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Status Replies posted by Trutharchivist

  1. Still working on the "Seven Days of Creation as a poem" post and graphic to post to the General religious discussion thread, but while doing so I've found some more interesting elements and links in those days, one in particular which means I may need to change the graphics core structure - I may need to do multiple graphics to get the full observations on the data across, but we'll see. Otherwise, how is everyone? I haven't been active here the past month and a bit - how is everyone doing? :)

  2. Guys, epiphany time.

    So, I know it's been confirmed that Alethi has Hebrew roots, but a check on the arcanum showed that apparently nobody had discovered what I am about to reveal.

    Davar is a Hebrew word. It means word or thing, and is apparently useful in understanding the Israelite world-view.

    I summon @Trutharchivist to verify and/or correct me. (You would know at least a little, right?)

  3. Guys, epiphany time.

    So, I know it's been confirmed that Alethi has Hebrew roots, but a check on the arcanum showed that apparently nobody had discovered what I am about to reveal.

    Davar is a Hebrew word. It means word or thing, and is apparently useful in understanding the Israelite world-view.

    I summon @Trutharchivist to verify and/or correct me. (You would know at least a little, right?)

  4. So... It's my Shardversary! I've been here for two years already. Huh. 

    I thought of utilizing the collision of my 999th post with my Shardversary to post an essay about my history with books in general and with Brandon's ones specifically, but I'm still unsure of where to put it. Until I come to a decision on that, I'll post this status update. I planned on doing it anyway.

    So, umm, people use those to thank people they interacted with. And I can either copy them, or try to actually be creative for a change, and say something interesting. Like maybe asking some of you why you're still following me, or ramble about a random thing. Like what else I can do here, say.

    Let's try both copying the concept and being creative, then!

    I first joined here two years ago. It was in the middle of quarantine, I already read probably the whole published Cosmere, and my brother wannted me to stop bothering him with those stuff. I was congratulated by a couple of people, like @Honorless (among others who I'm too scared to tag/will tag later), who appears to go over introductions a lot, and is quite welcoming. Sadly, I didn't interact with him much besides that. Thanks for welcoming me, anyway! I was a little active in the Mistborn portion of the forum after that - I'm no theorizer like @Karger or @Frustration (why am I tagging people... I interacted with the former on a theory or two, and he also welcomed me here, while I didn't see the latter much on theories, actually), but I have a few ideas I like to share. Plus, I have a nice memory, which works best with random small tidbits from books. I also read the RoW preview chapters, and had a thing or two to say in its spoiler board.

    By that time, I started commenting on Forum Games, too, apparently (The Person Below Me, to be specific), which got me invited to the 1000000th post celebration thread, and led to me getting involved in the Truthless dispute. Well, semi involved. I stated my opinions loud and clear, whether or not they had any point whatsoever. I could tag Experience here, but I already tagged too many people I hardly interacted with, so...

    I did some stuff! Tried to get people to see my magic system, didn't work, tried to learn how to write from @Channelknight Fadran and how not to from Frustration - can't say how much it helped. Anyway, the RightingWrite with Fadran thread was nice, though most of my interaction with him sums up to the RP I was in with him. That one started during Ookla season, and would've been confusing, though I think I recognized some of the players that I knew in their original names, like @Condensation, and probably Fadran. It was @Tesh's own LGFaD RP, and playing it was... Amazing. Thank you for that, Tesh, it was great RPing, worldbuilding and generally discussing with you. It was there I met awesome people like @Knight of Iron, @JesterLavorre, @The Awakened Salad, and more, who I sadly didn't interact with much. I enjoyed turning the world of the RP to a near-apocalypse world with Knight (I mean, we all helped, but I blame Knight for adding the whole cataclysm part. He can't disprove it!), building the Ideal Realm stuff with both him and Jester (and getting on Knight's nerves sometimes, too, with illogical ideas). And Salad and Tesh... They were the Dragons enthusiastics. They helped in building the world, and were extremely excited on everything dragon-related. As anyone should be. At the same time I joined the Socially Awkward Bookworms cult club, and the Vampire one. I enjoyed interacting with people there, and if I don't tag them it's because there are a lot, and I... Don't really remember everyone. Sorry!

    Around this time, I think, it was that I started discussing with @Ixthos about religion. It was a great conversation that's still ongoing, in it's own way. It also includes more people now - I'm happy to see a religious discussion thread, I started in PMs due to a fear of... Uncivilized discussion. Which it did not! In that respect (you could say), I enjoyed interacting with @Nathrangking, @Silva and @Kingsdaughter613, three more Jews I got to know here. אני שמח שיצא לי להכיר אתכם! ולהטריל אנשים כאן עם עברית באמצע פיסקה... סליחה שניצלתי אתכם ככה. It was nice to also RP with Kingsdaughter in @Random Bystander's RP! (Welcome back, BTW. I know I welcomed you already but still.) I played there with a handful of other people - like @Goob (who is still amazing, even without it staying in his nickname), @The Unknown Novel (who has another name back then, and I didn't really interact with, but hopefully I'll get to know better in the RP we currently play together) and more! The RP idea was amazing, it's a bit sad that it died though.

    Moving on, and I realize I forgot to mention my crew! It was nice while it lasted, claiming that there are nine colors in the rainbow, discussing the Secret Evil Fantasy Book Mafia with @Tacitus@Bearer of all agonies (where is he nowadays, anyway?) And a handful of people I already mentioned. I interact with a small circle of people, apparently. Unsurprising.

    I can try and keep following the timeline, but it's already getting to Discord interactions and I can't really keep up; I could maybe go back in time to observe, I'm sure @theTruthshaper will agree that all systems allow that (worse case scenario, I see a slightly alternate universe. The timeline will be similar enough, I'm sure). Sadly, I don't have a time machine, so I'll have to just keep going; mention @AonEne, the mod I never found intimidating and that I find even less so after interacting with her and listening to the Magnus Archives due to her reccomendation; @Ed Venture, who is an amazing and nice person who I mostly interacted with on Discord; @Elf who I interacted with on Discord and still failed to explain why she is following me; @Flying, who I failed to mention earlier but writes great stories that I, sadly, didn't read enough of yet; Tesh again, to mention her pushing everyone to listen to songs from, and watch, the musical Hadestown, for great conversations, for amazing stories and starting the Sharder Writing group, and for being surprisingly social for a Socially Awkward Bookworm; @DramaQueen for musical recommendations (I didn't know that Daddy Long Legs has a musical/or Shelly was a poet...) and for (apparently) welcoming me here; @Emery the Steelrunner, Knight of Iron, the Unknown Novel, Channelknight Fadran, DramaQueen, JesterLavorre, @Isabelle6060, Random Bystander, @NerdyAarakocra, @Eluvianii and maybe someone else I forget with whom I currently RP; and all of you in general, who found a reason to want to visit my profile, for some reason. It's probably because I've tagged you. sorry for that. Also, I may have forgotten some people or didn't find a point to mention them. Sorry for that, if you'll remind me I may add a sentence or two for you.

