being around you

    @KnightofIron I have enjoyed our conversations, and you are also a caring and cool person who I've enjoyed talking too

    @revelryintheart I've also enjoyed getting to know you, another person who introduced me to the kind culture of the Shard

    @Hen You amazing friend, it's been a hot second, but I have also really enjoyed getting to know you as well, you incredibly kind and loving

    Meta, Affie, Dannex, Jester, Flying, Twig, SuperiorCiderCan I've enjoyed y'all as well, you guys are all AMAZING and I literally love ALL of you. 

    Reading this back I realize that a decent portion of this doesn't make sense and it's because I'm quite tired and the day after my shardiversery is over in about fifteen minutes, however I hope at the end of the day you all realize what amazing human beings you all are, and that I love you and every moment we've had


    *dies in cuteness overload (for the third time, I think)*


    Also I might be adding to this over the next several days as I think of more things I love about all of y'all and more people to mention

    Well, it's been a year, and I have loved every storming moment I've been on the Shard. This is my last thank you and it is to Chaos and all of the mods. This place couldn't exist without you, I never would have met all the wonderful people I've met here if y'all didn't make this amazing place, and also keep it safe and uphold the wonderful culture it has. Thank you so so so much, you have helped so many of us so much, and my thankfulness for this place will never end

    1. Mist


      Foooooxxxx happy Shardiversary thank you. I've really loved getting to now you! 

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  15. Mist

    Mist    Tesh



    you may now resume your regular Sharding :P

  16. Mist

    Mist    Tesh



    you may now resume your regular Sharding :P

  17. Mist

    Mist    Tesh



    you may now resume your regular Sharding :P

    1. Mist


      Pretty good. Tired, stressed, packing for college; but pretty good.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. Okay so I'm gonna do this too.

    Ages ago (I'm not exactly sure when) Fadran messaged me and told me about this writing camp his mom had told him about, and said it'd be awesome if we both could go. And I ended up actually being able to go, which was really surprising, actually. So Fadran and I were going to meet up. We were also planning on meeting up with the Water Clan due to their proximity to the location of the camp.

    We waited for about three months (I think) and after a lot of stuff happened in my life (including an AP test and two family reunions) I headed to Utah.

    And I met Fadran on the twelfth.

    Everything from here has pretty much been explained. We met Tani the next day, and then the day after that we met up with Queen, Star, Stick, Fritz, and Ene. The day after that we saw Star, Stick, Fritz, Ene, Vapor, Mist, and Connie. People gave me rocks. (I love the rocks). We hung out. And then I really needed to run away. I didn't really get to say goodbye.

    On Saturday morning, while my ride home was struggling to find where I was, I got to say goodbye to Fadran, Tani, Stick, and the entire Water Clan. 

    And that's about it.

    It easily was one of the best weeks of my life. I especially miss Fadran, as I had gotten used to seeing him every day and hanging out with him all day.

    On the drive home, Queen suggested that I listen to Jekyll and Hyde, and in true Tesh fashion, I've listened to it about six times in the last three days and it's really cool and y'all should check it out if you're into gothic horror musicals. (Murder, Murder is my current favorite song in it, followed by Confrontation. And i highly recommend watching Confrontation on YouTube because the acting is so cool.)

    I love each and every one of you that I saw more than I can even say, and I can't wait until we can meet again. Hopefully we can hang out for longer than an hour and a half next time. 


    Scud it I accidentally just touched my glasses. :l

    1. Mist


      Also oof HI it was great seeing you! 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. Enenenenenenene hi hello you're awesome!

    1. Mist



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)



    Is this why I'm so depressed? Why the scud should I bother working away at something like a novel if literally everybody I know cannot show at least an ounce of appreciation for it??? My 'friend' just said yesterday that if it's a book it's bad, and my brother just decided after reading, like, three chapters of Way of Kings that it was 'too long' and 'boring.'

    XZVCMcsaadsknldfslaknmdvsbkjlskjlcx vkjl;sadkml;cxvlknmdsaf !!!!!!!!!

    Guys I don't think I'm okay. Like, for the love of Eru Iluvitar I need help.

    1. Mist


      Mgh. I'm sorry, that's really rough. 

      Well then, I'm very glad to know you :P <3 no but seriously I really am, the :P is about the emphasis jokey thing

      anyways you're amazing and I love knowing and talking with you.

      im sorry im sorry i haven't been on the shard itself as a whole very much at all it's on my tbr and I've loved what I have read and should really go find more especially now that... im rambling i'll stop

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  21. One year ago, I made a decision that would change my life: Hitting the 'join' button on the 17th Shard. And boy, I had no idea what I was getting into.

