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On a dark se night
Cool wind in my hair
Fog of war everywhere
Rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance
I saw a shimmering coin
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There Fifth stood in the doorway
I heard the notification bell
And I was thinking to myself
"This could be Aftermath or this could be Hell"
Then Kas opened up D6
And he showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say
Welcome to the PM Paranoia
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely pace
Plenty of room in the PM Paranoia
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here
Our reads are all twisted
These rules are bloody weird
We got a lot of different scans
That we call cleared
How they argue in the thread
Steel's evil I bet
Some reread to remember
Some choose to forget
So I voted up the GM
"Please bring me my win"
He said, 'We haven't seen that rule here
Since LG41"
And still those voices are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say
Welcome to the PM Paranoia
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely pace
Livin' it up in the PM Paranoia
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

sorry not sorry :P

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Fadran was removed!

Night Six has begun! It will end in a little under 23.5 hours at 10:00 PM EST (-5:00 UTC) on Monday 13 February. 

Count of Votes: 

Channelknight Fadran (5): Archer, Ashbringer, Biplet, Matrim's Dice, The Wandering Wizard

Archer (4): Amanuensis, Araris Valerian, DrakeMarshall, JNV

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Rule Clarifications:

  • Kas and Fifth are only valid vote targets at parity.
  • The wincons are complete. 
  • Flipless implies no roles and no alignments.
  • Survivals, if any, will be written up in the standard way.
  • We can neither confirm nor deny that we are inciting a civil war, thus providing the necessary blood sacrifice to complete the nationwide transmutation circle and create a sufficiently powerful philosopher's stone to attain God.
Player List:

1. @Ashbringer as Ash the Amateur, a RPing college student
2. @The Wandering Wizard as Emma, twin of Wiz, corruptor of all, avatar of the Kaos.
3. @Steeldancer as Steel
4. @Channelknight Fadran as Fadran the Guy From the Fellowship of the Thing Who Has Never Done This Before.
5. @StrikerEZ as Kjell, an overworked, stressed out man who really needs a break
6. @xinoehp512 as xinoehp513, a newbie to the forum that is very puzzled that his name was already taken.
7. @JNV as JNV
8. @Matrim's Dice as Matrim's Dice
9. @Biplet as Biplet
10. @Araris Valerian as Metalcognition, definitely not an imposter of the founder of SE.
11. @Devotary of Spontaneity as Cecelia, Devona, and Saponin
12. @Amanuensis as Adavantos
13. @The Known Novel as TKN (The Known (and Totally Kool) Novel)
14. @The Bookwyrm as Bookwyrm, the SE deprived Sharder who's doing this even though it might be a bad idea.
15. @Tani as Mehelin, a random bystander who isn't Randby.
16. @Archer as Archer, a player that's hellbent on PM spidering.
17. @Walin as Walin, the consistently befuddled and absent SE-er
18. @|TJ| as mad watcher
19. @dannnnnex as Danex
20. @DrakeMarshall as Drake
21. @Orlok Tsubodai as Orlok (he's Orlok right? I think?)
22. @Random Bystander as Random Bystander
23. @Sart as Sart
24. @Shining Silhouette as Silho, bootleg King's Wit
25. @The last Fae in the Woods as The last Fae in the Woods


Edited by Fifth Scholar
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26 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Eh, it contains all relevant information. Somewhere. :P 

You know, you’ve got a point.

Also did that one vote on Kasimir disappear? Or did someone move their vote without me noticing at EoD?

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27 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

that wasn't very cash money of you

[my last words]

I mean. You could have voted Archer to at least tie it and maybe survive via RNG :P

Good to see your Kas vote didn't count tho

8 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Also is the plan at the moment to have Drake hold off on shooting, or what?

Tbh that's just Archer's take. I'd prefer him narrowing our PoE. JNV/Mat pairing particularly needs a lil pruning.

Especially since I'm pretty sure Fadran is V for not even bothering to self prez and that means Confirmed Villager is real

Edited by Amanuensis
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32 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Tbh I think Aman is morally bound to read every dead player as village

Like, it started as serious, but it’s half a joke at this point :P 

I mean, do you think e!Fadran doesn't vote to save himself? :P

But also yes. The problem I'm having is that I second guess myself on everything IRL and IG anyway, and this particular mix of Blackout, Fliplessness, Role Corruption/Disruption, and Claim Chaos has accerlated and evolved that into hundredth guessing myself.