    Well. That was a wall of text. Hopefully it was enough to overshadow my following anouncement: I'm going to go abroad for the first time in my life next week, to France, with the rest of my family. I had... reasons not to want to go before, but I decided to go in the end. So, yay!

    Thank you for reading, and have a good afternoon/evening/night/morning/day/whatever portion of the day you're at while reading this!

    Yours, loyally (it's a figure of speech, don't take it literally),

    Trutharchivist/TA/Arch/Ookla the Questioning (I still own that name! It's not Ookla season only).

  5. So... It's my Shardversary! I've been here for two years already. Huh. 

    I thought of utilizing the collision of my 999th post with my Shardversary to post an essay about my history with books in general and with Brandon's ones specifically, but I'm still unsure of where to put it. Until I come to a decision on that, I'll post this status update. I planned on doing it anyway.

    So, umm, people use those to thank people they interacted with. And I can either copy them, or try to actually be creative for a change, and say something interesting. Like maybe asking some of you why you're still following me, or ramble about a random thing. Like what else I can do here, say.

    Let's try both copying the concept and being creative, then!

    I first joined here two years ago. It was in the middle of quarantine, I already read probably the whole published Cosmere, and my brother wannted me to stop bothering him with those stuff. I was congratulated by a couple of people, like @Honorless (among others who I'm too scared to tag/will tag later), who appears to go over introductions a lot, and is quite welcoming. Sadly, I didn't interact with him much besides that. Thanks for welcoming me, anyway! I was a little active in the Mistborn portion of the forum after that - I'm no theorizer like @Karger or @Frustration (why am I tagging people... I interacted with the former on a theory or two, and he also welcomed me here, while I didn't see the latter much on theories, actually), but I have a few ideas I like to share. Plus, I have a nice memory, which works best with random small tidbits from books. I also read the RoW preview chapters, and had a thing or two to say in its spoiler board.

    By that time, I started commenting on Forum Games, too, apparently (The Person Below Me, to be specific), which got me invited to the 1000000th post celebration thread, and led to me getting involved in the Truthless dispute. Well, semi involved. I stated my opinions loud and clear, whether or not they had any point whatsoever. I could tag Experience here, but I already tagged too many people I hardly interacted with, so...

    I did some stuff! Tried to get people to see my magic system, didn't work, tried to learn how to write from @Channelknight Fadran and how not to from Frustration - can't say how much it helped. Anyway, the RightingWrite with Fadran thread was nice, though most of my interaction with him sums up to the RP I was in with him. That one started during Ookla season, and would've been confusing, though I think I recognized some of the players that I knew in their original names, like @Condensation, and probably Fadran. It was @Tesh's own LGFaD RP, and playing it was... Amazing. Thank you for that, Tesh, it was great RPing, worldbuilding and generally discussing with you. It was there I met awesome people like @Knight of Iron, @JesterLavorre, @The Awakened Salad, and more, who I sadly didn't interact with much. I enjoyed turning the world of the RP to a near-apocalypse world with Knight (I mean, we all helped, but I blame Knight for adding the whole cataclysm part. He can't disprove it!), building the Ideal Realm stuff with both him and Jester (and getting on Knight's nerves sometimes, too, with illogical ideas). And Salad and Tesh... They were the Dragons enthusiastics. They helped in building the world, and were extremely excited on everything dragon-related. As anyone should be. At the same time I joined the Socially Awkward Bookworms cult club, and the Vampire one. I enjoyed interacting with people there, and if I don't tag them it's because there are a lot, and I... Don't really remember everyone. Sorry!

    Around this time, I think, it was that I started discussing with @Ixthos about religion. It was a great conversation that's still ongoing, in it's own way. It also includes more people now - I'm happy to see a religious discussion thread, I started in PMs due to a fear of... Uncivilized discussion. Which it did not! In that respect (you could say), I enjoyed interacting with @Nathrangking, @Silva and @Kingsdaughter613, three more Jews I got to know here. אני שמח שיצא לי להכיר אתכם! ולהטריל אנשים כאן עם עברית באמצע פיסקה... סליחה שניצלתי אתכם ככה. It was nice to also RP with Kingsdaughter in @Random Bystander's RP! (Welcome back, BTW. I know I welcomed you already but still.) I played there with a handful of other people - like @Goob (who is still amazing, even without it staying in his nickname), @The Unknown Novel (who has another name back then, and I didn't really interact with, but hopefully I'll get to know better in the RP we currently play together) and more! The RP idea was amazing, it's a bit sad that it died though.

    Moving on, and I realize I forgot to mention my crew! It was nice while it lasted, claiming that there are nine colors in the rainbow, discussing the Secret Evil Fantasy Book Mafia with @Tacitus@Bearer of all agonies (where is he nowadays, anyway?) And a handful of people I already mentioned. I interact with a small circle of people, apparently. Unsurprising.

    I can try and keep following the timeline, but it's already getting to Discord interactions and I can't really keep up; I could maybe go back in time to observe, I'm sure @theTruthshaper will agree that all systems allow that (worse case scenario, I see a slightly alternate universe. The timeline will be similar enough, I'm sure). Sadly, I don't have a time machine, so I'll have to just keep going; mention @AonEne, the mod I never found intimidating and that I find even less so after interacting with her and listening to the Magnus Archives due to her reccomendation; @Ed Venture, who is an amazing and nice person who I mostly interacted with on Discord; @Elf who I interacted with on Discord and still failed to explain why she is following me; @Flying, who I failed to mention earlier but writes great stories that I, sadly, didn't read enough of yet; Tesh again, to mention her pushing everyone to listen to songs from, and watch, the musical Hadestown, for great conversations, for amazing stories and starting the Sharder Writing group, and for being surprisingly social for a Socially Awkward Bookworm; @DramaQueen for musical recommendations (I didn't know that Daddy Long Legs has a musical/or Shelly was a poet...) and for (apparently) welcoming me here; @Emery the Steelrunner, Knight of Iron, the Unknown Novel, Channelknight Fadran, DramaQueen, JesterLavorre, @Isabelle6060, Random Bystander, @NerdyAarakocra, @Eluvianii and maybe someone else I forget with whom I currently RP; and all of you in general, who found a reason to want to visit my profile, for some reason. It's probably because I've tagged you. sorry for that. Also, I may have forgotten some people or didn't find a point to mention them. Sorry for that, if you'll remind me I may add a sentence or two for you.

    Well. That was a wall of text. Hopefully it was enough to overshadow my following anouncement: I'm going to go abroad for the first time in my life next week, to France, with the rest of my family. I had... reasons not to want to go before, but I decided to go in the end. So, yay!