    I honestly don't know how I found the Shard. I see a lot of people with really cool stories, but for me it was probably just a link through the coppermind. I had absolutely no clue how forum websites worked, either. But I caught on quick enough, I think :P Another thing I see some people talk about is how they lurked for years before posting anything... that wasn't me, either. I jumped right in, to... something. I don't remember what I did the first month I was on the Shard. I bet it was great, though.

    So much has changed for me this past year, more than I can say. Covid, obviously, is the big one. I joined last year when it had just shut down the schools and I didn't really understand the scope of what had just happened. During the past year, I've also switched over to homeschooling, learned some time management, and now I'm about to start driving... life is crazy, guys.

    But the Shard. The Shard was the constant for me this year. When I was feeling down (which happened more than a little, it turned out) the Shard was there to lift me back up. Most of the time I didn't say anything; my mental health is really good for the most part and the feeling wasn't over-the-top and always left quickly, and for that I am grateful. But that doesn't change what the Shard did for me at all- it probably saved my mental health by avoiding a social catastrophe (though that might be an exaggeration). I'm one of the rare people on the Shard with an Extrovert personality type- ESFJ- and so when covid suddenly cut off all social contact with my friends... yeah. That wasn't fun. But the Shard saved me, I feel, by giving me new friends. New friends that have grown to be real, actual people who are my real, actual friends. Which is something that a year ago I would have never thought possible, if I'm being honest. And wasn't my intent in joining.

    So thank you. Thanks all of you for being there even when you didn't know you were. For being megafans, for being awesome :D It's been an amazing year, covid or not. Cheers to many more.

    And now, the fun part. You thought I was done, didn't you :P

    (If I miss anyone, I'M SORRY! I had a list that I double-checked, but it's still very possible that I didn't get someone. Call me out on it, please. I can't edit the status update but I will reply in it right then and there.)

    @Channelknight Fadran, man, I gotta start with you. It seems that everything that I've done on the Shard has something to do with your display name, and it's great. Your writing gift is extraordinary, your sense of humor is :chefkiss: and you know how to phrase things really well through text. Keep being awesome. The Shard is better off for it.

    @Condensation - The amount of roleplays you're in is insane :D Who knows how you manage to keep up with those, SE, and whatever else you're doing in real life. That's some dedication right there. But along with that, I've noticed this year how perceptive you are. I mentioned before how I didn't really mention when I was feeling somewhat down, well, I think some of the time you could tell. I can think of multiple occasions when you gave me a random compliment that kind of was exactly what I needed to hear. So thank you :D

    @Vapor VAAAPPPOOOORRRR! You're one of the few people on the Shard that get a name said like that, and it's well deserved. I have enjoyed so much roleplaying, SEing, and just talking with you both on the Shard and discord (dang, I'm gonna need to talk about discord...) this year. Enjoyed that so. Much. You're awesome, Vapor, and that is a fact.

    @Mist, I dunno if you remember this, but I do. You said once that being an adult was just doing things that you don't want to do but need to be done, (or something like that), and that you knew you could do that. The responsibility you show is something I admire, and that phrase has stuck with me. I'm not an adult for a few more years, but sometimes if I don't want to do something I remember that phrase and say... I can do that.

    @Emi EMI! You are so good at drawing and doodling and all art, it's incredible. It has been amazing to meet someone who lives on the other side of the world, and even more amazing that they could become my friend. Keep being you, Emi. You is amazing.

    @Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto... Wind, I wish I had picked an Ookla name as good as yours :P I also wish you'd come back, but hey, real life trumps Shard life. I hope you're doing great, wherever you are.

    @revelryintheart- rev, I can't forget about your art either. How could anyone? Who knows how you do it, cause I sure don't. You were one of the first people I interacted with on the Shard I think, so thanks for not scaring me away :P

    @Bearer of all agonies, the same as Wind goes to you. It was an honor getting to know you and I hope you are doing better than fantastic, wherever you are. I hope I see the day of your return.

    @Hentient, there's something about you that makes you so fun to talk to. You have a specific tone through text- well, everyone does, but you especially- that's so distinctive. Thank you for introducing me to the rabbit hole of Nightvale :P That's been real fun. Keep on spelling ;)

    @Shard of Thought, Star, for a time you were one of those 'intimidating' people. The kind with lots of rep and posts and followers, that you don't talk to. And then suddenly we were both made mods on the MotCoJCoLDS server, and BAM! you're a real person to me now! :D And I'm thankful for that. Your art is amazing, and you are too.


