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    Happy New Year and welcome to 2022. The Lost Metal is finally for realsies coming out this year, and that is so great to finally say. So let's continue talking about Mistborn and Era 2 by talking about one of its biggest mysteries: the Set and Trell! Oh, and Paalm. And a bunch of other cosmere things, like Svrakiss. We're all over the place, but hopefully you maybe know more on this subject now than you did before!

    Brandon's State of Sanderson blog post is coming out (as stated on the spoiler stream) on the morning of December 20th. We thought it'd be fun to do our Shardcast on State of Sanderson live so we can interact with chat about this. You'll have to excuse the empty spaces and lack of WTCC clues on screen; I can't edit this video otherwise the chat will go away!

    Shardcast: Cytonic Reactions

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    Cytonic, the third Skyward novel, is out now, and now we are discussing everything in this episode of Shardcast! We start with some non-spoilery thoughts, and then we get deep into the weeds on what we think as well as talk about some lore topics too. What did you think of Cytonic? Put your comments below!

    It feels like it's been ages since we've been done an extremely pedantic mechanics episode, and we reread The Bands of Mourning, so it's finally time to do one we've wanted to do for ages: what the hell is going on with the Southerner medallions? We talk about what we know, what we don't know (which is most things), as well as all the other crazy magic things we got in Bands of Mourning. Also featuring: random theories on Excisors. Not featuring: actually talking the Bands themselves.

    We love Brandon Sanderson here; that's why we've done over a hundred and fifty of these Shardcasts. But you know, we have some beefs too. We did a Cosmere Beefs episode long ago in 2018, and so it's time for some new (and updated) beefs for 2021, with some of our newer cast members as well! We have some funny beefs along with some serious ones too, but we hope our complaining is entertaining! Put your beefs in the comments; we'd love to read yours! There are some Skyward spoilers in addition to cosmere ones, which we have put on screen so you can skip past (or you can look at the chapters).

    Shardcast: Lux Reactions

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    We got a new Brandon Sanderson book this year already, and it is Lux! It is an Audible original set in the Reckoners universe, and it's time for us to talk about it. Overall we liked it, but we obviously get into the weeds, because it's Shardcast. Spoilers for the original Reckoners trilogy (Steelheart, Firefight, and Calamity) here, but if you haven't listened to Lux yet, we start with spoiler-free reactions. Chapters are below! 

    Here's our second Word of Brandon episode from JordanCon 2021! Here lay answers to critical questions like, if a tree falls in the Forests of Hell and no one is around to hear it, do the shades still get angry? And watch many questions from the general Q&A where people try to talk their away around spoilers in hilarious ways, like about a certain Scadrian's bones. 

    We are extremely fortunate to have the amazing booktuber Merphy Napier on the show today! She just finished The Bands of Mourning for the first time, and so we thought hey, let's talk about Mistborn Era 2! What book is everyone's favorite, favorite characters, and more! The rest of us reread Era 2 and we have thoughts (and many more podcasts on Era 2 are coming).

    Shardcast: Shallan's Past

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    In this episode of Shardcast, we go through the very light, chill topic of Shallan's past. Oh boy, there is so much to talk about, and so much more in Rhythm of War to ruminate on. Let's grind through and see if we can figure out what's going on here.

    There's less signings these days, but there are still a few things that have happened, like an excellent Cosmere.es interview, as well as another spoileriffic Brandon stream! There's a ton here, with one of Brandon's best reactions ever regarding blowing up the Selish Cognitive Realm (actually, a ton of Cognitive mumbo jumbo this time), as well as a definition on avatars!

    Happy Pride Month everyone! This episode of Shardcast, we get very gay. We're talking about Queerness in the Cosmere, so we're talking about queer representation, examples, how Brandon has evolved over time and is putting in more representation. We also have some critiques and hopes for the future. So if you want to see the cosmere from a queer lens, this episode is for you!

    Shardcast: Ishar

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    Today on Shardcast, we talk about an extremely nice, totally sane character: Ishar! He definitely did not have his hand in a lot of stuff, or cause many problems. And he certainly did nothing disturbing in Rhythm of War! Also, news, and limmericks in Who's That Cosmere Character!

    Shardcast: Moash

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    This week on Shardcast, we're talking about everyone's favorite character: Moash. Has any other character inspired such emotion throughout the fandom as that wayward-est member of Bridge Four? We're taking a deep dive into Moash's character, with plenty of hot takes on what role he serves in the narrative, where we think he might go after Rhythm of War (RoW spoiler warning!), the most important question: Should Moash be redeemed, or should he die very horribly in a very hot fire? Stay tuned to find out. 

    Hey everyone! The Shardcast gang will be doing another stream on our YouTube channel on Sunday, March 21st, at 10am Pacific. We'll answer questions and interact with you in chat, so we hope to see you there! Of course, if you can't make it, the VOD will be on YouTube as well. It's been pretty fun streaming and talking with you all so far!

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