    Thank you for reading, and have a good afternoon/evening/night/morning/day/whatever portion of the day you're at while reading this!

    Yours, loyally (it's a figure of speech, don't take it literally),

    Trutharchivist/TA/Arch/Ookla the Questioning (I still own that name! It's not Ookla season only).

    1. Trutharchivist


      Thank you all! 

      And yes, I did. I found a good illegal recording, it's already erased now, though. I never mentioned it before.

      I've read the book a couple of years ago, and one day I randomly entered your musical recommendations thread and there it was. I was extremely surprised to learn that this existed, so I went on to look it up.

      I actually also like to think of myself as a good actor, and the fact that this musical needs only two made it plausible for me to try it out, but... Umm... I can't really just start things like that out of nowhere. Plus, what I like to think says nothing about reality. So, I guess I'll never know.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  6. So... It's my Shardversary! I've been here for two years already. Huh. 

    I thought of utilizing the collision of my 999th post with my Shardversary to post an essay about my history with books in general and with Brandon's ones specifically, but I'm still unsure of where to put it. Until I come to a decision on that, I'll post this status update. I planned on doing it anyway.

    So, umm, people use those to thank people they interacted with. And I can either copy them, or try to actually be creative for a change, and say something interesting. Like maybe asking some of you why you're still following me, or ramble about a random thing. Like what else I can do here, say.

    Let's try both copying the concept and being creative, then!

    I first joined here two years ago. It was in the middle of quarantine, I already read probably the whole published Cosmere, and my brother wannted me to stop bothering him with those stuff. I was congratulated by a couple of people, like @Honorless (among others who I'm too scared to tag/will tag later), who appears to go over introductions a lot, and is quite welcoming. Sadly, I didn't interact with him much besides that. Thanks for welcoming me, anyway! I was a little active in the Mistborn portion of the forum after that - I'm no theorizer like @Karger or @Frustration (why am I tagging people... I interacted with the former on a theory or two, and he also welcomed me here, while I didn't see the latter much on theories, actually), but I have a few ideas I like to share. Plus, I have a nice memory, which works best with random small tidbits from books. I also read the RoW preview chapters, and had a thing or two to say in its spoiler board.

    By that time, I started commenting on Forum Games, too, apparently (The Person Below Me, to be specific), which got me invited to the 1000000th post celebration thread, and led to me getting involved in the Truthless dispute. Well, semi involved. I stated my opinions loud and clear, whether or not they had any point whatsoever. I could tag Experience here, but I already tagged too many people I hardly interacted with, so...

    I did some stuff! Tried to get people to see my magic system, didn't work, tried to learn how to write from @Channelknight Fadran and how not to from Frustration - can't say how much it helped. Anyway, the RightingWrite with Fadran thread was nice, though most of my interaction with him sums up to the RP I was in with him. That one started during Ookla season, and would've been confusing, though I think I recognized some of the players that I knew in their original names, like @Condensation, and probably Fadran. It was @Tesh's own LGFaD RP, and playing it was... Amazing. Thank you for that, Tesh, it was great RPing, worldbuilding and generally discussing with you. It was there I met awesome people like @Knight of Iron, @JesterLavorre, @The Awakened Salad, and more, who I sadly didn't interact with much. I enjoyed turning the world of the RP to a near-apocalypse world with Knight (I mean, we all helped, but I blame Knight for adding the whole cataclysm part. He can't disprove it!), building the Ideal Realm stuff with both him and Jester (and getting on Knight's nerves sometimes, too, with illogical ideas). And Salad and Tesh... They were the Dragons enthusiastics. They helped in building the world, and were extremely excited on everything dragon-related. As anyone should be. At the same time I joined the Socially Awkward Bookworms cult club, and the Vampire one. I enjoyed interacting with people there, and if I don't tag them it's because there are a lot, and I... Don't really remember everyone. Sorry!

    Around this time, I think, it was that I started discussing with @Ixthos about religion. It was a great conversation that's still ongoing, in it's own way. It also includes more people now - I'm happy to see a religious discussion thread, I started in PMs due to a fear of... Uncivilized discussion. Which it did not! In that respect (you could say), I enjoyed interacting with @Nathrangking, @Silva and @Kingsdaughter613, three more Jews I got to know here. אני שמח שיצא לי להכיר אתכם! ולהטריל אנשים כאן עם עברית באמצע פיסקה... סליחה שניצלתי אתכם ככה. It was nice to also RP with Kingsdaughter in @Random Bystander's RP! (Welcome back, BTW. I know I welcomed you already but still.) I played there with a handful of other people - like @Goob (who is still amazing, even without it staying in his nickname), @The Unknown Novel (who has another name back then, and I didn't really interact with, but hopefully I'll get to know better in the RP we currently play together) and more! The RP idea was amazing, it's a bit sad that it died though.

    Moving on, and I realize I forgot to mention my crew! It was nice while it lasted, claiming that there are nine colors in the rainbow, discussing the Secret Evil Fantasy Book Mafia with @Tacitus@Bearer of all agonies (where is he nowadays, anyway?) And a handful of people I already mentioned. I interact with a small circle of people, apparently. Unsurprising.

    I can try and keep following the timeline, but it's already getting to Discord interactions and I can't really keep up; I could maybe go back in time to observe, I'm sure @theTruthshaper will agree that all systems allow that (worse case scenario, I see a slightly alternate universe. The timeline will be similar enough, I'm sure). Sadly, I don't have a time machine, so I'll have to just keep going; mention @AonEne, the mod I never found intimidating and that I find even less so after interacting with her and listening to the Magnus Archives due to her reccomendation; @Ed Venture, who is an amazing and nice person who I mostly interacted with on Discord; @Elf who I interacted with on Discord and still failed to explain why she is following me; @Flying, who I failed to mention earlier but writes great stories that I, sadly, didn't read enough of yet; Tesh again, to mention her pushing everyone to listen to songs from, and watch, the musical Hadestown, for great conversations, for amazing stories and starting the Sharder Writing group, and for being surprisingly social for a Socially Awkward Bookworm; @DramaQueen for musical recommendations (I didn't know that Daddy Long Legs has a musical/or Shelly was a poet...) and for (apparently) welcoming me here; @Emery the Steelrunner, Knight of Iron, the Unknown Novel, Channelknight Fadran, DramaQueen, JesterLavorre, @Isabelle6060, Random Bystander, @NerdyAarakocra, @Eluvianii and maybe someone else I forget with whom I currently RP; and all of you in general, who found a reason to want to visit my profile, for some reason. It's probably because I've tagged you. sorry for that. Also, I may have forgotten some people or didn't find a point to mention them. Sorry for that, if you'll remind me I may add a sentence or two for you.