And on the inverse, I'm literally suspicious of everyone still alive for one reason or another. Like I also have reasons to v!read players but at this point I'm willing to literally kill every single one of you at the drop of a hat :P

Anyway, I'm kinda doubting e!JNV again too because Sart's D1 response to my Refugee claim was very aggressive. He definitely saw it for the trap that it was and I feel like he'd tell theoretical e!JNV not to bite.

Which again leaves me pondering about e!Archer, since he PM'd Araris instead of me :ph34r:

Edited by Amanuensis
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  • Aman - Village - From Striker Lynchbait Scan, Sart N1 Scan*
  • Striker - Village - From Bookwyrm N1 Scan
  • Wizard - Village - From Fae 'SE Buddy' role
  • Orlok - Village - From Bookwyrm N2 Scan, backed up by Araris antitroll.
  • Mat - Village - From UPS Scan
  • Araris - Village - From Bookwyrm N3 Scan, Sart N2 Scan*
  • Biplet Elim - From Sart N3 Scan*
  • Steel - Elim - From RandBy N4 Scan
  • Tani - Elim - Claimed
  • Shining - Okay fine claim redacted
  • 2 Elims in pool of Mat/Drake/Ash/Shining/TJ/Archer/Steel/TKN - from Orlok Tie Guy
  • 2 Elims in pool of Mat/Drake/Ash/Shining/Biplet/Wizard/Amanuensis/Orlok - from Steel Tie Guy*

* Sart and Steel are relatively likely Elims.


  • Ashbringer - Thread Master (Immune to Execution), Veteran (Removes one vote from self) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Proven)
  • Wizard - PM Spider (Creates a 1-on-1 PM on Odd Nights and learns a fact about a target on Even Nights (incorrect fact if Trolled) ) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Steeldancer - Pinch Hitter (Copy the Role of a Removed/DDoSed player (does something interesting if Trolled) ) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Fadran - Troll (may Troll players, gives a random player Troll Immunity next cycle if Trolled), Confirmed Villager (Always scans as Village) (Seems concerned about someone who's trying to incite a civil war, thus providing the necessary blood sacrifice to complete the nationwide transmutation circle in order to create a sufficiently powerful philosopher's stone and attain God)
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven via Troll Immunity generation, Role 2 Unproven)
  • Striker - Lynchbait (Will place an Extra Vote on a random player who both had a vote on the Lynchbait at the 24 hour mark of the previous Day turn and is of the same alignment), Stab Voter (If your first vote is placed in the first 24 hours of a Day turn and does not change, it counts as double)
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unproven, Dead)
  • xino - Multiquoter (Learn target's target (learn who targeted the target if Trolled) )
    • (Status - Role 1 Unproven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • JNV - UPS Driver / PM Spider (Creates a 1-on-1 PM on Odd Nights and learns a fact about a target on Even Nights (incorrect fact if Trolled) ) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Matrim's Dice - Tunnel Constructor (Force execution to either kill you or a target player, if triggered before Rollovet) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Unproven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Biplet - Meme Maker (Can see if a target gets Trolled (false info if Trolled) ) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven as Bip knew the role name, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Araris - Meme Maker (Can see if a target gets Trolled (false info if Trolled) ), Porch-Sitter (Added vote to self, more powerful other effect) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Proven but to unknown effect)
  • Devotary - RPer (May copy one of target player's roles to use the next turn (temporarily grants the RPer role to the Troll (or the target?) if Trolled) )
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Amanuensis - Goalkeeper (Protect target other player (turned to a Kill if Trolled) ), Troll (may Troll players, gives a random player Troll Immunity next cycle if Trolled... I think) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven via initial claims, Role 2 Proven via initial claims)
  • TKN - Goalkeeper (Protect target other player (turned to a Kill if Trolled) )
  • The Bookwyrm - Analyst (Alignment Scan someone you voted for or who voted on you last turn (incorrect alignment if Trolled)
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven via RandBy, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Tani - RPer (May copy one of target player's roles to use the next turn (temporarily grants the RPer role to the Troll (or the target?) if Trolled) )
    • (Status - Role 1 Unproven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Archer - PM Spider (Creates a 1-on-1 PM on Odd Nights and learns a fact about a target on Even Nights (incorrect fact if Trolled) ), Rules Ignorer (Ignores most Night Actions) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unproven even if it would explain a good amount)
  • Walin - Troll (may Troll players, gives a random player Troll Immunity next cycle if Trolled... I think)
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven via Troll Immunity, Role 2 Unknown)
  • TJ - Wallposter (Roleblock target player (Makes target immune to non-Troll Disruption if Trolled) ), Veteran (Removes one vote from self)
    • (Status - Role 1 PseudoProven, Role 2 PseudoProven but can confirm via a vote)
  • Dannnnnex - Tie Guy (Learn alignments of players involved in a tie (need specifics, ??? If Trolled)
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven via Orlok and Steel, Role 2 Unknown)
  • _Stick_/Drake - Terminal Seeker (NK a target (protects the target if Trolled) ) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • Orlok - Pinch Hitter (Copy the Role of a Removed/DDoSed player (does something interesting if Trolled) ) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unknown)
  • RandBy - RPer (May copy one of target player's roles to use the next turn (temporarily grants the RPer role to the Troll (or the target?) if Trolled) ), Tunnel Constructor (Force execution to either kill you or a target player, if triggered before Rollovet) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven via initial claim, Role 2 Unproven)
  • Sart - Analyst (Alignment Scan someone you voted for or who voted on you last turn (incorrect alignment if Trolled)
  • Shining - Discussion Leader (Move a vote) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unproven)
  • Fae - PM Spider (Creates a 1-on-1 PM on Odd Nights and learns a fact about a target on Even Nights (incorrect fact if Trolled) ), SE Buddy (Automatically know one Villager is Village at game start) 
    • (Status - Role 1 Proven, Role 2 Unproven)

