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  1. Here are the translated images: The Atrium: The Fourth Bridge: The Arnist Method:
  2. I haven't seen this posted elsewhere so I hope I'm not breaking any rules by doing so. The sample chapters of RoW are up on IBooks and while obviously textually we get nothing new we do get three very cool new illustrations we haven't seen before. The first is from Shallan's Sketchbook and is called The Atrium. The second is from Navani's Notebook and is called The Fourth Bridge. The third is also from Navani's Notebook and is called The Arnist Method. These are at least to me really cool visualisations but I'm sure to those with the time and the willingness to do so the latter two will also be an opportunity to translate some more of the Alethi woman's speech - would be particularly awesome to know what the notes to the third say I imagine.
  3. I recently met someone who I’m convinced is the irl Jake Peralta. This dude is in his 30s and used to be in the military, here are some quotes from him: ”CHEEZE-ITS OH MY GOSH CAN I HAVE SOME” *completely serious* “Groot is from Millennials of the Galaxy, right?” *about neighbor’s cat* “Her name is Skittles but I call her Lady Skittles cause she’s old.” This dude is amazing
  4. I would just like to take a moment to remember the greatest game show host of all time: Alex Trebek. Jeopardy was my childhood. I learned so much random--but good--stuff on that show. It was a fun activity that I would do with my family, and brought us closer together. So I'd like to thank Mr. Trebek for that. Rest in peace Alex.
  5. Sigzil is mentioned, along with Kaladin and Teft, as having said the traditional "I legit hate this person" form of the Third Oath, and I wonder who exactly aroused his ire. "Storm it, I gave them the Voidbringer Attack Evacuation Forms, not a single one of them is in formation, they're not even fully packed-- serve them right if I just left them there for the Fused... *sigh* No, I must rescue even those who didn't bother to read Section 32(b)..." *icy glyphs* THESE WORDS ARE ACCEPTED.
  6. I give you five memes from my personal archive. Maybe you've seen them before, and maybe you haven't. Use them wisely... They have absolutely nothing to do with the shard though.
  7. Phew! Finally done. As far as I have seen, there are next to zero memes about Skyward, so I made some! I also may or may not have been waiting to use this template for nearly a month, which I realized today fits perfectly with Skyward . (Minor Spoilers for Skyward) edit: I should probably mention that the lego M-bot was made by @Zath. Hope you don't mind me borrowing it!
  8. Beware, Wax & Wayne (particularly Bands of Mourning) spoilers below. As I reread the passage where Rysn interacts with the mural/Dawnshard, I couldn't shake the sense that we'd read about something similar before. Near the beginning of Bands of Mourning, we learn that a kandra named ReLuur had been searching for the mythical bands and returned to Elendel with a number of pictures documenting his search. Among the images were the following: A mural depicting a room with a central dais. On the dais is a pedestal, and set upon the pedestal was a pair of bracers made of delicate, curling metal, shaped in spirals (a depiction of what they thought were the Bands of Mourning) A picture of a large metal plate set into a wall and inscribed with a strange script. Neither Wax nor any of the kandra present recognize the script Another shot of the strange language A picture of a statue that resembled the Lord Ruler, bearing a long spear Another shot of the mural, more detailed, which depicted bracers with many different metals twining together Another image, of a different mural, depicting a man standing atop a peak, hands raised above him and a glowing spear hovering there, just beyond his touch. A corpse slumped at his feet. The face of the man in the mosaic had eyes upturned and lips parted as if in awe at what he held. He wore the bracers on his arms. We learn toward the end of the book that the pictures were taken at the Sovereign's Temple. Wax sees the same murals and the statue. (There's no mention in the later scene of whether the metal plate is also present, but it seems a fairly safe assumption). What's more we learn some new information about the pedestal in the temple - specifically that it features, prominently, the colors red and gold. The temple also features a number of booby traps and decoys. We learn that the real Bands of Mourning are not the bracers but a spearhead hidden in the statute's spear. And it is at least heavily implied that the mural depicting a person is likely Kelsier, and not the Lord Ruler. So if you're playing Dawnshard connections bingo we've got: fancy murals located in hard-to-reach places featuring the colors red and gold; protected by decoys and booby traps; featuring strange languages not recognized by our main characters; hidden powerful magic objects; and murals that are associated with characters who have heard commands in their minds (CHANGE for Rysn, and SURVIVE for Kelsier) Could be nothing. But it's Brandon so it could also be something. Is this perhaps evidence that our old pal Kel has maybe been involved with a Dawnshard at some point as well? Lastly, not sure how this fits in, if at all, but there was another prominent shout-out to the red/gold color scheme back in Alloy of Law. Here's the scene in the epilogue when Miles is executed: Anyway, just wanted to put this out there because it seems like a significant number of similarities.
