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About Negative_Null

  • Birthday September 23

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Episode VI: Return of the Weird Guy/Girl
  • Location
    Earth Realm, Creationist Prime Shard, coordinates 0-0-0-(-396)

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  1. Happy slightly late birthday!

  2. Yoooo, birthday twins!!!

  3. "Did she not explain? We, ah, work together, in a way. Our organization wants to keep an eye on powerful worldhoppers, which brings me back to my original question: do you know Channelknight Fadran?"
  4. "She got shot a little during... something about a siege? An assault? Anyway she made it back and is being healed, so I'm here for now."
  5. "Ah, are you the girl I was told I'd find? Chrysler sends her regards. She's a little hurt but she's fine. As I've already said, I'm Crimson and I'm looking for Fadran." Crimson smiled, and reflected on the irony of a cold-blooded creature trying to inject some "warmth" into a fang-toothed smile
  6. "I'll ask what that means later. Where's everyone else?"
  7. "Janice! You're ok!" He caught her and spun her around, feeling like a dad that just got home from a long time away
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