    I'm trying not to be repetitive. If you think I am, just know that when I say something I mean it in the most specific way to you as possible. When I slap an adjective to your name, it comes with specific examples that I know in my head but cannot put into words.

    @Doomstick you were another one of those intimidatings. Yay for discord to sort that out :P One thing you showed me is that I'm not the biggest nerd I know. Which was cool :P

    @DramaQueen, I don't really know you that well, but Fadran does, and if Fadran says you're amazing than it must be true :P I hope that I can get to know you better in some way, but with my absence from discord that might not happen.

    @FriarFritz, you got this! Adulting, whatever it is. It's been cool to know both a fellow Washingtonian but also someone older than me. I wish you the best wherever your life takes you.

    @Spren of Kindness, it's been a pleasure FotTing with you these past months. Thanks for the drawing and cheers to many more!

    @Scarletfox, I grew so much from the discussions and questions you had on discord. You have a unique perspective that made me think about things I hadn't before, and I'm grateful for that even now when I don't visit discord that much. If I ever am near your Chick-fil-a I'll be sure to swing by :P

    @Dannex, I didn't really know you until recently, and even then it isn't a whole lot. But it's been so fun SEing alongside you and reading all your status updates. I'm glad you stopped lurking!

    @Experience, I also wish you the best in adult life. Good luck! :P I enjoyed getting to know someone who does the same things as me- Piano, running, SE, and more- there are a few people that check those boxes but you were the first.

    @Chasmgoat, I had a lot of fun talking with you on discord when I did, and roleplaying and SEing. You're another person that just made my year that much better.

    @Truthless of Shinovar, can't forget you! Your personality is fantastic and I'm so glad to know you.

    @Spock, I hope someday I can play the piano like you! Composing has always been hard for me and you nail it every time.

    @theTruthshaper, if someone had told me a year ago that I would become friends with someone older than me who lives in India, I would probably have thought they were crazy :P But here we are. Thanks for being a friend.

    @Ghanderflaffle, @LukeWasTaken, @Negative_Null, @Tesh, @xinoehp512- I don't know any of you super well, but I hope this year I can change that. Ghander, thanks for running the Roasts for so long. Taken, thanks for making me laugh when I realized what your display name meant :P Null, thanks for making Siren's Call! Tesh, thanks for all the things you do on the Shard. Including Kaladin, he's great :P xino, you're writing and RP is incredible.

    @Darkfinder, @Chinkoln, @Lecky Twig, @Butt Ad Venture- the same goes for you. With any luck I'll know you better next year than I do now. But from what I can tell, you are all three of you as amazing and unique as anyone I've mentioned today.

    @Aspiring Writer, I also don't know you that well, but I do think it's really cool how you change your pfp with your rep level sometimes.

    @Nathrangking, I enjoy very much your poems. They are fantastic.

    @AonEne, I don't think you're intimidating anymore :P Congratulations on being a mod!

    And lastly... @forget me not, thank you for humoring me by joining the Shard. You're the greatest sister anyone could ask for. I dunno if you'll read this, probably not, but hey. Thanks anyway.

    Whew! Not done yet. Yep, it's stats time. ;) 

    I have 3,491 posts right now, meaning I post on average 9.56 times a day. That's about what it feels like, and it doesn't even factor in the Forum Games :P 

    I have 1,490 rep, meaning I get about 4.08 rep a day. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!

    50 followers, that blows my mind. You're all more incredible than words can describe.

    Just a few more things, I promise :P I know this is long but honestly what did you expect xD

    Sanderson Elimination:

    SE found me pretty quick, and wow has it changed my life. To be a part of that community is amazing. The games have brought something fun into my year, and are a huge part of how I made it through quarantine. So, while I didn't mention any of the hardcore SEers out there that follow me and maybe are reading this, or maybe aren't, know that I do appreciate you. And... it hasn't been finalized yet, but the honor I feel for even being considered to represent this incredible community in the mafia freaking championship not even a year into my SEing career can't really be described.


    Who knew that when I made a little Among us server that it would grow to the Sharder Lair it is today. I certainly didn't. The conversations and interactions I had there are in some ways far better than those on the Shard itself. I got to know each one of the people there better. I got moderating experience (I think we've reached the point where we can look back at you-know-what and laugh, Mist/rev/Star :P) and so much more. And even though I'm not there anymore- really don't have the time, and I'm sorry for that- the server is in good hands. Very good hands, even better hands. And I do still lurk there, sometimes, on invisible mode, reading the backlog and saying nothing. I'm the ghost you don't see :P

    And after all that... here we are. May 6th, 2020 ended up being a big day in my life and I didn't even know it. And it really was all thanks to all of you.