We're missing an Elim Roleblocker.





StrikerEZ (6): Araris Valerian, Ashbringer, Devotary of Spontaneity, Shining Silhouette, Stick, The Bookwyrm
The Bookwyrm (3): StrikerEZ, The Wandering Wizard, xinoehp512
Walin (3): Channelknight Fadran, Matrim's Dice, Archer
Amanuensis (2):
Sart, Steeldancer
Shining Silhouette (2): Amanuensis, TJ
Channelknight Fadran (1): The Known Novel
Stick (1): Orlok Tsubodai
The Wandering Wizard (1): Tani



Danex (6): Amanuensis, Ashbringer, Matrim's Dice, Stick, The Wandering Wizard, xinoehp512
Araris Valerian (2): Sart
Ashbringer (1): Shining Silhouette
JNV (1): TJ
Matrim's Dice (1): Danex
Orlok Tsubodai (1): The Bookwyrm
Aman (1):
Stick (1): Araris Valerian
Walin (1): Archer



Steeldancer (4): Archer, Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, The Known Novel
Walin (4): Matrim's Dice, Shining Silhouette, Steeldancer, TJ
Biplet (2): Sart, The Wandering Wizard
Araris Valerian (2): The Bookwyrm
Sart (1): Araris Valerian

... why is there bold for D3? Idk. It's gone now.



Ashbringer (3): Ashbringer, Biplet, Matrim's Dice, The Wandering Wizard, Orlok Tsubodai
Biplet (3): Amanuensis, DrakeMarshall, Shining Silhouette
Steeldancer (1): Random Bystander
Sart (1):



Steeldancer (7): Archer, Channelknight Fadran, JNV, Matrim's Dice, Orlok Tsubodai, The last Fae in the Woods, The Wandering Wizard
Sart (4): Amanuensis, Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, TJ
Channelknight Fadran (3): Araris Valerian, Biplet, Steeldancer
Biplet (1): Sart



Channelknight Fadran (5): Archer, Ashbringer, Biplet, Matrim's Dice, The Wandering Wizard
Archer (4): Amanuensis, Araris Valerian, DrakeMarshall, JNV



I'm kind of at a point where we're pretty sure somewhere we've gotten 3 elims down. Whether that's Tani/Sart/Steel or other people, we're doing alright. So there's at most 3 Elims alive. Probably less. 

So what if we just... go from here without all that? We know roles, or at least most of them. We've got 10 players left, 2-3 Elims among them, and a few people who are fairly solidly cleared. 

