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    This week's episode of Shardcast we discuss the recent (ish) signing in Idaho Falls in late July. We get you up to date with "Adonalsium's opposition" (whatever that means) and somehow that's related to Hoid's immortality. What? We also bring up aluminum too much, and Eric tries not to talk about Dragonsteel. There's other Words of Brandon too at this signing. We make bad analogies, and name someone Mr. Conqueror and another Mr. Sarcastipants. This episode has something for everyone. Including onions!

    This week on Shardcast, we are going to talk about a Stormlight MYSTERY! In the vision of the Recreance, Dalinar says there are more Shards there than known in the present day. That was just a subset of two orders, to say nothing of all the others. So where have all the Shardblades gone? Even the most conservative estimate would mean we are missing a lot. Well, we are here to speculate, and we go through all the possibilities, from sensible to insane. Are you smuggling a Shardblade, or are you just happy to see me?

    Shardcast: Half-Shards

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    Welcome to Shardcast - Civil War: Episode 2, Half-Shards Edition. We are continuing our discussion on fabrials and we are going straight into a spicy, perhaps infuriating discussion regarding whether half-shards use Radiant spren. Is the answer obvious? What do you think? Tell us down below!

    Shardcast: Cosmere Beefs

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    This week on Shardcast, we are going to complain. That's right. Many think we are just shill who love everything Brandon does, but that's not true. We're talking about our cosmere beefs this week. Hear us complain about things you maybe had no issue with. Spook. Kelsier. Wayne. Szeth. And, of course, Zane, in an epic rant to end all rants. Welcome to Complaincast.

    Shardcast: The Heralds

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    It's time for a big, spicy episode on the Heralds. We go through each Herald (with more dramatic reading!) and talk about all sorts of things. Jezrien, how do you pronounce his name? The Heralds, and their body issues. And yes, I wrote that sentence knowing that has a strong double meaning. Lastly, Ian is a Cognitive Shadow. What a twist!

    Shardcast: The Oathpact

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    Today on Shardcast, we have mega-Oathbringer spoilers, because we are talking about the Oathpact! First we start by performing Oathbringer Chapter 38, starring Evgeni has a very bored Stormfather. Then, of course, we dig into everything. How do the mechanics of Desolations work? How do the Fused get back to Roshar? When does a Desolation end? And of course we discuss the Everstorm and "new but old of design," because of course we do.

    Shardcast: Unity

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    Ladies and gentlemen my name is Eric and we're here to ask and answer one simple question: WTF is Unity?  What is Dalinar? Honor's Perpendicularity and why it has to move, and also, for good measure, Odium's Perpendicularity. Spren genocide, strange warmths, all manner of weirdness is discussed here. Obviously, Oathbringer spoilers, and some Mistborn Era 1 spoilers too.

    Bonuscast: Dark One News

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    Just a bit ago, we had a big news announcement about Dark One, a project Brandon has talked about numerous times, is finally getting off the ground as a grand multimedia project which includes graphics novels, a TV show, a podcast, and prequel novels. We record Shardcasts in advance so we wanted to get you the news and our thoughts on the matter in this bonus podcast! 

    This week on Shardcast, we discuss Words of Brandon from last month (and early this month) from MisCon and BookCon, and oh boy there's some exciting stuff. Do we have a new Shard? Is Ingenuity a Shard? Oh, we discuss it immensely, but do feel free to put your comments below. . We also talk about cuddling seons, Gavilar's spheres, spheres in general, and, despite not actually having a question prompting it, we discuss the mists on Scadrial a lot. Oh, and lastly, we make of Jebus for not having videos. 

    Some things are just inherent rivalries. Batman v Superman. Captain America v Iron Man. And now, we're picking up right from last week, and we are talking about super Oathbringer spoilers. It's Shardcast: Civil War, Odium v Passion. We're discussing what this force is, and we're coming to blows! One that won't simply be solved by saying that both their moms are named Martha.

    Do you like mysteries? If so, great, because we're going to be talking about Aimia, Akinah, and the Scouring of Aimia this week. There's so many mysteries here, it's almost as if we don't have anything to talk about. But joke's on you, we have plenty. Oddly enough, we very easily could have called this "Dawnshardcast." You'll see why.

    We're at last done with JordanCon today with yet more Words of Brandon, and some are spicy. We discuss aluminum, the Iriali, dragons, how visions work, Odium's inexperience with Devotion and Dominion, the Nightwatcher, and of course, Eric rants about Shard's intents. We also finally learn more about THE BOOMBOX, so basically this is the best episode ever.

    Today on Shardcast, we are talking about all of the stuff from JordanCon. This will be a twofer episode, which will be continued next week. Here we discussed Shardblades in the Cognitive Realm, answering a question we brought up last week. We also decide we are going to do an Odium podcast, and you'll see that later. We also talk about urges and demiurges. Yup.

    Late April, there was JordanCon, and today on Shardcast, we have brought two cast members, Evgeni and Rosemary, to give us their thoughts on the convention. We also talk about the craziest thing from there, which was the reading of The Traveler, which you should definitely read immediately. It's some of the spiciest cosmere stuff we've gotten in a while. 

    Long ago, in the ancient days of 2016, we did a podcast back when we called this Shardkeepers, about Nightblood and Corrupted Investiture. With the advent of Oathbringer (Oathbringer spoilers in this podcast, by the way), we have not only seen more Nightblood, but we've also had a lot more Words of Brandon about it. Oh, and we're going to talk about Azure's Shardblade, too, because that's a pretty big deal.

    This week we are diving back into a controversial character from Oathbringer: Venli! And of course, as is obvious if you've read Oathbringer, we have to talk about Eshonai too. Behold as we have an epic war between Ben (Overlord Jebus), Ian (WeiryWriter), and I on these characters.

    You've asked for an introduction and analysis of the Secret Societies of Roshar, and so here we are. There are Oathbringer spoilers, but we'll talk about the Ghostbloods, the Sons of Honor, the Diagram, the Skybreakers, and several worldhopping organizations too. We also discuss how dumb some of their plans are. And we also talk about Tezim a lot. Hilariously, Ian's power went out as we first tried recording this podcast. These secret societies don't want this information out! Or something. 

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