    So again, thank you.

    Cheers to many more years!!!

    1. Mist


      Hey look I'm doing something similar *looks down sheepishly* except I saw it earlier but anyways. I'm glad you remember that thing I said and that it helps. And sometimes, I can laugh. Sometimes, eh :unsure:. But I'm really glad I got to know you better and you're awesome!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  22. So, my Shardiversery is tomorrow, but tomorrow I'm probably going to be too busy freaking out about my AP world history test that's on Monday to write this, so I'm doing it now.

    Over the last year, a lot has happened. I have made some really good friends on here through Discord, and a few other things. I discovered there was a really good chance I was on the autism spectrum (I still don't have a diagnosis, but we'll see what the future holds), and I realized the stress of life goes down tenfold if you don't have to worry about friendships you were single-handedly holding up. I started taking AP world history, as well as two other history classes, with the best teacher ever, and my view of the world has completely shifted. It's awesome, and I'd happily discuss anything from the Abbasid Caliphate to tsarist Russia to human rights with anyone who wants to join in that conversation. I also am now a proud Nerdfighter!

    As I mentioned earlier, I got on Discord a while back, and through that, I got to know a lot of people. To all of you Discord people, you're all incredible. You're some of the most amazing human beings I know. Thank you all for putting up with all my weirdness.

    And here are some notes to individual people. I apologize to everyone I forgot. There are too many awesome people on here to remember everyone off the top of my head. 

    @The Awakened Salad You are such an awesome person, and such a good friend. I am so grateful for your willingness to talk about anything, and for being there for me. Long live The Awakened Salad Co! Also STAELSAHD! (We need to figure out the overlap between those two things...) 

    @Channelknight Fadran It's been so great getting to know you over the last few months. In all honesty, when I first started seeing you around on Discord and stuff, you really didn't seem like the type of person I would really get along with, but now you get frequent Kaladin pictures and we're writing buddies, and I am so glad that I can call you a friend. 

    @Hentient Hennnnnnnn! Thank you for sending me bird pictures! Toto is such a pretty little bird and she brightens my day like almost nothing else.

    @FriarFritz Fritz, you are one of the kindest people I know. The world is so much the better for having you in it.

    @Shard of Thought You are a fantastic human with incredible talent, and your drawing of Kaladin is still one of my favorite things ever.

    @Knight of Iron Koi, keep on pulling teeth and being awesome. You're fantastic. :) 

    @Chasmgoat I thoroughly appreciate your weirdness and just... You. Every conversation with you is fun.

    @Flying Flying, you're also amazing. I'm so glad I've been able to get to know you better over the last few months.

    @AonEne I remember back when you were a young child just getting involved in TUBA... Hehe. Ene, you're awesome. I don't know how you do it all. I mean... Being a mod and maintaining your sheer levels of awesomeness alone... 

    @Emi Emi, you are such a talented artist, and everything you draw is amazing. Keep being awesome.

    @Vapor You are an amazing person, and I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to get to know you. 

    @Mist Mist, you are so kind, and it's always a pleasure to talk with you.

    @Doomstick Thanks for talking about books and Nerdfighter stuff! I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to get to know you. DFTBA!

    @DramaQueen Thank you for screaming Hunchback lyrics with me! It's always a ton of fun.

    @Onimur It's so great that you joined the Shard! Thanks for joining this cult of weirdness. :) 

    @S4S You are such a talented writer, and it's been such a joy to have the opportunity to rp with you for so long.

    @theTruthshaper Truth, you're awesome. Thank you for always being willing to talk and just be awesome.

    @JesterLavorre You are such a kind human, and I've thurougly enjoyed every conversation I've been able to have with you. Thanks you. 

    Everyone in Knights of the Cosmere- You guys were my first friends on here, and, for the three-ish years that was going, it was a blast to rp with you all. Thanks for making the Shard awesome.

    Everyone in Let's Go Find a Dragon- Thanks for making my really random rp a huge complex thingy with stuff I still can't remember! Thanks for keeping it going and keeping it fun. (If anyone wants to join, there's a link in my sig.)

