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    We did it, everyone. It's the last Words of Brandon episode for (hopefully) a long time, with the holiday 2018 Idaho Falls Words of Brandon. Behold my cohosts work really hard at derailing my best efforts at getting on task, from talking about Hoid's tramp stamp, and so, so much more. Where we're going, we don't need rails, I guess. You don't know what I do for mankind. Without me, you've doomed yourself to Argent stories... 

    The Hero of Ages leatherbound came out just after New Year's, and with it, the long-awaited Table of Hemalurgic Metals! We now bring you the finest group of pedants to discuss all of the new powers, and more! In fact we talked so much (over three hours!) that we split this into two episodes. This first one we're exclusively talking about the Hemalurgic powers, but don't worry we're going to be talking about bind points and more next time.

    Merry Christmas, everyone! This week we are beginning catching up on Words of Brandon, and we're starting with the Skyward AMAs. So you know what that means: it is time for Shardcast to misread/make fun of people's Reddit usernames! Also, we have Words of Brandon on screen for those of you watching on video! Look at that production value! There's a new working title for Stormlight 4, us arguing over Hemalurgy, and more!

    State of Sanderson 2018 is out and here is our podcast talking about the news, Children of the Nameless, and the future for Brandon. We discuss the increasing trend for collabs in Brandon's works. We also talk about our feelings on this year. We have some fantastic memes, and learn Evgeni is sometimes creepy. Lastly talk about Tolkien for no reason, and as usual, are super pedantic.

    This week on Shardcast we are returning to Skyward, and we're here to do our predictions for the sequel of Skyward, Starsight! We also get in-depth on the lore of the Skyward Universe. Of course, we additionally discuss... Pacific Rim? Guardians of the Galaxy? Yeah, we talk about a lot here. This episode features probably our longest Who's That Cosmere Character yet, because we're dumb sometimes. 

    This week on this totally not late and definitely on time episode of Shardcast, we are dealing with the Davars! We kept up with the Kholins, the most influential family on Roshar, so it's time to look into the most influenced family. We talk about all the Davars, the weirdness and mysteries still to be determined, and some ideas for the future. Also, the Seduction Vector and Pokespren.

    Shardcast: Cosmere Crushes

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    This week on Shardcast, you learn perhaps way, way too much about us. We're talking about our biggest crushes in the cosmere; our baes, our beefcakes, regardless of how irrational they may be. I almost spat out water. We also discuss the pronunciation of "duchy" and try to kick each other from the call. Who is your biggest cosmere crush? Comment below!

    This week on this Thanksgiving's Day Shardcast, it's time for us to dig into pronouncing so many things in the cosmere. Friendships will be shattered on this episode (just like perhaps your family arguments will today!). We actually will have each word we are pronouncing displayed on screen so you can see all the action, and then watch our reactions as people do... interesting things. Put how dumb we are at pronouncing things in the comments, snootiness fully allowed! 

    This time on Shardcast, not only are we talking about our Skyward reactions (short answer: it was really good), but also we are on VIDEO for the first time. So please, comment below on our ugly/extremely attractive mugs, the quality of video editing, and anything else. I'm very new to editing! All future Shardcasts will be on video, but the audio only version will always be available on Soundcloud and the RSS feed as usual. I think you get a lot out of video in this one, from seeing Grace's deep love for Jorgen, and me looking completely perplexed at something Ben says about the ending.

    This week on Shardcast, not only do you get to continue getting some spicy Words of Brandon from the Legion release--which remind us of how crazy these weird stormstrider things are--but you also get some bonuses. That's right, you also get a special edition podcast of Tasercast, as well as Dresden Files Cast. Did we know where that would lead us today? Not even remotely. We also learn about Heralds and their bodies (which is a great sentence to say out of context), the classics of Gavilar's black spheres, and also... bears. 

    Today on Shardcast, there's yet more Words of Brandon, this time from the Legion release party, and boy do we have some real good ones. We get some actual, real-to-goodness confirmations about Nightblood, including some longstanding mysteries being discussed. It's exciting! This Word of Brandon episode is not one to miss. We also get upper and lower bounds on how many Desolations there are! Are you not entertained! Some theories are also destroyed in this one. 

    It's the last bit of our "short," "surface-level," and "one-episode" series on the Kholins. We're finishing up Dalinar's family unit, and we have to talk about Adolin and Renarin and their family dynamics! And, of course, how it evolves after Dalinar's visit to the Valley or not. Guest starring: Kaves Kholin. This is also our 50th episode! How crazy is that?

    We're back with Keeping Up With The Kholins, and this time we are talking about Dalinar's side of the family, and Dalinar's adult relationships, like Evi and Navani. It's a great wholesome experience except for all the horrible stuff. Nothing a bit of amnesia can't fix! Also, this episode features fantastic Shardcast Relationship Tips(tm), and literally the... best voice acting you'll ever hear. (Oh, there's also a lot of good character analysis.)

    We're wrapping up FanX Words of Brandon on Shardcast today. Perhaps most interesting is that Brandon said Navani will likely be the prologue character in Stormlight 4, and Gavilar in #5! We also get some discussion of Shardplate, some RAFOs on Dawnshards, and Hoid and his Lightweaving. We discuss end-positive and end-negative magics for... no discernable reason? We make some Star Wars memes and pitch an "amazing" fanfic idea. Lastly, Argent propositions Hoid. This one is a fun memey episode.

    On today's Shardcast, we discuss the huge amount of things that Brandon has talked about in August and September events, in particular WorldCon and FanX Words of Brandon. There's so much to analyze that we are doing a second one of these next week, and then there will be Legion Words of Brandon soon too. 

    This episode has some crazy bombs: a third storm, a Cultivationlight? What!

    Shardcast: Legion Reactions

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    With the release of Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds, we thought we'd do a spoilery Shardcast episode where we discuss our feels. There are things to talk about Lies of the Beholder, and so we dig deep into it now!

    This week we have Eric (Chaos), Ian (WeiryWriter), the return of Evgeni (Argent) from World of Warcraft, and Grace (gatorgirl) whose microphone is somehow much worse despite the fact that she just moved and nothing else changed. It's a mystery.

    We're continuing what was supposed to be a brief dive into Kholin family dynamics. Unfortunately we recorded for five hours about it, so "brief" didn't really come into it. Last time we discussed Gavilar and Navani's relationships, now we continue Gavilar's side of the family. We nerd out about how well Elhokar is written (so effectively a twerp), Aesudan conspiracy theories, and of course, Jasnah's amazingness. 

    Shardcast: Endowment

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    This week we talk about a Shard of Adonalsium that we think we know a lot of, but there's a lot of mystery about her: Endowment. We discuss her plans, what her Shard means, the Returned, the Tears of Edgli, Austre, and, of course, dragons. We also of course talk about Nalthian TSA agents, and are sad about how long the Warbreaker sequel will take to get in our hands.

    This time on Shardcast we are talking about all the weird things in the cosmere that were mentioned just a few times and forgot. Like Vax. We also discuss Senna, Lutha, Reya, a lot of Threnody, and a lot of Scadrial. Oh, and a lot of me complaining about the Lord Ruler's kids, because it doesn't make sense. But just know: Vax is the answer to all your questions. Where's the kandra worldhopper? Vax. Where's Vivenna? Vax. How's Stormlight 4 coming along? It's on Vax. Easy.

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