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    Now it's time for, shockingly, a podcast that isn't on Roshar! We're heading to Nalthis, the world of Warbreaker, and we're here to discuss some of the most important individuals on that planet: the Five Scholars! These are early cosmere scholars and researchers of Awakening, and you know, one of them created this little thing called Nightblood. I'm sure it's not that important... So refresh yourself on all of what we know on the Five Scholars, the Manywar, and more! 

    This week we actually talk about the news, a brand-new Stormlight 4 reading! Then we discuss Cultivation and her plans. We carefully stay on the rails this time, even though we kind of go into the weeds with Cultivation's maybe-magic system. Come join us on this episode and maybe you'll grow some in your knowledge of Cultivation! Hah, get it? Okay, I'm done.

    This might actually be the funniest Shardcast yet. This time, we have a random number generator pick a pair from about a hundred cosmere characters. Two teams must argue whether they should be shipped, or we should rip that ship. The best part is making people suffer arguing for really awful ships. Or maybe Alyx judging a certain Renarin ship... You won't be sad tuning into this one.

    You know what you need in life? Spiritual Mumbo Jumbo, and it's time we delivered. This time we focus on a very specific aspect: Language, and how it pertains to the Connection magics that let people in the cosmere speak different languages. Think there isn't enough to talk about here? Hah, you've never seen this show.

    This week on Shardcast we thought we would talk about another set of epigraphs that we haven't discussed too in-depth: the listener songs from Words of Radiance! And we naively thought we could finish them all in a single episode, because the Song of Listing didn't have that much in it, right? Well turns out there's a lot of mysteries there! Next time we're getting to the spicy songs in the Song of Secrets, though, so stay tuned.

    Today we are catching up on some Words of Brandon from earlier this year in March and April. There was an Orem signing in March and FanX in April that we grind through, and hey, guess what, we did it in a SINGLE EPISODE. Efficiency! In addition, this is Feather's first episode she has edited, and let me tell you, what she did at the ending was amazing! 

    This week on Shardcast we are done with Roshar. Take that, Roshar, it's time for Scadrial's time in the sun. (Get it? Because they are closer to the sun in Era 1. Hah, jokes.) Anyway, we are talking about one of the most interesting things on Scadrial: the Lord Ruler! We're talking about his character and history, and we'll talk in detail about his powers next week. We talk about the Ascension A LOT, get derailed from talking about the subjugation of Terris, and of course, get annoyed thinking about the Lord Ruler's kids. 

    On this very Tense (yet Cohesive) Shardcast, we actually do finish talking about every order of Knights Radiant, getting through four orders in just over two hours. So yes, it's long, but technically speaking, shorter than the last one. We also go seriously into the weeds on a matter of Surges. But I'm sure it's no big deal and there will be no Tension in this.

    We're back with more Knights Radiant, and this time we go even slower, getting sidetracked with lots of Surgebinding PedantiCast action. How does Progression work? Future sight stuff, Soulcasting mechanics, and Shadesmar and astral projection. Oh, we also talk about some Knights Radiant...

    This week on Shardcast, we're going to start a multi-week adventure in discussing all the Orders of Knights Radiant, starting with the Windrunners, Skybreakers, and Dustbringers. You should not be surprised we'll talk about this for three episodes. We go into their oaths, their Surges, and more. Also, space whales and MMO jokes.

    At least a nonzero of you wanted this: an episode on Children of the Nameless, a novella Brandon wrote in the Magic: The Gathering universe, released for free last December. Is it any good? Turns out it's actually pretty good even if you don't know about Magic. We are going to talk about the plot as well as the lore.


    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    This week, it isn't Shardcast, but ShardPLATEcast, because we're talking about Shardplate. We talk about all the details on how Shardplate works, its function, differences between the Radiant version and non-Radiant version. Of course, we hypothesize how one gets Plate and how that works. But wait, there's also Inception noises and Avengers references. Everything you could want, really.

    Continuing our series of episodes where we think "eh, we won't talk that much, we can fit it into one episode" is the History of Roshar. Yeah, okay, it's hilarious we could fit it into one episode, but we spent a lot more time on Rosharan prehistory than I expected! We get up through the Last Desolation this week, and we'll talk about after the Desolations and the Recreance next time.

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