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Oltux72 last won the day on March 20 2022

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  1. Do you think Brandon got a chuckle out of having Oathbringer on the cover of Wind and Truth?
  2. It would seem to me that they have evolved to lose their carapace. Or strictly speaking modified rather than evolved. The system is very young, but the organisms show similarities you would expect from phylogenetics. Either Adonalsium copied them from elsewhere, or, and here things are getting weird, as an entity with access to the spiritual realm took the potential outcomes of evolution in a Rosharan environment from the spiritual realm.
  3. Way of Kings mentions legends about people straigght up teleporting. Why not take it at face value?
  4. During a contest itself hostilities will have to occur. That is kind of the very point. I don't see the contract saying anything about limiting collateral damage or having to stay alive during the battle. Suicide attacks are definitely allowed.
  5. Sorry, this is a misunderstanding. I am basically proposing for Odium to send a champion with a nuclear weapon and a dead-man switch strapped to his back with orders to blow himself - that is the champion - and Dalinar and most of Urithiru up.
  6. No, the idea is here that Odium just sends somebody, whose powers and fighting style are so cataclysmic that a fight on top of Urithiru would level it. Odium surely has access to microkinesis.
  7. The contract assumes that somebody survives. Odium may go for a suicide bomber to take the other champion with him. Odium may force them into harming his champion. He could be carrying the equivalent of a nuclear weapon onto the top of Urithiru. Odium may force the Radiants into violating the peace treaty after the contest. Maybe he starts crucifying the population of the areas he still holds, forcing Dalinar to attack.
  8. Sebarial, the land, is possibly not originally ethnically Alethi. They conquered it. Old names last a long time.
  9. Wit knows for sure. Zahel may know. Kalak knows. Spren may know. And that leaves Wit in the bad position that his consort is in a conflict with the oldest friend of the shard who is his close ally. Inevitable in the long run. Hence they may at least reap the bnefit.
  10. It seems to me that much of the fandom expects Shallan to go on a crusade against the Ghostbloods. However, when I think about that, such a move would seem to be unwise, to say the least. Currently the Radiant coalition on Roshar is fighting a Shard. Even if the contest brings that to a satisfactory end, the economy of Roshar is still ruined and they are facing a low level war with the Singers for decades to come. That is not the time to start yet another war. If I were Jasnah or Dalinar I'd tell Shallan to stop this foolish endeavour right now. My wording might not be that polite. In fact I'd inform her that one of the obvious strategies the Ghostbloods could use would be to arm the Singers and whether she'd like the idea of going up against cannon and grenades next time. That looks like a source of internal conflict among the Radiants. What do you think?
  11. It may mean that Kaladin was still alive when Sigzil became a hunted man, so he strictly speaking does not know what happened to Kaladin, he just expects him to be dead from old age based simply on time.
  12. By directly going to synthetical rubber from butadien probably. There are relacements for natural rubber. They are just not as cheap under early industrial conditions. For luxury goods, which automobiles are at such income levels, that does not matter much. If we are talking about cheap mass produced stuff like bicycle tires, it does matter. Directly speaking it does not. However, for as long as punted barges can satisfy much of the need for public transport, a lack of bikes is not that keenly felt. Add to that that with extreme fertility you will have a much higher fraction of urban population, which means that mass transit is more important than bikes. Not just that. You need a wierdly shaped part made from an exotic alloy? Have a wax model soulcast into the material you want. Lions and giraffes are boring?
  13. They do have coal. We see coal miners in Era 1. However, they have very fertile farmlands. For luxury applications biofuels can be a viable alternative. Scadrial takes aristocracy seriously. I cannot see them avoiding a personal means of transportation for the rich and privileged. Drowned in canals and priced out by a shortage of rubber? Scadrial lacks true tropical rainforests, at least as far as the Basin knows. Hence no rubber. If you couple that with an excellent network of canals, bikes never were cheap enough or the pain to find alternatives worse enough. You will probably see that on Roshar rather than Scadrial, as they have better external applications. Drilling tunnels, for example, is far cheaper on Roshar than on Scadrial. They may actually develop trains in evacuated pipes.
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