    Well. That was a wall of text. Hopefully it was enough to overshadow my following anouncement: I'm going to go abroad for the first time in my life next week, to France, with the rest of my family. I had... reasons not to want to go before, but I decided to go in the end. So, yay!

    Thank you for reading, and have a good afternoon/evening/night/morning/day/whatever portion of the day you're at while reading this!

    Yours, loyally (it's a figure of speech, don't take it literally),

    Trutharchivist/TA/Arch/Ookla the Questioning (I still own that name! It's not Ookla season only).

    1. Trutharchivist



      That's interesting to hear, Kingsdaughter. That does explains your affinity to french things in general. I did wonder.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  7. So... It's my Shardversary! I've been here for two years already. Huh. 

    I thought of utilizing the collision of my 999th post with my Shardversary to post an essay about my history with books in general and with Brandon's ones specifically, but I'm still unsure of where to put it. Until I come to a decision on that, I'll post this status update. I planned on doing it anyway.

    So, umm, people use those to thank people they interacted with. And I can either copy them, or try to actually be creative for a change, and say something interesting. Like maybe asking some of you why you're still following me, or ramble about a random thing. Like what else I can do here, say.

    Let's try both copying the concept and being creative, then!

    I first joined here two years ago. It was in the middle of quarantine, I already read probably the whole published Cosmere, and my brother wannted me to stop bothering him with those stuff. I was congratulated by a couple of people, like @Honorless (among others who I'm too scared to tag/will tag later), who appears to go over introductions a lot, and is quite welcoming. Sadly, I didn't interact with him much besides that. Thanks for welcoming me, anyway! I was a little active in the Mistborn portion of the forum after that - I'm no theorizer like @Karger or @Frustration (why am I tagging people... I interacted with the former on a theory or two, and he also welcomed me here, while I didn't see the latter much on theories, actually), but I have a few ideas I like to share. Plus, I have a nice memory, which works best with random small tidbits from books. I also read the RoW preview chapters, and had a thing or two to say in its spoiler board.

    By that time, I started commenting on Forum Games, too, apparently (The Person Below Me, to be specific), which got me invited to the 1000000th post celebration thread, and led to me getting involved in the Truthless dispute. Well, semi involved. I stated my opinions loud and clear, whether or not they had any point whatsoever. I could tag Experience here, but I already tagged too many people I hardly interacted with, so...

    I did some stuff! Tried to get people to see my magic system, didn't work, tried to learn how to write from @Channelknight Fadran and how not to from Frustration - can't say how much it helped. Anyway, the RightingWrite with Fadran thread was nice, though most of my interaction with him sums up to the RP I was in with him. That one started during Ookla season, and would've been confusing, though I think I recognized some of the players that I knew in their original names, like @Condensation, and probably Fadran. It was @Tesh's own LGFaD RP, and playing it was... Amazing. Thank you for that, Tesh, it was great RPing, worldbuilding and generally discussing with you. It was there I met awesome people like @Knight of Iron, @JesterLavorre, @The Awakened Salad, and more, who I sadly didn't interact with much. I enjoyed turning the world of the RP to a near-apocalypse world with Knight (I mean, we all helped, but I blame Knight for adding the whole cataclysm part. He can't disprove it!), building the Ideal Realm stuff with both him and Jester (and getting on Knight's nerves sometimes, too, with illogical ideas). And Salad and Tesh... They were the Dragons enthusiastics. They helped in building the world, and were extremely excited on everything dragon-related. As anyone should be. At the same time I joined the Socially Awkward Bookworms cult club, and the Vampire one. I enjoyed interacting with people there, and if I don't tag them it's because there are a lot, and I... Don't really remember everyone. Sorry!

    Around this time, I think, it was that I started discussing with @Ixthos about religion. It was a great conversation that's still ongoing, in it's own way. It also includes more people now - I'm happy to see a religious discussion thread, I started in PMs due to a fear of... Uncivilized discussion. Which it did not! In that respect (you could say), I enjoyed interacting with @Nathrangking, @Silva and @Kingsdaughter613, three more Jews I got to know here. אני שמח שיצא לי להכיר אתכם! ולהטריל אנשים כאן עם עברית באמצע פיסקה... סליחה שניצלתי אתכם ככה. It was nice to also RP with Kingsdaughter in @Random Bystander's RP! (Welcome back, BTW. I know I welcomed you already but still.) I played there with a handful of other people - like @Goob (who is still amazing, even without it staying in his nickname), @The Unknown Novel (who has another name back then, and I didn't really interact with, but hopefully I'll get to know better in the RP we currently play together) and more! The RP idea was amazing, it's a bit sad that it died though.

    Moving on, and I realize I forgot to mention my crew! It was nice while it lasted, claiming that there are nine colors in the rainbow, discussing the Secret Evil Fantasy Book Mafia with @Tacitus@Bearer of all agonies (where is he nowadays, anyway?) And a handful of people I already mentioned. I interact with a small circle of people, apparently. Unsurprising.

    I can try and keep following the timeline, but it's already getting to Discord interactions and I can't really keep up; I could maybe go back in time to observe, I'm sure @theTruthshaper will agree that all systems allow that (worse case scenario, I see a slightly alternate universe. The timeline will be similar enough, I'm sure). Sadly, I don't have a time machine, so I'll have to just keep going; mention @AonEne, the mod I never found intimidating and that I find even less so after interacting with her and listening to the Magnus Archives due to her reccomendation; @Ed Venture, who is an amazing and nice person who I mostly interacted with on Discord; @Elf who I interacted with on Discord and still failed to explain why she is following me; @Flying, who I failed to mention earlier but writes great stories that I, sadly, didn't read enough of yet; Tesh again, to mention her pushing everyone to listen to songs from, and watch, the musical Hadestown, for great conversations, for amazing stories and starting the Sharder Writing group, and for being surprisingly social for a Socially Awkward Bookworm; @DramaQueen for musical recommendations (I didn't know that Daddy Long Legs has a musical/or Shelly was a poet...) and for (apparently) welcoming me here; @Emery the Steelrunner, Knight of Iron, the Unknown Novel, Channelknight Fadran, DramaQueen, JesterLavorre, @Isabelle6060, Random Bystander, @NerdyAarakocra, @Eluvianii and maybe someone else I forget with whom I currently RP; and all of you in general, who found a reason to want to visit my profile, for some reason. It's probably because I've tagged you. sorry for that. Also, I may have forgotten some people or didn't find a point to mention them. Sorry for that, if you'll remind me I may add a sentence or two for you.

    Well. That was a wall of text. Hopefully it was enough to overshadow my following anouncement: I'm going to go abroad for the first time in my life next week, to France, with the rest of my family. I had... reasons not to want to go before, but I decided to go in the end. So, yay!

    Thank you for reading, and have a good afternoon/evening/night/morning/day/whatever portion of the day you're at while reading this!