  9. Hehe, I just made this one as well...
  10. When every time you see your other friend who has read Stormlight, one of you says '__ days to Rhythm of War!' When somehow, the way you said 'Mistborn' convinced someone to read it. And by that I mean I said "They're from Mistborn" (in reference to part of a Halloween costume), and the other person said, "Cool. I'm gonna read that."
  11. Hello fellow beings of the shard! I have been told that I should put these things on a forum, so I shall. this is a place where I ask ridiculous questions I asked to newcomers of the shard to the general public, because everyone should get a chance to answer them. since this is my the first time, I shall put two. 1. If you were to put a nunchuck wielding nun anywhere in the cosmere and have it gain something from that planet’s magic system, which planet would you put it on? 2. Which of Brando Sando’s books do you think would be more interesting if it had a house containing a little girl that fell and crushed a witch in it?
  12. When a shoe color being listed as "radiant navy" makes you imagine a navy of Radiants.
  13. When you miss the warmth of your safe hand glove when your parents make you take it off.
  14. An interesting connection that occurred to me, that I haven't seen discussion about in the wake of Dawnshard: I think we might now have all the puzzle pieces to put together the origins of Soulcasters (the fabrial-like devices). They are ancient tools that modern artifabrians have been unable to replicate. We know based on Jasnah's hypothesizing that the ancient humans did not have long lost knowledge: Shardblades, Shardplate, Soulcasters were not created by humans but received via some other, magical means. We've known there is some tenuous connection between Soulcasters and Akinah based on the Kaza interlude from Oathbringer: the Liaforan Soulcaster thinks about a rumor amongst Soulcasters that links them to the abandoned city. She believes there might be some knowledge or power there to cure her of the effects that prolonged use of a Soulcaster has on an individual. In Dawnshard, Nikli tells Rysn that the Soulcasters are kept “out of reverence, as they were offerings to the Ancient Guardians long ago.” So, again we have a connection between Soulcasters and Akinah (via the larkin, which are linked to the island as evidenced by their needing to return and bond the specific mandra variant that exists there). Now, this might be the source of the rumor that drives Kaza to seek out Akinah (I don't think it is, but can't be sure)--but either way, it opens up another question: why do the Sleepless view Soulcasters as offerings to the larkin (I don't imagine the larkin can use them, except for maybe eating the stormlight within the gemstones). I don't have a good answer to this, but it further strengthens the link between Soulcasters and Akinah/the Ancient Guardians. And this is central to my theory: because now we know that the secret hidden on Akinah, the thing the Ancient Guardians were protecting, is one of the Dawnshards; specifically, the one that encapuslated “The will of a god to remake things, to demand they be better.” And what is it that Soulcasters do? Well--pretty much that, if only at a smaller scale! So here's my theory: this Dawnshard of Change was used to create the Soulcasters. Someone (or some divinity) wielded the Dawnshard to imbue the power of Change into these devices, enabling individuals to use the power of transformation without requiring the Nahel bond or Honorblade. Tinfoil hat theory extension: I'm thinking Honor was the one who used the Dawnshard to create the Soulcasters. Based on a comment from Brandon on the Dawnshard megathread: "Soulcasting via a fabrial is way, way less dangerous than Radiant soulcasting--which is in turn far less dangerous than unbound soulcasting (meaning without oaths.)" It seems like the degree of "oaths" or perhaps bonds on the usage of Soulcasting makes it less dangerous. The Honorblades that grant the Soulcasting ability require no oaths to use, and so have great power; Radiant Soulcasters are bound by their oaths, rendering their ability safer; but the Soulcasters are much more limited in their application, often only able to perform one type of Soulcasting. So, it makes sense to me that Honor had some role in creating the Soulcasters, making them safer to use.
  15. Honestly it took me way too long to get the joke
  16. I love the Veggie Tales reference. That is my childhood. WE ARE THE PIIIRAATES WHO DONT DO ANYTHING, WE JUST STAY HOME AND LIE AROUND. AND IF YOU ASK US TO DO ANYTHING WE WILL TELL YOU we don’t do anything.