    And also I want to give a huge thank you to everyone I forgot, as well as everyone else. There are too many people to name, but you all are what makes the Shard the place that it is and I will forever be grateful to all of you for that. Thanks for being so willing to put up with me and my weirdness.

    Also thanks to the mods for keeping this place going and keeping it great. None of this would have been possible without you guys.

    Thanks again to everyone for being awesome!


    Oh, I should also probably note that I've been on here for four years now. Which is weird. This is also the first year that I've been able to thank so many people. 


    1. Mist


      Happy Shardiversary and yay you be epic too and I love seeing you around! <3 

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  23. Eleven million thanks to @Dannex, @Aspiring Writer@Spren of Kindness, @Experience, @revelryintheart, @Emi, @Doomstick, @The Storming Stormfather!!!

    Last year, when I turned 16, I posted a status update for my birthday and didn't get a single response. I didn't exactly expect any, but it was still kinda depressing.

    And now here you guys are posting the statuses for me! Thanks a ton, guys!

    1. Mist


      Happy birthday! Remember how epic you are.

      The first time I met you was Imperial Academy, and then I got to know you on FotT!


    2. (See 73 other replies to this status update)

  24. So. Three years, huh.

    I've been here from ninth grade, from age fifteen. And now I'll be graduating soon and I'm eighteen and life is crazy, man. You guys have shaped me in countless ways into the girl I am now, and I really, seriously can't thank you enough for it. The Shard has been everything to me, especially in times of low mental health (so all the time :P). But we'll get sappy at the end. For now, it's statistics recap time! :P

    Looking at my previous Shardiversaries, this time last year I had 54 followers. That number...doubled. 112 of you are now following me. That's insane to think about for someone who's never really used social media, and I've gotta say thank you ahead of schedule. I've also won almost 100 days and am the Stormfather at 6,600+ rep - placing me in the top ten Sharders on the reputation leaderboard, above Brandon Sanderson and Peter Ahlstrom themselves. :blink:

    Uhh, what are other dumb number accomplishments that don't really mean anything but monkey brain is stupidly happy about them anyway...? My profile's got over fifty thousand views, that's cool. I've posted 8,000+ times not counting forum games. I'm in nearly four hundred PMs with you awesome people! I started and joined Yet More RPs Oh Gosh Will She Ever Stop and freaked out about Rhythm of War with everyone.

    Oh, and I got spiked into the mod team. That was a thing that happened. I'm perpetually joyous yet panicking about the fact that I get to help make the Shard, well, the Shard. It's an honor that I hope I've done well with so far. I love you people so much, and getting to help make this a place where others can find friends too? Storms, it's crazy. 

    As always, I'll try to mention as many of you as I possibly can, but please don't feel bad if I don't - to shamelessly reuse my explanation from last year: I can’t list all of you because I will literally run out of original compliments, and it’ll end up as something like “you’re cool! And you can write! I like what you write and how you talk!” for everyone and that’s not very nice of me, so to everyone I didn’t mention - that does not mean I don’t enjoy talking with you, laugh when I read your RP, or overanalyze your member titles. It just means I’m running out of ways to say those things without saying the same thing to all of you and feeling guilty about it. 

    We'll start the lovefest off with Truth, of course. TRUTHIE. You're adorable and cool and you send me funny things and it's actually hard to think of specific moments because there's just a vague blob labeled 'love girlfriend' in the brain. :wacko: I don't know what to say. I love you. :wub:;):):D:rolleyes:B) (@theTruthshaper)

    Let's quickly go over people I gushed about last time next. @Sorana is still fantastic and I love everything you've sent me (that bookmark!!!) and Max is freaking adorable! @MetaTerminal continues to help me out of mental health doom and is just great to talk to, thanks as always for that. @Doomstick hasn't stopped being fun and awesome and having a million inside jokes, and also he makes THE BEST CHOCOLATES THAT HAVE EVER BEEN. @Wyndlerunner is, as always, a presence of light in the world. @The Awakened Salad will literally always be #relatable and amazing. I've chatted a little more with @Jaywalk since last year and he's still a great guy.

    @xinoehp512 - I actually got to know you better over the course of this year and I'm very glad I did; tired Xino is great and your simple platformer is oddly addicting. Also thanks for being cool in JAM. Star, you're also someone who I've talked with more, and same goes - you're a fun person! Thanks for the incredible Deteca and Marie art :wub: and for your song recs hehe I love Au/Ra now. (@Shard of Thought) @Butt Ad Venture, too; you're a really cool fanfiction writer, and very sweet.