    Yours, loyally (it's a figure of speech, don't take it literally),

    Trutharchivist/TA/Arch/Ookla the Questioning (I still own that name! It's not Ookla season only).

    1. Trutharchivist


      My father was born in France, and we can actually eat french cheeses in Israel, too. My father is more into alcohol, though... And I know it sounds bad, but that's not what I meant. I don't eat those cheeses, though, or drink much alcoholic drinks. I'm very picky with what I eat. But thank you, anyway!

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  8. So... It's my Shardversary! I've been here for two years already. Huh. 

    I thought of utilizing the collision of my 999th post with my Shardversary to post an essay about my history with books in general and with Brandon's ones specifically, but I'm still unsure of where to put it. Until I come to a decision on that, I'll post this status update. I planned on doing it anyway.

    So, umm, people use those to thank people they interacted with. And I can either copy them, or try to actually be creative for a change, and say something interesting. Like maybe asking some of you why you're still following me, or ramble about a random thing. Like what else I can do here, say.

    Let's try both copying the concept and being creative, then!

    I first joined here two years ago. It was in the middle of quarantine, I already read probably the whole published Cosmere, and my brother wannted me to stop bothering him with those stuff. I was congratulated by a couple of people, like @Honorless (among others who I'm too scared to tag/will tag later), who appears to go over introductions a lot, and is quite welcoming. Sadly, I didn't interact with him much besides that. Thanks for welcoming me, anyway! I was a little active in the Mistborn portion of the forum after that - I'm no theorizer like @Karger or @Frustration (why am I tagging people... I interacted with the former on a theory or two, and he also welcomed me here, while I didn't see the latter much on theories, actually), but I have a few ideas I like to share. Plus, I have a nice memory, which works best with random small tidbits from books. I also read the RoW preview chapters, and had a thing or two to say in its spoiler board.

    By that time, I started commenting on Forum Games, too, apparently (The Person Below Me, to be specific), which got me invited to the 1000000th post celebration thread, and led to me getting involved in the Truthless dispute. Well, semi involved. I stated my opinions loud and clear, whether or not they had any point whatsoever. I could tag Experience here, but I already tagged too many people I hardly interacted with, so...

    I did some stuff! Tried to get people to see my magic system, didn't work, tried to learn how to write from @Channelknight Fadran and how not to from Frustration - can't say how much it helped. Anyway, the RightingWrite with Fadran thread was nice, though most of my interaction with him sums up to the RP I was in with him. That one started during Ookla season, and would've been confusing, though I think I recognized some of the players that I knew in their original names, like @Condensation, and probably Fadran. It was @Tesh's own LGFaD RP, and playing it was... Amazing. Thank you for that, Tesh, it was great RPing, worldbuilding and generally discussing with you. It was there I met awesome people like @Knight of Iron, @JesterLavorre, @The Awakened Salad, and more, who I sadly didn't interact with much. I enjoyed turning the world of the RP to a near-apocalypse world with Knight (I mean, we all helped, but I blame Knight for adding the whole cataclysm part. He can't disprove it!), building the Ideal Realm stuff with both him and Jester (and getting on Knight's nerves sometimes, too, with illogical ideas). And Salad and Tesh... They were the Dragons enthusiastics. They helped in building the world, and were extremely excited on everything dragon-related. As anyone should be. At the same time I joined the Socially Awkward Bookworms cult club, and the Vampire one. I enjoyed interacting with people there, and if I don't tag them it's because there are a lot, and I... Don't really remember everyone. Sorry!

    Around this time, I think, it was that I started discussing with @Ixthos about religion. It was a great conversation that's still ongoing, in it's own way. It also includes more people now - I'm happy to see a religious discussion thread, I started in PMs due to a fear of... Uncivilized discussion. Which it did not! In that respect (you could say), I enjoyed interacting with @Nathrangking, @Silva and @Kingsdaughter613, three more Jews I got to know here. אני שמח שיצא לי להכיר אתכם! ולהטריל אנשים כאן עם עברית באמצע פיסקה... סליחה שניצלתי אתכם ככה. It was nice to also RP with Kingsdaughter in @Random Bystander's RP! (Welcome back, BTW. I know I welcomed you already but still.) I played there with a handful of other people - like @Goob (who is still amazing, even without it staying in his nickname), @The Unknown Novel (who has another name back then, and I didn't really interact with, but hopefully I'll get to know better in the RP we currently play together) and more! The RP idea was amazing, it's a bit sad that it died though.

    Moving on, and I realize I forgot to mention my crew! It was nice while it lasted, claiming that there are nine colors in the rainbow, discussing the Secret Evil Fantasy Book Mafia with @Tacitus@Bearer of all agonies (where is he nowadays, anyway?) And a handful of people I already mentioned. I interact with a small circle of people, apparently. Unsurprising.

    I can try and keep following the timeline, but it's already getting to Discord interactions and I can't really keep up; I could maybe go back in time to observe, I'm sure @theTruthshaper will agree that all systems allow that (worse case scenario, I see a slightly alternate universe. The timeline will be similar enough, I'm sure). Sadly, I don't have a time machine, so I'll have to just keep going; mention @AonEne, the mod I never found intimidating and that I find even less so after interacting with her and listening to the Magnus Archives due to her reccomendation; @Ed Venture, who is an amazing and nice person who I mostly interacted with on Discord; @Elf who I interacted with on Discord and still failed to explain why she is following me; @Flying, who I failed to mention earlier but writes great stories that I, sadly, didn't read enough of yet; Tesh again, to mention her pushing everyone to listen to songs from, and watch, the musical Hadestown, for great conversations, for amazing stories and starting the Sharder Writing group, and for being surprisingly social for a Socially Awkward Bookworm; @DramaQueen for musical recommendations (I didn't know that Daddy Long Legs has a musical/or Shelly was a poet...) and for (apparently) welcoming me here; @Emery the Steelrunner, Knight of Iron, the Unknown Novel, Channelknight Fadran, DramaQueen, JesterLavorre, @Isabelle6060, Random Bystander, @NerdyAarakocra, @Eluvianii and maybe someone else I forget with whom I currently RP; and all of you in general, who found a reason to want to visit my profile, for some reason. It's probably because I've tagged you. sorry for that. Also, I may have forgotten some people or didn't find a point to mention them. Sorry for that, if you'll remind me I may add a sentence or two for you.

    Well. That was a wall of text. Hopefully it was enough to overshadow my following anouncement: I'm going to go abroad for the first time in my life next week, to France, with the rest of my family. I had... reasons not to want to go before, but I decided to go in the end. So, yay!

    Thank you for reading, and have a good afternoon/evening/night/morning/day/whatever portion of the day you're at while reading this!

    Yours, loyally (it's a figure of speech, don't take it literally),

    Trutharchivist/TA/Arch/Ookla the Questioning (I still own that name! It's not Ookla season only).