  17. So, funny story. I was going on a hike with my family when we passed a rope swing that went over a river. My sister, being the adventurer she is wanted to go swing on it. My mom, (For whatever reason) let her do it. So, my sister gets on the swing and basically long story short she fell in the water. This isn't the worst that that would have ever happened but... When she came up out of the water her glasses were missing. Fortunately the water was only about waist deep. Unfortunately it's fall, and rope swings are typically hung from trees. It took us like an hour in really cold water to find it. But personally I think we finished at just the right time because just as we found it, a big red pickup truck came around the corner. It had a custom license plate (The Duck) and it had a custom hood ornament (A big white dusk flexing) and when it honked it's horn it... quacked. It was one of the best things I have ever seen.
  18. 4 likes
  19. I'm not very good at making memes, but Dawnshard is too good not to try.
  20. I noticed this in the annotations for Dawnshard: Emphasis on the fact that he can’t eat meat. What!? Since when!? Does his curse to not be able to physically harm people also extend to animals, and therefore he cannot eat them? the most alarming and depressing part of this is this fact we have known for a while, quote: I know someone brought this up on the Reddit q and a already, but I needed to get this off my chest
  21. Been using the Coppermind for a while to help brush up on side characters and keep my history straight. Now in preparation for RoW I've been listening to some old Shardcasts. Figured it was about time I made an account here.
  22. Tria Noche was eating dinner in her room when she noticed that the food tasted a little odd. She decided to stop eating, and go get some new food from the ship cafeteria instead. When she started feeling sick later on, she decided to send her odd tasting food in for testing. The results from the tests said that there had been poison in the food, and that if she had finished eating the food, she would have probably died. Mist was attacked, but survived! GM Notes: -The day will end on November 11th, at 5:00 PM EST. -Elkanah will probably be replaced by Burnt Spaghetti, but I forgot to send her the message asking for confirmation. If she does want to sub in, she'll sub in during this turn. If not, then I'll have to find someone else. -If you need a vote count, just @mention me and I'll give you one ASAP! -Remember that PMs are closed during the day. Player List:
  23. How... how did you know about the clones? That should be impossible. Unless... you’re a secret spy for my arch nemesis, Sandon Branderson!!
  24. When your very first YKYASW was converting your biology teacher in ninth grade, and now in twelfth grade you're still bugging her to read Well of Ascension...
  25. I've already accomplished this one: Some more: InspiroBot kind of broke down before this one: Here's some more:
  26. Should I start a Fantasy Author's guild?
  27. I have a huge plot going on right now that should result in at least 10 people in my grade reading cosmere
  28. When lightsabers seem like cheap knockoff shardblades to you. (They can both cut through anything except for each other and another special material, except lightsabers take a while to cut through thick metal doors. Both are "summoned," except you need to keep the hilt of the lightsaber on you to summon it, while you can always summon a shardblade.)
  29. Yeah, my ward is still not allowed to sing. We can hum though. It sounds like musical bees
  30. "There is no instance of a book benefiting from gun warfare." - @Koloss17 - The Art of War.
  31. So nice of you! Thanks to encouragement from you all (amazing people) I had the guts to tell the director (like the boss of my boss). I basically told him that this is an insufferable environment and if he values my work he will make it right so I can continue. I got a promotion, I got a pay rise and then my boss and the other boss talked to my coworker (and they yelled at him and told him he would get fired) and he honestly apologized that he always worked only with dudes and it never actually occurred to him that this may be an issue. But what is more important, he is honesty behaving without a problem ever since and he is genuinely nice to me but not in a creepy way. Also, they stressed to me that promotion and money are not to shut me up but to show me they really, really value my work. TL TR: Douche got a wake-up call and I have peace and quiet and more money. But I literally could not have done this without you. I don't say it as empty "thanks" but only because of your support I had the courage to talk about it with higher management. So thank you! I mean it....
  32. Assuming a stride equals between 2.1 and 2.5 feet, the steps would be between 21 and 25 feet tall. The Heralds have, roughly, the same proportions as an average human would. Depending on the particulars of the stairs, they may have a smooth vertical surface or a detailed surface capable of providing handholds. Either way, no human being is going to be able to crawl up such a staircase. If we instead interpret the viewpoint of this poem to be that of a small creature, with comparatively small strides, things begin to make much more sense. From the perspective of a creature with a stride of 1 inch, we can envision a scenario in which the Heralds could actually walk up the steps that were, after all, crafted for them. Dysian hordelings are usually about the size of a finger, and can be as large as a fist. Crawling. There is a forthcoming novella named Dawnshard that is set in Aimia. Dysian Aimians, also known as Sleepless, are a sapient non-human race found on Roshar that once lived in the Silver Kingdom of Aimia. Hordelings fit within the perfect size-range to provide plausibility to an otherwise strange statement, they are a sentient life-form capable of carrying out the actions described in the poem, and they originate from the one place on Roshar that is specifically tied to Dawnshards. The Poem of Ista is written about a Dysian Aimian, from the perspective of a Dysian Aimian.