    Another congrats on Clara to @ZincAboutIt. And it's been nice to get to know you more, Lessie!! (@Truthless of Shinovar)

    Oh boy, now we get into new names. *rubs hands together* Aright, here we go. 

    The Sharder Lair is most definitely a group I treasure, and will probably remember for the rest of my life. You guys are so fun to hang out with and so loving when someone feels down. Watching movies, playing games, just hanging out together, it's all so great. Thanks for that.

    @Mist! I know everyone jokes about you being the adult of our little group but like...seriously you're so responsible. I'm a little happy that you don't have to practically run the server on your own anymore. You're so kind and smart and thoughtful and A Good Human.

    Hen, you're fun and funny and nice, and you're also like the first person I ever met who liked the Host without me introducing it to them so that's a point in your favor :P (@Hentient)

    Fritz, your perspective is...idk how to word this. I like the way your thoughts interlock; they're tasty. Thank Truth and Salad! You're also a Good Human, making Mittens very adorable. (@FriarFritz)

    Rev, your art is almost as incredible as your awesomeness. All the praise and hugs. (@revelryintheart)

    Goatyyyy I have no idea why I latched onto your ie name over your regular one but it happened...anyway, Two Sides of the Same Coin has been fun to GM with you. I'm so glad you're happy. (@Chasmgoat)

    Many hugs to Dark and Vapor. I love you both, you're wonderful, interesting, sweet, pretty girls who deserve love. You can't argue with me, it's my Shardiversary. Same goes for Emi - also :o your art and Vapor's is so cool! (@Darkfinder, @Vapor, @Emi) I hope you're okay, Wind, safe and happy. We're here for you. (@Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto

    @Teshhhh! I'm so glad to be talking with you again; you're just as awesome as I remembered from the olden days of 2018. From being TUBA buds to now, I have always enjoyed talking with you. And @DramaQueen ace priiiide ;) 

    Feather and Nymyyrriq, I haven't spoken with you much lately but I don't think I mentioned you in my last Shardiversary update and you're both really nice and cool. (@SingingMosaic) (I hope your screenreader has a fast-forward function if you don't want to read this whole wall of text...sorry, if not...) 

    Oh no I've reached the 'running out of unique words' part @Channelknight Fadran! You are scintillating and one day I want a signed copy of your series! :D @Matrim's Dice! It was nice modding with you and I hope your life is going well! @Ghanderflaffle! You have cute animals and you're fun on the Shard! @Condensation, ayyy someone else who actually liked Twilight, lol. @Rosharan A.C.! You...have a nice face! And are cool! And okay I think I need to start using broader strokes, focusing on individuals can only take you so far lol. 

    All the frens on the Just Around Messing SMP are way cool! That was an adventure, @AmazingGoob. @Spock is still and will always be Best Shard Dad (I know you're not that old but you give off dad vibes ngl). Thanks for rescuing me multiple times, everyone @Knight of Iron, and for Bean! And thanks for making the server, @Scarletfox. Sorry for rotating your books. 

    Thank you to AAAG for being there. You know who you are. 

    @Kingsdaughter613, @mathiau, @Random Bystander, @Omi the Counselor, @Kings_way, and@The Unknown Order, RPing with you on Scadrial has been a blast.

    Fish, Kindness, Flying, Twig, Taken, Jester, probably a thousand people I'm forgetting, I don't know you that well yet but you all seem like cool folks. Keep doing you. 

    Being a moderator has carried a lot of anxiety with it - fearing that I'm too young or weird or random to fit into the friend group, just not being as experienced with dealing with things. But you've tried to include me and have reassured me when I'm being dumb. I really appreciate you guys for that and for just being such fantastic people in general; it's not only an honor working with you all but a delight.

    Extra :wub: to Grey, Jess, and Feather for answering my stupid questions and being Cool Peeps. And extra apologies ha I'll never stop apologizing to Chaos for anything I'm forgetting. Pickles are delicious though :P 

    You guys are all...a lot. I don't have many close friends where I live, so y'all are basically my social circle, and that means you're a sizable chunk of my life. Last time I went all cheesy and said "I don’t love you to death. I love you to life, because that’s what your love did for me." And that's still true! But I don't think it encapsulates what the lot of you mean to me. I've tried to think of fancy ways to say this, and nothing is really better than simply saying it.

    You're my home.

    *nods and raises a glass of water with lemon juice in it* To another year, homies.

    right that sounded terrible I'm never calling you that again ugh

    1. Mist


      eeeneeee thank you <3 yes you are amazing too and awesome and thank you for being an awesome person

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

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