  9. I have returned from insane life stuff! Sorry for disappearing for so long. My mental health was really bad, and I lost the willpower to do pretty much anything. But I'm back now, so yay!

    1. Trutharchivist


      Welcome back! Sad to hear you had a bad period, glad to hear you're better.

      For "just another brick in the wall" you sure have a lot of people who missed you here.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  10. Why do I do this to myself?

    • I have to work on my dissertation;
    • I have to get the Genesis 1 post completed for the General Religious discussions thread, including the chart;
    • I have to message several people, as well as finish a debate with someone online;
    • I have to work on one of my Stormlight theories to post here - though I might do a Cosmere or Mistborn theory instead - that list isn't going to shrink itself, and it also has the unfortunate tendency to grow;
    • I have to update my journal (not a Planescape reference) for what happened over the last week;
    • I have to fill out the June Edit log for my writing, and update the internal links and list of the contents in the weekly logs for the end of May;
    • I have to complete the post about my meta-setting to post in the Creator's Corner;
    • I have to finish that bloody short story (and finish the outlines for at least two of the novels);
    • I have to make more silly videos for my niece and nephew (I take my uncle duties seriously)
      • on that note, I need to learn more magic tricks for them;
    • I have to clean my workspace and room;
    • I have to organise my files and clear up space;
    • I have to finish rereading 1 and 2 Samuel, along with the associated commentaries;
    • (I have certain elements of my personal life to get in order);
    • I have to go to bed before midnight and try to actually be asleep before 03:00 am;
    • ... I have to stop putting so many things on the plate, or at least prioritise them better;
    • I needed to get that off my chest.


    ... So, how is your week going? :P;):D

    1. Trutharchivist


      Umm... Fine! You know, IDF and stuff.

      That seems like a lot of work. Any chances of delaying some of those?

      Huh. I, personally, concile myself with the thought that I'll be able to work on stuff when I won't be in the IDF. I'm beginning to realize how futile a hope that is. Bother.

      Hope you'll find time to do all those things!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. Well it's 9:57 in the evening and I want to go to bed.

    But it's also May 16th.



    And, somewhat unfortunately, this takes precedent over sleeping a reasonable amount.

    First and foremost.


    I've been on here for five years.

    I uh... technically joined when I was 12, but we don't talk about that. Or any of my early posts. 

    A whole hecking lot has changed over those five years, and a lot of it in no small part thanks to this site and the amazing people I've come into contact with. You all got me through a really rough patch (AKA middle school) and then about two years ago I got onto Discord and just got to know some people even better.

    You all are amazing.

    Time to start the list. 

    @The Awakened Salad SALAD. Thank you for being the other half of STAELSAHD, for putting up with me despite all of my many erm... moments of being a crummy friend, and for forgiving me. Every time I look at the moon I think of you and your 42 elbow-ed arms reaching down to pat me on the head. You're one of my best friends and I don't know what I'd do without you. And I know that I most certainly wouldn't be where I am without you at this point. And thanks, of course, for watching Barbie movies with me in the ungodly hours of the morning. Honestly, those are some of my fondest memories. Dragons!!!

    @AonEne Eeeeeeeeeeeeene. I can't even put into words how awesome you are. Like dude. You ROCK. You're one of my closest friends, and the FAB squad just wouldn't be the same without you. I mean, then we'd just be the AB squad, and that'd be weird... But you're just so kind and amazing and funny and I love you so much. Hanging out with you in person is always a joy, and VCs are always an adventure. Thank you so much for coming to the anthology release, and putting up with my weird ramblings about stuff. You're amazing. Avi!!! Also I've been on the Shard longer than you so HAH. :P

    @Knight of Iron Koi. I gave you your nickname and I'll be forever proud of that fact. You're such an amazing, kind, considerate, and thoughtful friend. I love talking with you so much, and just... You're amazing. Thanks for the help figuring out Hollow Knight, and for talking about random stuff. You're one of the best people to talk to about Random Stuff. Honestly, you're just a really cool person and I really really value our friendship. 

    @Ed Venture Vennie! I LOVE YOU. I love talking about musicals with you, and often times the more serious aspects of life and stuff. You're honestly just one of the kindest people I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with. I can't wait for the day when we'll be able to watch a musical together. It will happen some day, and it'll be so much fun when it does. 

    @Channelknight Fadran Fadrinooooooo. THANK YOU for going to all those awesome writing things with me. You're so much fun to hang out with at them, and your chaotic energy is infectious. Thanks for yelling at everyone to play Hollow Knight. I suck at it, but it's fun, and I wouldn't be playing it if you didn't talk about it all the time. 

    @DramaQueen Have I ever told you that you're just a really really cool person? You're such an amazing friend and I just love talking with you. You and Fadran are adorable and I can't wait to be your basement gremlin. We'll go see musicals all the time and drag Fadran to all of them so that he will actually have to listen to them. :P Tell Petri I say hi! 

    It's not letting me tag people anymore for some reason so I might just have to do that in comments. 

    @Condensation I love talking to you and hanging out with you and just... you're cool. It was so much fun to hang out with you that night in March. I don't have much that's very specific to say, just I love you and you're such a good friend.

    @Vapor VASPIE. You are the bestest bowl. And, once again, hanging out with you that night in March was one of the best nights ever. It was just a blast. I love you so much. Tell Chowder I say hi. :) 

    @Mist I haven't really talked with you much lately, but you're such a cool person. Meeting was really cool, and I hope we can see each other again before too long. 

    @Doomstick Shortie. Thanks for coming and visiting me this winter! That was such a fun day and I'm really glad I had that opportunity to hang out with you. You're a huge fricking nerd and just an all-around cool person. DFTBA!

    @Hentient ALSO DFTBA. Thank you for being the cameraman at Fadran's birthday party! I really hope I can meet you in person some time soon. (Wait I just realized that you'll be at the same school as one of my IRL friends from where I live.) You're also a super cool person. Tell Toto I say hi! And DFTBA!

    @S4S You're one of my oldest friends from here. You've been there since the beginning. And I'm so sorry you were there at the beginning. :ph34r: You're also a super cool person (is it just me, or am I friends with a lot of really cool people? Maybe I have a knack for finding you all.) and a super talented writer. Talking to you again after two years was amazing. I can't even tell you how cool that was. All I can really say is thank you. 

    @Firerust You've also been around for quite a while! Thank you for carrying on KotC for so long. You're also a very talented writer, and a very good friend. And, like with S4S, talking to you again after those two years was an incredible experience. Thanks for hanging around. :) 

    @King Aragorn of Gondor You're also super cool!!! Talking to you is always so much fun and I always tend to stay up later than I mean to when I do. :ph34r: Thanks for being awesome. Tell Bucky I say hi! He's such a good birb.