  33. From the album: The Wheel of Time Fanart

    I wanted to finish this book series by the end of this year but I'm still only on book seven of this series. It's slow going.
  34. Welcome to the Overlady Reads Arcanum Unbounded! This week, Lucy (Empress) and I (Overlord Jebus) delve into the Cosmere's short story collection. As we go along, we give each a rating. Some landed better for Lucy than others, and some didn't land at all (Enjoy the Szeth fanfiction Lucy made in lieu of one of the stories). So with only a little over a week until Rhythm of War, I hope you guys enjoy this little walk down Cosmere lane to remind you of some of the smaller parts of this grand universe. Let us know what your favourite stories from Arcanum Unbounded are below!
  35. For what it's worth, and he brings up his own obvious bias, but I've been hanging around here and have listened to enough Shardcast to feel like I can trust @Chaos review and avoid others for the sake of spoilers. Personally, and I try to do this with every new book we get, I'm going to keep expectations reasonable even though I am super excited, remind myself that there's probably something that might not land right for me somewhere in the book but that's ok, and trust in the author's long game since we are nearing the end of the first arc. I'm sure there's allot of plot that needs to tighten up in order for book 5 to stick the landing and really blow our minds.
  36. Oh I’m Returned now. Who needs healing in exchange for my death?
  37. From my understanding, there is no firm number on how many dawnshards there are, though Nikli seems to think there are four of them this could be his understanding of how many there were before the shattering: So we probably shouldn't have the crux of any hypothesis be that there are only four dawnshards. Rysn's dawnshard, "change", intrigues me a lot though: we know that the dawnshards were used in the shattering somehow, and they involve "primal" commands; if they could be used to shatter Adonalsium, they must have some power over shards of Adonalsium. So I'm wondering if the "change" dawnshard could be used to manipulate a shard's intent--not singularly, like change Odium to some other intent entirely, but bend it in some way to where Odium could actually resemble what he claims to be, i.e. Passion. Could Rysn's dawnshard also be used by Dalinar to take up the remnants of Honor's shard and "change" it into something else? Or could it be used to take up the remnants of Honor and be combined with Odium or Cultivation if either of the vessels are killed?
  38. If this is a recording of the Command, it would have to be a Yolish language, as the Dawnshards predate the Shattering.
  39. RIP, Alex Trebek. You were a wonderful man.
  40. This is like the first time I've made memes.
  41. I have a Missionary story real quick: So my family had guy over for dinner (pre-COVID) And this guy had a brother. This brother was... an...interesting person. He went on a mission & while he was on it he bought knives from a knife-store that was closing down. Short time later, this guy was carrying around a knife with him into a grocery store, (as I said he was an interesting guy.) His companion had to go to the bathroom, so while his companion was in the bathroom, this guy starts throwing the knife up, spinning it, and catching it. It hits the ceiling fan and IMPALES his thigh. (that's not the craziest part yet.) Short while later their mission president in a zone meeting starts chewing them out and got this guy really frustrated. So frustrated that on the way home he has his companion stop the car at every snowman so that this guy could tackle it. He keeps doing this until they're almost at the apartment and he tackles yet another snowman, this lady comes out of the house and asks him what he was doing. He replied that he was sorry and he was having a really hard day. She invites him and his companion inside for hot chocolate and about a month later she's converted and baptized by the guy and his companion. This remains my favorite conversion story ever.
  42. I feel called out For some reason within 24 hours of me buying a Stormlight book, I always manage to drop it, and it only happens with the Stormlight books.
  43. Anyone’s thoughts on Nightblood being (or heavily being touched by) Command: DESTROY? It seems like it would fit the power level... I also really want to call the Dawnshards Create.exe, Destroy.exe, etc...