Edit: well that posted before I wanted to but I'll leave it there for now.

Edit: a little bit of coloring

Edited by Ashbringer
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ok so this is probably not a surprise? but I'm leaning towards terminally seeking JNV rn

Any questions, comments, concerns? While I make no particular promises to listen you can certainly voice them :P


Also... Not particularly related to anything, but I am realizing this game has some pretty fun endgame situations for if it gets down to a really low player count.

If it gets down to 1v1 village vs. elim in the final day of the game, it isn't just some lame coin toss to decide the vote, it's basically a big court trial between them with the orange players as judges, juries, and executioners. Which sounds very fun :P

Alternatively, if it gets to a 1v1 on a night turn where it's me versus an elim (other than Archer I suppose bc RIP in that case), then the game probably draws, because everyone dies. If this happens, then the GMs actually succeed in inciting a civil war, thus providing the necessary blood sacrifice to complete the nationwide transmutation circle and create a sufficiently powerful philosopher's stone to attain God :ph34r:

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I would like to raise the point that many of you seem to be disregarding. You assume far too high levels of elim doc interactions and warning, especially with the fairly inactive elim team we've seen so far. During the AG, we were a decently communicative group, probably with the most discussion of our actions I've ever personally seen, but that was pretty much limited to putting posts in the doc first, and maybe mentioning that we sent a PM after we already sent it. In most games, the communications was far less, mostly just discussing elim kills and maybe a little extra.

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4 minutes ago, The Known Novel said:

I would like to raise the point that many of you seem to be disregarding. You assume far too high levels of elim doc interactions and warning, especially with the fairly inactive elim team we've seen so far. During the AG, we were a decently communicative group, probably with the most discussion of our actions I've ever personally seen, but that was pretty much limited to putting posts in the doc first, and maybe mentioning that we sent a PM after we already sent it. In most games, the communications was far less, mostly just discussing elim kills and maybe a little extra.

Yea, this is a very good point.

It really isn't that rare when you're on an elim team for a player to forget to put in an order for their ability, or to put in an order and then go offline so your teammates can't reach you to change it in accordance with a new plan.

And this sort of thing is really why I don't think we need to conceive of a reality where the elims were playing optimally with all of their actions on every night.

I usually try to be more proactive about discussing and coordinating such things when I'm in a doc, but only because not doing that has bitten me in the past :P

Probably, we could read into which players would be more likely to make up a less communicative doc.

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18 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

ok so this is probably not a surprise? but I'm leaning towards terminally seeking JNV rn

Any questions, comments, concerns? While I make no particular promises to listen you can certainly voice them :P

Sounds good to me no complaints here um question does Archers role mean they cant get murdered most is not all night actions so yeah Id put a quokka but Im on mobile and sleepy right now so imagine theres a quokka thats napping good night

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Idk if Tani/Steel/Sart needs a lot of coordination. I agree those three would be more inactive in doc (although meta-wise I wonder if Steel was supposed to be the thread anchor), but Sart's gambit doesn't really need Steel's input. 

Anyone in Aman/Archer/Mat/Ash/Araris/Drake could function as a thread anchor too, and Wiz and Bip (with more time) wouldn't be half bad at it either. So I doubt hunting for that would get us much anyway. (Which is good because it's a bit too meta for my tastes :P)


Where are the Elims at though?

Aman is clear via Striker (and backup from Bookwyrm) and via Sart. I'm clear in pretty much any E!Sart world and from Thread Master being a potential Village loss condition.

Archer might be Elim, but V!Archer is untouchable by Elims. Drake NKed Tani N1, which despite panic about E!Coinshot, still.

Araris has an ability that somehow needs a downside more than Thread Master does. Bip got pushed by Sart in what most people consider an attempt to save Steel.

Mat, JNV, Wiz, Fae... idk. Mat was cleared by JNV / Wiz by Fae but that's... I don't know how much we can trust those.

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here is your quokka

tbh I don't really want to seek JNV but like

who else should I even hit? is there anybody more suspicious left?

Archer isn't on the menu lol

and the numbers

the sacred numbers still think JNV should be sacrificed

i have the sneaking suspicion this is just a re-enactment of the last cycle of the Jedi game

PoE tends to lead to JNV and then JNV is just sorta chill about it

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