    This is by no means everyone. I'm missing a ton. However, if I did miss you, this is for you: YOU'RE SO COOL AND SUCH AN AMAZING HUMAN AND THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE. 

    The Shard has honestly been a huge part of my life, and generally for the better. Thank you all for being here with me for it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

    It's now 10:36.


    "I think two of the fundamental facts of being a person are 1. We must go on, and 2. None of us ever walks alone."

    Thank you for walking with me.

    1. Trutharchivist


      Happy Shardversary! I hope you'll keep enjoying the Shard in years to come.

      BTW, are you sure you're socially awkward? Because you appear to have a lot of friends. Maybe it's unrelated, but still.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  12. You are being attacked. What do you do? @EmulatonStromenkiin

    1. Trutharchivist


      And, since I don't enjoy unjustified rep, I might do just that, if you won't stop already.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  13. You are being attacked. What do you do? @EmulatonStromenkiin

    1. Trutharchivist


      You know, I (theoretically) can report you for using the Shard as a rep farm. I might actually be justified.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  14. You are being attacked. What do you do? @EmulatonStromenkiin

    1. Trutharchivist


      I'm attacked how, exactly? If I sense metal I push it. Apparently, I'm a coinshot. If I don't sense metal on you, I push on my steel button.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  15. *is totally not reading tWoK for the twelfth time in five years*


    Next spring, so in about a year, my favorite community theatre (the place I did Newsies) is doing one of my favorite shows (Tuck Everlasting), directed by my favorite ever director (my Newsies director).

    I'll be eighteen by then. The character I'd want to play (Winnie Foster) is eleven. I look young, but I don't think I look that young.

    I'll also be attending college by then. An hour away. So even if I could be cast as Winnie, it's not all that likely that I'd be able to travel two hours total every day for rehearsals.

    But AHAHHSJJSNXJNSNJXKDNMDN I'm seriously so upset. This has been my dream role ever since I was first introduced to this musical; of course as soon as I leave the area, they do it.

    1. Trutharchivist


      Also, Tuck Everlasting happens to be one of the few musicals I actually watched. I liked it, too.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)


    Next spring, so in about a year, my favorite community theatre (the place I did Newsies) is doing one of my favorite shows (Tuck Everlasting), directed by my favorite ever director (my Newsies director).

    I'll be eighteen by then. The character I'd want to play (Winnie Foster) is eleven. I look young, but I don't think I look that young.

    I'll also be attending college by then. An hour away. So even if I could be cast as Winnie, it's not all that likely that I'd be able to travel two hours total every day for rehearsals.

    But AHAHHSJJSNXJNSNJXKDNMDN I'm seriously so upset. This has been my dream role ever since I was first introduced to this musical; of course as soon as I leave the area, they do it.

    1. Trutharchivist


      I... Don't do hugs, but I'll offer my support. It must be very frustrating.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. I originally wrote this as a response to @Dannnex's status update, which can be found here, but a friend recommended that I post this as a SU myself so that more people will see it than just those who originally commented on Dannex's SU. This is just to share my point of view, not to attack those of you who have no issues with the kickstarter. Your positions on this are valid, too. 

    And to be clear, I'm still getting the books myself. 

    Okay, so, for me, I'm not thrilled about the kickstarter, and here's why:

    1. This is a very large expense that was thrown on a lot of people with no warning whatsoever, and it's a limited time thing. A lot of people who aren't in a great financial situation are still going to get these books and boxes even though it isn't the best idea in terms of money. With more notice, it would have given the people in this situation more time to set aside some money to lessen the financial blow. For me, in order to get the hardcovers, I'm having to return a couple dnd books I got a few weeks ago so that I can afford them. If I had known about this in advance, though, I wouldn't have bought them in the first place. I'm a high school student, I don't have a job, and this is the last of my birthday money, so this isn't a huge deal for me, but I can't even imagine springing this huge expense onto, say, a college student, or a struggling family, with no warning. And I can't blame these people for, say, taking money out of their food budget to pay for this. Because I love Brandon's books too, and I also don't want to wait an extra year, or even more, to read these books.

    2. Storms this stuff is expensive. Dragonsteel is asking people to pay $600 for these swag boxes that they aren't telling us what is in them. And that's okay to a certain extent. Surprise is fun. However, they're so expensive that they should be giving us some idea of what's in them. All we have is "yeah there might be a shirt or something." Plus, $50 for a book the size of AoL is really storming expensive. I get that they're not printing with a traditional publisher, and that the books are going to have extra stuff in them. But it's still a lot, especially with how successful this kickstarter is. And then $40 for shipping... Once again, it's a lot. I do understand the decision to ship all of them separately though. But if there was an option to just get all of the limited edition books in one shipment at the end of 2023, I would take that option myself and save on the $30.

    3. A lot of people were really genuinely concerned for Brandon. I have a family member who is really close to his family, and if something was really going on there, it would have impacted my life as well, especially the life of my family member who is close to them. A lot of people were worried he was going to drop the Cosmere or something like that, and it's been so so so important in so many people's lives, including my own. And just the emotional stress his presentation of this put on me and so many other people... I know a lot of people were able to just brush it off. But some of us can't.

    4. This kickstarter started two days after the end of The Project For Awesome, an annual charity event run by John and Hank Green. They have done this for fifteen years. For the first half of the livestream that they do (it's 48 hours long) the money goes to Partners in Health and Save the Children. The proceeds raised during the second half are going to a variety of charities and non-profit organizations nominated and voted on by the community. The P4A raised $3 million in 48 hours. Which is so storming incredible and it was almost a spiritual experience when they hit that number. And then the kickstarter. They got to $13 million in about 12 hours. And that just... honestly, it really hurt. And I know this is more of a thing that's specific to me, but that doesn't change the fact that it hurt. And yes, I know Brandon has a charity and stuff, but there is almost no information on it. He doesn't tell us how much he gives to it, keep us updated on what it's doing, or anything like that. Frankly, he doesn't need all this money. And at the very least he could give us more information on the Lightweaver Foundation. Then this wouldn't be as big of a deal for me.

    I'm so excited for the new books, and I can't wait to read them. I'm so glad so many other people are excited too, but I can't be excited about the kickstarter itself.

    Even just trying to say "YAY BRANDON GOT $20 MILLION IN FOUR DAYS!" leaves me with a metaphorical bitter taste in my mouth. 

    1. Trutharchivist


      I just want to say, in relation to point 4:

      Here, in Israel, I occasionally get links to donate money to charity, or to Yeshivos - large religious learning centers. All those things are supposedly important to me, yet I don't donate usually, since I don't have a steady income. Now, here comes Brandon with a kickstarter - and I'm willing to donate to him for four books. I'm not saying this as a proof that this kickstarter is a bad thing. I'm just saying that mine - and the larger population's - reaction to this made me reflect on some of my life choices. Due to that, I decided that whichever amount of money I'll give to the kickstarter, I will donate to the next charity cause I'll hear about.

