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Ashbringer last won the day on September 23 2021

Ashbringer had the most liked content!

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  • Member Title
    Harbinger of Elimination
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  • Interests
    Sanderson Elimination, Alleyverse, Memes, the Longest Thread, Dawnshards, and community, not necessarily in that order.

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  1. I do also think we could have a mass claim. We've got roles from Me, CadCom, RBM, and Drake. That leaves TUO and Xino as the odd ones out, and there's probably one more Elim or DA between TUO/Xino/CadCom. RBM and Drake is the better look-through but we've got other options. @RoyalBeeMage, what does your Research hold this cycle?
  2. So was it more about RBM than Drake? Because the main reason I (and Coffee, I think) thought he was Evil was because he was pushing for my win so hard in the doc, even after it became clear that that would force an early Exelo. But now I haven’t won, Coffee’s flipped Village, and I actually have an incentive to think about things.
  3. Yup. For the maybe 2 other people who haven’t figured it out by now. Wasn’t going to claim but we weren’t exactly being subtle about it But, that means I’m Village now. And means I can talk about a few things. I didn’t explicitly get alignments from anyone - would be somewhat of a different story if I did. But, The Unknown Order, I’m relatively curious if you had a better reason for saving Drake than I did, because I was about 70% sure he was Evil at that point…
  4. I am unusually proud of being called out for flying under the radar, it means my whole mini-Araris shtick is working Honestly, I got a bit caught off guard by realizing D2 could be Exelo, and then Coffee's claim vs Drake's claim took up that day. I'm more used to longer games with more people. I have more of an inclination to believe Drake - mostly because of the initial accidental-PM-gambit, but also because Drake and I had swapped roles during C1, so I knew he was a Steward before D2. (Also I'm not dead, but this game seems to have a lot of roles in it anyway.) But that also leaves me alongside TUO, and I don't think I trust his silence as much as you probably don't trust the both of ours.
  5. This... actually doesn't have lylo/exelo on there but it does have most other ones used!
  6. Probably doesn’t help that half of us call it Exelo (or maybe that’s just me).
  7. Yeaaaah pretty sure that means RBM is lying here. Unless the Steward showed a self-alignment as Evil? But that wouldn't make any sense anyway (and even if it did, would still be e!RBM).
  8. Interrupting the Lieutenant discussion for a brief moment on my lunch break - highly doubt there'd just be 1. If there was just 1, and 4B finds them, they get roleblocked for all eternity. They get one more unblockable kill, but after that they just lose if they don't hit 4B. My guess would be 2, with maybe a Double Agent in the mix somewhere depending on Village power.
  9. Maybe just a difference in style, then. I like getting inactives out early. Less likely to burn us later, and Elim/wolf metas tend to be more inactive. I also am a bit more proactive about self-defense, because I’ve gotten exed a lot from me not doing that. I’m a bit of a lategame player. But also, IMO, voting for someone in hopes of stirring discussion and voting for someone in hopes that they do something are fairly different goals.
  10. ? RBM has made one post, and it’s in French. I’m pretty comfortable leaving my vote there.
  11. Emphasis on "should" Although I really should, true What's noteworthy? I'd like to think I've done more noteworthy things than RBM so far.
  12. In effort of me remembering to do more than simply RP, I shall follow Xino onto RoyalBeeMage.
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