  44. Well, looks like I’m not getting any sleep tonight. After a mostly forgettable, low-stakes mild adventure/mystery story, the lore got turned up to 1000%. This seems like a good thread to dump my thoughts in. The mural. It’s obviously referencing the Shattering, what with the sixteen pieces; I think it’s also referencing the four Dawnshards here, too. But these existed before the Shattering of Adonalsium (or else they couldn’t be used to Shatter), so I’m guessing the Commands guided the sixteen Intents, four apiece. This Command feels an awful lot like Cultivation and Endowment, making things change and make things better. (And even Ruin, to a degree.) And Adonalsium had some emotions ascribed to him, as well: “Resignation? Confidence? Understanding?” And lastly, I’m not sure that the gold color is entirely for decoration. We’re learning from fabrial science that metals interact with Investiture in quite a few ways we didn’t anticipate; I wonder if the mural wouldn’t have contained the Dawnshard if it had a different metal. (The “red foil” outlines are somewhat suspicious, as well, for the places we’ve seen red Investiture.) Exactly what Dawnshards are and how they work is a bit of a mystery. We know from Brandon’s annotation that Hoid was a Dawnshard; I assume this is in reference to the “first gem” and how it became worthless for his wearing it. His Dawnshard was contained in a topaz, and then Hoid absorbed it. There are an awful lot of similarities to Breath and Awakening. It’s called a “Command,” Rysn has improved perception of color and pitch at the end of the novella. But while she absorbs it, we see sensations of light and warmth… almost like the mystery light Dalinar has seen a few times. The pieces are there, but I'm not quite sure how to put them together. There are some outstanding mysteries about the larkin and the mandras. It’s one thing if they were leading Chiri-Chiri to start a bond… but why did they guide Cord and Rysn? And then the big old skulls that Rysn thought moved to look at her; I’m thinking that there’s something actually moving in there. Rysn thinks that the Dawnshard has no agency of its own (borne out by the heads moved after Rysn took up the Dawnshard), so it must be whatever was guiding the mandras, whatever let out the big roar right before Chiri-Chiri returned. Mama Larkin, or whoever it is. The Dawnshard refers to Chiri-Chiri as a “Guardian of Ancient Sins.” That implies, to me, that the larkin are, an intelligent race who were tasked with this mission as soon as the Dawnshards needed guarding. The Sleepless say they guard it because they have seen the “end of worlds,” (like what was mentioned in the Oathbringer interlude), so are the “Ancient Sins” the Shattering? Or perhaps the destruction of Ashyn and other planets like it (including, potentially, the Sleepless home world)? So when were the Dawnshards put under guard? After the Shattering? After the destruction of Ashyn? After some point during the Desolations? It must have been prior to the Recreance, but that's a very long amount of time. We’ve only found one Dawnshard; where are the other three? In Way of Kings, Honor references “Dawnshards,” plural, so presumably more of them were on Roshar, if not all of them. What is Honor about to suggest that can’t be done without Dawnshards? Splintering a Shard, I’d guess; he was suggesting they kill Odium. Which, in turn, makes me wonder if Odium has a Dawnshard, and has been using it to Splinter. But the Dawnshards were also used to destroy the Tranquiline Halls (by performing a great feat of magic, as suggested by the novella), so how did they get to Ashyn? Or perhaps the Dawnshards a cosmere-wide “plot point,” and Honor was suggesting that the Radiants track one down, himself oblivious to the fact that one was right under his nose on his very own planet? Who are the enemies who could make full use of a Dawnshard? Are they Shards? Are they powerful magic users? I assume you only need to be a magic user, which is why they won’t let Rysn bond a spren. That's what happened on Ashyn; somebody with a Dawnshard went too far and caused some problems. It also makes me wonder about the “one of them will destroy us” line from the Way of Kings back cover, and maybe the enemies they’re worried about are the Radiants themselves. Neither person in on the secret (Rysn, Cord) are Radiants, after all. If Dalinar looks for a Dawnshard to fight Odium, things could go wrong and destroy Roshar. Lastly, the greatest applications of Surgebinding. If Rysn’s Dawnshard is associated with growth, what we could call Cultivation’s Dawnshard, I’ll go out on a limb and suggest that Ishar used Honor’s Dawnshard to create the Radiants. An extremely powerful Surgebinding to set up the Oaths and the bonds and the Surge associations and all that. He may also have used it to bind the Oathpact. I go a little further and suggest he still has it, although now he doesn’t have Surgebinding to make use of it. Hmm, one more odd line towards the end of the book. Cord knows stories of this Dawnshard coming through the perpendicularity. That implies that the Dawnshards were being moved around separately through the Cosmere. Who brought this one to Roshar? When? And for what purpose (if there is any beyond just hiding it)? Lots to think about. A pleasant surprise, to be sure; I wasn’t expecting this much of a bomb in this story.
  45. Noobs. You forget Daliner
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