      Is the P4A still available? If so, I might need to donate to them.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  19. I drew a picture, I call it My Thoughts, because every layer/color tells a different story of something I have to worry about. It's been a couple weeks or so since I made this, and every day now I have another few layers I need to add on to it, but I think there are enough to get the point across.


    I'm no artist.


    I warned you.





    These days, I'm becoming everything that I hate.

    People are hard. Life is hard. I'm trudging through it. So much is going on and I have no clue what I'm doing, or what I'm going to do. I hate it.

    Thanks for reading my late-knight ramblings, whoever you are.

    I will now proceed to curl up and my body will undergo the complex secretomotor phenomenon characterized by the shedding of tears (higher in chemical composition with prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, Leu-enkephalin, potassium, and manganese) from the lacrimal apparatus until enough endorphins (oxytocin and endogenous opioids) are released to "numb" me and to dull the emotional pain enough for me to go to sleep.


    AKA I will cry myself to sleep.


    1. Trutharchivist


      I wish I could be helpful to you at this time. Sadly, I'm too drowned in my own problems - and too bad at helping others with emotional issues (or any issues at all) - to actually have a reason to think I can be of help.

      I wish you well.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  20. So, as you can see, today is my birthday according to the Christian Calendar, but not according to the Hebrew one. So, I decided to take this as a chance to explain at length about the difference between those two calendars. It's going to be a somewhat long rant, so you may prefer to skip it and just congratulate me for my birthday. You may well do so. Some others may already know everything I'm about to write here. You may skip it too - not that any of you needed permission for that.

    Anyway, I'll start at the very beginning. What humans started measuring time in a large scale, they needed a big unit of time - what we now call a year. They built it to align with natural circles, which revolved around seasons. Those seasons meant a lot for crops - you had to plant in one season, and you had to take care of the crops until you harvest it. This circle was based on the Earth's circumference around the sun, though they didn't know that. But after having the year as a unit, they needed (for some reason) to divide it to smaller parts. The way they did this was by watching the moon waxing and waning, creating the month (which, of course, derives from moon). The problem was that in one solar year there is just a little over twelve months - about ten and a half more days. And that's where different calendars start. I have no idea how, say, the Aztec calendar or the Chinese one works. I do know a thing or two about the Muslim, Jewish and Christian calendars, so I'll talk about them.

    As I understand it, the ancient Romans just saw that there were roughly twelve months a year, and gave up on aligning with the moon - changing the length of months to vary from 29 to 31 (the 28 days month was a little late change, though it was still during the Roman empire days). Since the solar year is still quarter a day longer than what they've got - because no one wants a day to be partially in one year, partially in another - they added a day to the year once each four years. As most of you know, Pope Gregory XIII changed a few things with that, and after a few more fixes the leap days occur a little differently nowadays, though it's still generally once each ten years. The reason that those fixes were needed was - surprise, surprise - because the length of a solar year is a little less than 365.25 days.

    Now, let's get to the Muslim calendar. I admit that I don't know much about it, but for some reason, the Arabs gave up on the solar calendar - perhaps because generally they weren't farmers; on the desert, it's somewhat easier to be a shepherd. So they had their year built around twelve lunar months. They start each month when the moon starts waxing, and end it when it finished waning. They (I think) have calculations on which day it's supposed to happen, and they have people watching for it (again, I think). Because of that, their whole year shifts in seasons regularly. I'm sure that they're glad when the Ramadan occurs this time of the year, when the days are shorter and the nights are longer.

    And now, for the Jewish calendar. In my opinion it's more complicated than both calendars, but you may judge for yourself. It works with twelve lunar months, but since according to the bible Passover has to be during the spring, it also tries to align with the solar year. Now, since the solar year is almost eleven days more than twelve lunar months, to stay aligned with the solar year the Jewish calendar has every three years or so an additional month - this very year (well, the Jewish year) we have one. Though, to actually have the two kinds of years aligned completely, the Jewish calendar works in nineteen years cycles, since nineteen solar years equals almost exactly to 235 lunar months, which is nineteen times a lunar year with seven of them getting an additional month. About two thousand of years ago (actually a little less, more about 1700 or so, but I'm not completely sure about that), after years of having the judges of the main court in Israel decide on when months started based on testimonies about the renewal of the moon, and on when to add months according to some variables, there was a Jewish sage that calculated the years to come and built the Jewish calendar as we know it today. The reason he had for doing so was that the learning centers in Israel were dwindling at the time, and just a couple of generations afterwards there weren't Jewish sages in Israel anymore. A couple of centuries later, one of if not the most important Jewish Rabbis, Maimonides (aka Rambam or Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon) wrote down in a book all the calculations of the length of a lunar month, a solar year, the differences between them and basically how to calculate when the next renewal of the moon is supposed to be. I'm not sure how much it changed the Jewish calendar, but it's sometimes fun to use it, if you have the willpower to learn it all. Seriously, it's very complicated. Besides the fact that it's not completely accurate, since it's based on a Geocentric model of the universe.

    This is why the last time my Jewish calendar birthday and my Christian Calendar one aligned was two years ago - when I was nineteen - right before I joined the Shard. And that is why there are still a couple of years before it'll happen again. Though next year my Christian Calendar birthday (CCB, because acronyms) will occur before my Jewish calendar one (JCB, because... You know), so your greetings will come early!

    Thank you for reading, and have a good night/day/afternoon/evening/whatever portion of the day you're at when reading this!

  21. For the first time ever I will be taking part in NaNoWriMo! I wish much fortune on all of those sharders participating in this great challenge!

    1. Trutharchivist


      I'm not in Jerusalem most of the time nowadays. I'm still in the IDF. And for my own reasons, I have no Facebook account. But good for you! I'll try, and we'll see how it goes.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. For the first time ever I will be taking part in NaNoWriMo! I wish much fortune on all of those sharders participating in this great challenge!

    1. Trutharchivist


      I might join, too! Only I have about zero chance to succeed.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. I wrote in my Shardiversary post that things had been rather crazy on my end. Now is as good a time as any for me to reveal what is going on. The rather short version of a long story is that I am leaving the United States and moving abroad. The process is an intensive one that has taken me many many months, but now I am nearly at the end of the process. I have a date to leave which is only a couple of weeks away. This has been a long time in coming. It is for this reason that I have spent so little time on the Shard in the past 6+ months. Soon I will be an עולה חדש. It has been a draining experience to say the least. Not much of a story, but it is an explanation for my cryptic statement.

    1. Trutharchivist


      You're welcome to Israel! Chances are we won't meet, but who knows? If you happen to go to the Gush you might meet me some day.

      Where are you going to live? Jerusalem? (Don't judge me for not mentioning other cities... I live in Jerusalem, so it's kind of my default option.)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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